Biden has had dementia for several years, it was referred to in emails in Hunter Biden's laptop.

But now it is so bad and so obvious that the lying news media and the lying press secretary can no longer hide it or cover for it.

So now, they are seeding the narrative for switching batters. Biden has to go, but how and when? Some say they will wait until after they have their convention in Chicago, where they will nominate Biden as the candidate. THEN, according to their new rules, they can replace him with whomever they choose without any vote. Get ready for a dark horse to be sneaked in at the last minute -

Big Mike Obama.

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BIG Mike is un-tested

GAVIN NEWSOM seems to be the perfect, young and a cuck's cuck, a pedophiles pedophiles he seems to have it all; If they can put "Big Mike" as VP on a GAVIN Ticket now you got a reason to put Obama back in the whitehouse for real;

I just don't think big-mike has the credentials, but GAVIN is kosher

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Then indeed, (counting installed time in which to do damage) Obama 2009-17, 2021-25, Newsome/Obama 2025-33, Michelle/Obama-33-41

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What about 'TRUMP" IMHO he's just be kept alive & out of jail to give the right-wing goyim HOPE, once GAVIN is POTUS the god-fearing bible thumping GOYIM white-guys all be disarmed and sent to concentration camps to die;

Wouldn't want the red-necks to see the situations is hopeless and begin the un-civil war today; Give them hope and keep them in the trailer with beer, until its time to pickup them up and send them to their new homes in mid-west "Gates Compounds" ( why Gates has been buying mid-west farm-land, for concentration camps )

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Wrong! Dumbass. 😑

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And it wouldn't even be fertile farm land on which to grow a vegetable or two, most likely, having been 'conventionally farmed' since end of WWII.

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Most likely, I have thought deeply about this.

I think now that AUSTIN is brain-dead & incapacitated this would be a perfect time to move KAMALA into US-MIL Chief, no worse than AUSTIN

Then bring in big-mike to be VP, until BIDEN is dead ( they can keep his body alive forever like feinstein ), GAVIN Newsom is elected POTUS in coming election, if not cancelled (IMHO it kill be cancelled as in Ukraine&Israel, all elections cancelled because of war)

Once Big-Mike is in the door then OBAMA moves in to replace BIDENS corpse maybe he even wins a 2nd term, big-mike VP, Obama lingering around the white-house as 'chief of staff', no different than now, just that now Obama will live at whitehouse instead of marthas-vineyard whitehouse


Obama 'Michael' isn't POTUS she just takes Kamalas job of being president of the US-Senate and calling all votes as VP;

RINO's are extinct, they're all sodomite losers without balls; The demoRats will declare that right-wing is a terrorist organization and there will never again be a right-wing party

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FDR was paralyzed in a wheelchair almost a decade and (((THEY))) hid it from the american people

They can do it again,

They had feinstein functionally dead wheeled around 'signing' new laws until her family demanded that her comatized body be taken off of life support

Never under-estimate the love of the 'deep state' to carry on when the figure-heads are dead or disabled;


I think we should be placing bets on how long they'll keep BIDEN on life-support??? How quickly Kamal-Toe will have an accident and what kind of furniture "Speaker ZOG JOHNSON" will be using in his new POTUS office;

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Fact is Biden’s been done for a long time. They’ve just stopped covering for him (like they do Fetterman). So, it’s going to come down to either Governor Haircut or Mike Obama. We’ll see.

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He's already blown it. Super Bowl would have made no difference.

This video of Biden jogging with Obama 9 years ago beautifully demonstrated the mental and physical deterioration that has taken place.


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MSM (WASH-DC Feb 14, 2024) Our beloved POTUS Biden today announced a 'First Brain' Failure

For his legacy, his party and his country will announce that he will retire early in his current term. It would be a big step and would not be without significant risk for his party. Democrats have a tendency to lean left but the slate of candidates is open only to Gavin Newsom, & VP Michelle Obama to be immediately sworn in as POTUS. Biden has had a healthy productive legacy

To understand the left/right brain hemisphere dysfunction of our ZOG leaders in DC you MUST understand “FIRST BRAIN” theory and only then can you understand their mental state of being.

Wash-DC ZOG has long supported elderly statemen in deteriorated 'First brain' devolution its best for the country, and for Biden to step down now and give what remains of his 'first brain' a rest;


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It's over but BIDEN says "OVER MY DEAD BODY"

In the finest honor of J Edgar Hoover, Biden will die in the whitehouse on the toilet,

There’s no denying that Biden at 80 sometimes comes off as frail and confused. - DOH

poor little kamal-toe you all never even gave her a chance

That brings up the politically delicate issue of Kamala Harris. The reason for the vice president’s lack of popularity with Americans is debatable, but the fact of it isn’t. Yet her place in history as the first woman of color (any color) in national office means Biden couldn’t realistically jettison her from the ticket in a second presidential run without enraging progressives who are already on the line about him.

In her defense, she has largely been stuck in Washington on standby for the first half of Biden’s term to serve as the tie-breaking vote in an evenly divided Senate, where she serves as president. The inability to travel has limited her ability to attend ceremonies, deliver speeches and raise her profile.

Regardless, another Biden-Harris campaign seems inevitable. Which would give pause to independents and moderate Republicans who might be inclined to support Biden over Trump — unless they decide such support invites the unintended consequence of a President Harris should Biden not make it through his second term.

There’s no denying that Biden at 80 sometimes comes off as frail and confused. Those willing to consider the entirety of his leadership in word and deed, instead of cherry-picking verbal mishaps, will still find a competent if not entirely eloquent statesman. But in American politics, image is, for many voters, reality. There’s a fake video circulating of Biden appearing to fall asleep during an interview. Although it’s been debunked and its creator has admitted to concocting it, it continues to circulate and attract believers among people who need little convincing because of Biden’s other age-related gaffes and missteps.

The real danger of a Biden reelection campaign, then, isn’t that his age would necessarily undermine his second term but that he wouldn’t be able to win one in an environment where conservatives are looking for any way to diminish him.

Society as a whole is youth-obsessed. The stakes are epic. A Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley presidency would threaten to undo all that Biden has accomplished. The existential danger to democracy of another Trump presidency cannot be overstated.

Biden’s thinking in signaling he will run for reelection may well hinge on the fact that he beat Trump before. That doesn’t necessarily mean he could do it again, but the lack of another Democrat of national stature who could potentially take the helm is among the factors discouraging Biden from stepping aside.

Every election is different, and the next one will be decided by voters four years removed from the cultural and political malevolence of Trump’s first term. Biden’s age is showing more now than it was in 2020. His party’s progressive wing is more emboldened by successes in places like St. Louis and Chicago, and may be less willing to accept the compromise they did last time in supporting him.

A center-left coalition was and still is the best path to a Democratic presidential victory in 2024, but that doesn’t mean Biden is the only one who can carry that torch. The sense that Democrats have no bench has been created mainly by Biden’s shadow; serious presidential aspirants seldom challenge sitting incumbents of their own party.

Were he to announce his retirement, Biden could immediately begin elevating a potential successor who shares his moderate liberalism. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries and California Gov. Gavin Newsom come to mind. There are others.

For a lifelong political creature like Biden to step down from the office he first pursued more than 30 years ago would be a Herculean gesture of sacrifice. It would demonstrate to voters who have seen the worst of the GOP in Donald Trump what the best of responsible public service looks like in the Democratic Party. It would put Biden in the company of no less than George Washington, who also stepped down when he didn’t have to — for the good of the country.

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Surely you jest. In every sentence.

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