Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022

If Trump truly cares about this country he will step aside and let DeSantis run. I’m praying he does the right thing.

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I want either at this time, the best one to me, I will take either, but Ron is on fire by his stances and even he is not perfect...but these 2 are the best we have. Let us face it, we are in this forum and others and the mess we are in due to these vaccines. It has literally ruined the world.

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Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022Author

and I am not afraid to say it, I do and did support POTUS T and think he is one of the greatest and may be of all POTUS but if Ron can handle it, then lets be open to this. I think POTUS T will get the support needed if he discusses the lockdowns as they should be for there is not one place in this world, not one, US included, that any lockdown worked so his praise of it is damaging, and he must stand against these vaccines or injections especially for children, and NOW! we are fighting mandates because of this injection, we are here due to it, thats the point. No more praise, just lets fix it and how do we fix it. I am hoping he comes through. I am very open to Ron, I like his work. If Ron is not in the running, no question we have to re-elected POTUS T. No question for we need someone on the ground running in that case. IMO, Trump would be the greatest had it been not for the lockdowns and vaccines and these are 2 blunders that are irreparable and its like the saying, 'some words are so damaging, they wound the sky'...we judge Trump not in 1st 2 years as Ryan devastated him and prevented any victories (maybe the worst speaker for his party ever in history) and the 4th was the COVID disaster, we judge in the 3rd year, one year and I thought on promise and finishing what he started, would end on Rushmore. But the lockdowns and this vaccine/injection have been so devastating. I cannot understand certain decisions. I will leave it at that, yet I love the guy. Think he is a tremendous human being and loves his nation which is key. Most politicians do not even love the US. I am not for anyone insulting or disparaging Trump for he did lots for the US and world and was badly mislead and hurt by the sick malevolent people around him. The TASK Force was mainly appointed by Pence, so we cannot really blame Trump. He was devastated by the untermensche around him and in DC so my praise for withstanding what he did for 4 years and the filth delivered onto his family by the press and sick twisted bastard RINO and dems etc. That said, he failed to fire Fauci and Birx and that devastated the response for they worked openly to damage the response and harm the US. He has to explain this.

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His hiring/firing decisions were critical in some of his biggest failures - Sessions comes to mind - but he was not prepared for the nest of vipers around him

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Understatement of the year! Do we believe DeSantis is prepared? Better the devil you know IMHO...

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Why did you feel the need to predicated your support for Trump with "and I am not afraid to say it"? Not to break your shoes but, this thinking is a huge part of why this country is circling the drain. We are not trying to elect a rock star or win a popularity contest here. We are trying to arrest a cancer known as tyranny.

In such times we need elected officials with teeth bigger than the animals they are up against. Ron DeSantis is well suited for what he's doing now, taking care of one of if not the most important strongholds left in the county. He's still shedding some of his baby teeth. Trump is a full grown Honey Badger! Trump was, for the most part, a general fighting a war without an army. I believe he deserves the chance, stolen from us, to right the ship so long as his supporters put away their pompoms, hold his feet to the fire and realize that one man alone can never save a nation, a nation so unmoored from its foundation, it is unrecognizable.

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There will be no perfect candidate... Ever

We have to be at peace with that for sure

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Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022

I've been a registered Green for about 15 years, and medical freedom is my #1 issue. I think DeSantis is a better bet and would be more palatable to all.

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The problem is if he still hasn’t figure out the “vaccine issue”, arguably he cannot or will not, and this is a huge RED FLAG.

If Trump runs, we presume Soros and friends will reignite endless insanity, public unrest, and “interventions”, and of course this all presupposes there is such a thing as a “free and fair” election.

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Men are free at the moment they wish to be. Relegating that task to one man seldom bears out.

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So true.

I find one of the more problematic issues is that we have replaced the idea of "we the people representatives" (by, of & for) with the idea of "parties, lobbies, and leaders", we have delegated our "power" to people and groups that we really do not meaningfully control via 'we the people' or via 'constitutional law".

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Fear trumps freedom.

Wait til the grocery shelves are completely bare.

It's coming.

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Trump has had plenty of time to realize the errors made with his Administrations response to CoVid19. He's too busy trying to cover his ego. Time to move past Trump. I am very glad that an alternative as high caliber as DeSantis is available.

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If Trump runs, he will not win. If Ron runs, he could likely win and those individuals responsible will be held accountable. Today is the best time for a third party to grow (Not the tea party), but a party comprising democrats, independents, and republicans equally standing against the insane authoritarian government we have hated the past two years. Rep and Dem are equal to blame on this mess.

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The Rep and Dems are both to blame, bit, they are not equally to blame. The Dems are the drivers, the Reps are complicit passengers.

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I think Trump is getting closer to speaking truth on the vaccines. He needs to just admit he was lied to, but acted with the best of intentions to save lives. Last rally he came out strong against any mandates. One more term for him, then two for DeSantis. MAGA!

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Trump = massive ego. Unwilling to admit he made major unforced errors on several fronts not least of which were lockdowns and OWS.

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"unforced errors"? You under estimate the powers that be and over estimate the powers of one.

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Yep DeSantis better than Trump. Trump should step aside. But he won't.

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Yes, this is what concerns me if Trump runs again. While we have gained many, many people to our side, would their TDS kick in and screw us over? Just something else that scares me.

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I agree with every word!!! DESTROY The Deathvax!!! Do not comply!!! Thank you Dr. Paul & God Bless!

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Completely and totally agree

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DeSantis needs to remain the governor Florida. For the first time in many years this state is now considered to be red. He needs to see this through and further solidify the common sense conservative electorate. Besides, I believe La Machine would eat DeSantis alive via back doors dealings with the swamp in effort to win in a general election. Whilst Trump clearly needs to re-evaluate his position regarding vaccines and other issues, let us not forget who paved the path for a Ron DeSantis political figure to even exist. Do not under estimate the powers that be. Trump has weathered their storm for 6 years. There is little else they can hurt him with, for he is seasoned. Is DeSantis ready, willing or even able? I have serious, serious reservations. Let's not be naïve.

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If Trump can't get his head around the 'Covid19 crisis' and what's behind it, he has no chance of tackling the Washington 'Deep State'. They are but a player in the Global cabal. Trump can't seem to get his head around what's gone on with this pandemic - it's not all China, China, China. It is actually quite perplexing. He knows the 'Swamp', but he fails to connect the dots. If he doesn't wake up to this, his second term would fall well short of possibilities.

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One man alone has no chance of tackling the deep state. Trump was beholden to no one and they damn near destroyed him. Still trying in fact. I can think of no one else poised to run in 2024 not reliant on the swamp to push them through. Then it's time to pay the piper as it has always been. Even Regan was forcibly tethered to Bush Senior, aka, the swamp.

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Yes, this will not be an easy dragon to slay. These elitist 'public servants' long ago turned their back on the public and wedded themselves to the undying ruling class.

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Not sure the WH is the best place for Gov DeSantis. It is a place for crooks.

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Have you heard of Dominion?

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Under another post a commenter stated that Ivanka Trump was part of the WEF young leaders 2015 class. During Trumps term, how many Patents did Ivanka get from the CCP of China, while trump was publicly bashing China? Why was Trump and Jared and Ivanka so cozy with Saudi Arabia, when most of his supporters consider it a bad country? He has not paid for any of his criminality because he is being protected by Henery Kissenger.If we are not calling/saying that Trump, like all the other criminal Presidents should be held to account for all the terrible decisions that they all made and their administrations made, Then we as freedom fighters are not walking in a spirit of integrity.

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I hope he doesn't run. Florida needs him. At least for now.

Prediction: Trump runs, we get 4 years, decides to not go for reelection (which given that he wasn't 'elected' in 2020, he can go 2 terms?) and endorses DeSantis in 2028

Soros is done. We can't unsee it. Trump is a smart man. Hindsight, when history isn't whitewashed is a great tool. He knows the mistakes. He knows more and more about what happened. Don't forget, he's a businessman. If someone didn't work, he fires them. Unfortunately, he didn't have the knowledge of health issues he does now. Don't forget, he was the one that took funding away from WHO. He recognized the bs

The only thing I do wish, is an apology. It's ok to make mistakes; we know he was going to undo the damage. He just didn't have the chance to fix it before the whole Russia bullshit and the Zuckerbucks.

We heard his discussions on Ivermectin, steroids, etc. Which means HE HEARD YOU. It was just too late

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