Remember vengeance is the lord’s

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May these lunatics repent of their grievous Covid related sins before it’s too late and try to make right what they helped to put wrong! God help us all through these dark days!

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Psalm 7:11 “God is a just Judge and He is angry with the wicked every day”. Yet Lamentations 3:22-23. “His mercies are new every morning.” 1John 1:9 “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. We are ALL sinners in need of forgiveness through the Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever refuses to repent will be judged and sentenced to hell for eternity. And yes! We want God to expose evil and deal with all those who have done so much harm! Trump is a very imperfect man but the best chance we have to save America. I do really hope he humbles himself and tells the world he was deceived by people he trusted and about the vaccines. Thanks Dr Paul!

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Dear all, please stop living this illusion, it's taking us all down. If you believed any of the covid scam then you need to look at yourself, not god, not Trump not anybody but yourself. Now you want blood because you believe criminals? You need to get off the mommy and daddy routine and think for yourself, learn critical thinking. And formal education does not guarantee critical thinking skills, in fact it almost ensures one doesn't get any training in this.

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Nah, too long to wait. We need judicial or extra judicial consequences right here and now.

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Must see - 5-min interview with Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra

Pfizer should compensate the vax injured - https://twitter.com/DrAseemMalhotra/status/1616698863850496001

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Jesus tells us in the BIBLE, “Justice is mine sayeth the Lord.”The Bible tells us that God wants everyone to come to a saving grace by realizing they are sinners and that Jesus died on the cross for them, by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, by repenting of their sins and by turning away from their wicked ways towards a life following Him, they will be saved and their names will be written in the book of life, which means when they die, they will instantly be with Jesus in heaven. For all of those who reject God, they will stand before Jesus in the Great White Throne judgement, written of in the book of Revelation, and Jesus will judge them and each of them will be thrown into the lake of fire, hell, where they will spend eternity suffering horrible for all eternity. There will be a great divide between heaven and hell and there can be no moving between them. Those in heaven will glorify and praise the Lord. The old Garden of Eden will be destroyed and Christ is making a new Garden of Eden, a glorious place where all of God’s children will be with him forever!

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They have to be held accountable. Never forget nor forgive.

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Think positively because we do create our reality. Focus on the good of humanity while seeking with love to sequester those who are unconscious and destructive. Love is the answer. It always has been.

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It’s time to pray because based on the knowledge I’ve accumulated in this short span we are all F*cked. So pray and pray hard because there is an evil dark force working against us that to this point has not been known. But make no mistake we are more powerful if we become aware, move accordingly and pray.

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It may be time for a Valkyrie moment.

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i feel you.

we must not turn into the monsters we are fighting. we must maintain the courage and ethics to rise above. and lead.

i feel you tho.

karma wins.

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Not to mention all the mental health issues, alcohol and substance-abuse issues that skyrocketed during the shutdown.

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I am curious if there are any blood tests that can tests for the spike or nanoparticles from the bioweapon clot shot or are we still stuck with the D-dimer?

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Many involved in pushing the bio weapon , dying so suddenly , won’t even have the luxury of time to repent . Of course many of those were exempt from taking it.

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I am worried about this kind of writing. To an 80 year old WASP this does not sound healthy.

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