It’s plagiarism only when done by the opponents and undesirable people. When done by own class, it’s creative borrowing (100 years) 😁

I doubt there is much short of murder that would take gay Gay, down. It’s like we are living catch 22.

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If she suddenly started plagiarizing Thomas Sowell, she would be quickly defenestrated.

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Actually, she plagiarized a female mini Thomas Sowell.

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Thanks for letting me know! I plan to listen to an interview of Carol Swain by Candace Owens, unless someone can suggest something better. (I am lukewarm about Candace, since I think she has some good perspectives but can also be quite shallow or naive.)

I presume that Cloddean Gay still has views that are far from being aligned with Sowell (and Swain).

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Oh, don’t get me wrong. Gay is as far from Sowell as Moon from the Sun.

On the other hand, few people are much closer to Sowell than that.

I’ll tell you another story, judging from your comments you may be interested to know. Harvard has a real genius in Roland G Fryer: at the age of 30, The second youngest professor and the youngest African-American in the history of Harvard, winner of McArthur genius grant, precursor of the Nobel- John Bates Clark model to the best economist under 40 ….

His story is an inspiration which absolutely blew my mind. The guy graduated from high school barely above D. In college he got a Professor of economics who lighted a spark. The rest is history. The guy turned high school D into all the REAL accomplishments, rewards and accolades.

Student of the Nobel winner Garry Becker, he showed in his research that blaming police for crimes of blacks is a hoax. He showed the real reasons for the failures of public schooling …. There is a reason why he deserved all the wins ….

So Gay lead a gang of 6, into falsely accusing him in sexual improprieties and virtually destroying his carrier, taking away the lab which made incredible steps fixing public education, etc. etc. all because conclusions of his research have not supported the movement which “created” Gay.

Gay is an evil incarnate. If you ever read/saw The Humane Stain, you saw a character which predicted Gay 25 years ago.

Btw, I highly recommend both the book and movie, a rare case when both are excellent.


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One could say that Fryer was a victim of a high tech lynching at the hands of Guy and her henchghouls.

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Thomas Sowell has written extensively about this phenomena playing out at Harvard in books and columns.

Can't run "checklist hiring" and expect to get the cream of the crop. Instead you often get people so self-unaware that their stupidity and worse is on display for everyone to laugh at.

I'd say the "emperor has no clothes", but Bob Peters might think I am talking about him...

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Dunning Kruger effect

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Add to that the blanket trust too many people give to persons either in an official government position, or a sector of 'high esteem' like academics, medicine, etc. Knowledge doesn't equal wisdom, but too many people with PhD and Masters-mill degrees think they are full of both. Then tackle on the fact of people just getting moved along in high-school and college, especially if they 'check' certain demographic boxes, and you have an 'elite' that is incapable of any common sense, and surviving on their own should things go sideways in the world.

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Wasn’t BOBO a Sherlock character from the Golden Age of comics? Might be a Copy Right infringement case?

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Have to register with Library of Congress to involve copyright I believe

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She also based her doctoral thesis on the work of Dr. Carol Swain especially her book "Black Faces, Black Interests", which she lifted sections without citation.

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Dr Carol Swain is terrific. I hope she gets a job in Trump's new cabinet.

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Hate is okay for Black women, LGB-FUers & some Black men.

Democrats in general can hate as much as they want.

Hate is one of Gay's key qualifications.

And she's good at it. Exemplary in fact.

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Plagiarism? How long has she been a doctor? Please... All smoke and mirrors.

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Not to mention how she defended her dissertation...

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Dr. Alexander is lying when he says that he saw women being raped in the Israeli propaganda video. This journalist, who also saw the video says that there was no footage of anyone being raped in the video. In regards to the racist gay Harvard woman, I think is amusing watching her fight with the racist Zionist administrators. The Jewish supremacists who run Harvard told the president she had to resign. The racist black gay president told the racist Zionist to go fuck themselves. Now we will see a battle with them both crying about who is the biggest victim. LOL https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1729790222995448012

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Oh, the Jew-hater is back, never missing an opportunity… 🤷🏻‍♂️

You use this word, Zionist. Yet, I bet, it does not mean what you want it to mean, comrade Fons 😉

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I've told you several times, I have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry on my fathers side. I have friends and family who are Jewish, and I don't hate Jews. There are many Jews who are not Zionist, in fact most orthodox Jews are against Zionism. I am what Jews call a Jewish Daywalker, meaning I am Jew on my fathers side, but not my mom's side. Technically one's mom has to be Jewish to be considered a real Jew. And no I'm not self hating. I just don't support Zionism or the idea of Jewish supremacy, which is prevalent among Zionist.


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Yea, where have I heard this?? Oh, the Urban Dictionary!! It’s been claimed that, just like you, Hitler had some Jewish roots. And, just like YOU, he did not hate Jew!! Not. At. All. 🤣

Have you done stand up? You should! You’d be better to laugh at at stand up than here.

You told many a thing without providing a shred of evidence. The ONLY piece of evidence you provided is a Twitter account, so I could go myself and find something which does not exist, to prove your falsehoods.

Keep humoring us, comrade Fons!

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Yes, Hitler likely had some Jewish ancestry, and Hitler also supported the Jewish Zionist movement because he apparently liked the idea of moving the Jews out of Germany and into Palestine. Again, unlike Hitler I am not a fan of Zionism. You asked in a previous one of Dr. Alexander's substacks to provide a link to journalist who had said that he saw no evidence of rapes in the Israeli propaganda video, and you busted my balls becuase I didn't link to it immediately. I have now provided the link to you, while you still have not provided any links to support your position that the Israeli propaganda video did in fact show rapes. You call yourself a freedom lover, but seem offended by those saying "Free Palestine" or "from the river to the sea all Palestine will be free". That seems a little hypocritical don't you think? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement

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I admire your persistence in putting GALSE claims without any evidence. Care to substantiate this one: “ Hitler I am not a fan of Zionism.”

Glad, at least, that you acknowledge your similarity with and affinity for Hitler 👏🏼

Finally something you are claiming rings true 😁

“ I have now provided the link to you, …” WHERE?? You should have no problem providing it again, right? 😉🤡

“ Israeli propaganda video …”

You mean compilation of HAMAS terrorist cam videos which terrorists proudly put on their social media?

Your “evidence” is your unsubstantiated claim/LIE. Mine is Dr. Alexander’s among dozens of journalists from left, right, and the Middle.

“ You call yourself a freedom lover, but seem offended by those saying "Free Palestine"

Not at all!! I am for Freeing Sahara desert too … from what??

Funny, how you ignored my claim that I Am For Freeing Palestine from enslavement and impoverishment of Hamas, whose “leaders” stole aid money to enrich themselves:

Haniyeh $5bln

Marzouk $3bln


Mashaal $5bln

Thank you for confirming your being a Jew-hater. The call "from the river to the sea all Palestine will be free" is call for the extinction of the state of Israel and genocide of Jews to which Hamas unambiguously committed in its Charter.

So no, no hypocrisy on my part and full confirmation of your being a lying propagandist, Hitler lover, Hamas propagandist, Jew-hater.

Thank you for providing evidence for that, comrade Fons 🫶🏼🕊

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It is a waste of time to argue with brainwashed morons like yourself. Here's the link you keep asking for that was in my original comment on this thread. So, why don't you go play hide and go Fuc% yourself. https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1729790222995448012

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Probably the best piece on the utter worthlessness of Gay is today's piece by Chris Bray. Absolutely worth a read. https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/seeing-through-smokescreens

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Thank you for the link. Adds much to support Gay's unworthiness in the lofty heights of academia.

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Fuck with the Kikes and they will not only tear you a new arsehole but will tell planet earth you made shit up and close you down.

My WASP neighbour started burning crosses on his front lawn at night because he enjoyed the image of fire burning against a dark sky, and then white fake BLM supporters said my neighbour had touched a 12 year old boy's penis when my neighbour was 12½ years old back in 1982

This is level of it all.

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Can’t wait to hear what Carol Swain has to say 🥰!! Agree with Swain that “whoever hired Gay” should have caught this immediately....BUT “THEY” DIDN’T. Hmmmm 🤔...anyone wonder why 😙? Just think...someone who WAS actually QUALIFIED was sided for this!!! Harvard faculty should be in an uproar over this!! Harvard has now and forever established a permanent stain on its reputation that can never ever be undone!! If they allow her to stay, they’re saying it’s okay...to plagiarize. 😮 WOW!!

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Gay is an absolute embarrassment to all black intellectuals. Shame on her PhD advisor. Poor character influences all her perceptions. Gay must meet another plagiarizer, also with psychotic character structure, Pedo.

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But other than Lawrence Bobo and Franklin Gilliam, Richard Shingles, Susan Howell, and Deborah Fagan, Gary King and Professor Carol Swain...all the rest was her original work? Isn't that about the acceptable margin for a black female affirmative action PHD candidate? How else can they get aheaad??

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OF COURSE Harvard has a President with the last name "Gay"...

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Took me awhile to sort that was her name. Perhaps she changed her name. :)

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Stealing other peoples work is a direct reflection on their character. Step Down.

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Nice chess move...Check Mate!

We've had ENOUGH of Affirmative Action where pawns and POS's are put into positions of power that Clearly belong to someone else...even a hardworking, studious person with integrity and honesty.

She needs to go! I am Demanding her Removal as I know she won't resign on her own.


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I think yesterday Harvard said they stood by her and would not be asking her to step down. This is an object lesson here. If you’ve got someone on plagiarism don’t release it all in one go. Do it in 1/3s at a time. The pressure will build.

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Yes, William. As I recall, in their support of the low-brow, anti-Semitic, sexually-ambiguous plagiarist, Harvard insists that Gay is the right person to "heal" their community.

What that means in this context is difficult to make sense of.

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When she gets her penis transplant she will have it circumcised Maybe?

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