At this point, you are basically announcing to the world you're a complete effing moron if you are wearing a face mask.

Isn't this the ultimate Jihad? Make everyone burka face up. <---think about it

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If you read statements by real doctors, they all say (especially the surgeons) that masks do protect the public. In fact, if you don't change your mask every 30 min. or so. you are putting yourself at risk for bacterial pneumonia.

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Doctors wear masks to protect themselves. My mother-in-law was a Medical Doctor.

Poor children were forced to wear masks. The research found that it caused learning

disabilities. Trying to dumb the children down early. Freaking DEVILS. In Japan they are having classes for people to learn to smile again after wearing the Mask.

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Sorry, I meant to put a NOT before the word "protect". They knew that viruses are VERY VERY small and masks did nothing.

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Let’s just hope that a majority of the people who fell for the scamdemic will this time stand with us and say NO.

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Don't worry. They won't. Here we go again, round fucking three of the non-existent covid lunacy.

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Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor from a concentration camp in the Ukraine and she is now President of the Alliance for Human Research Protection was 3 at the time of the Holocaust. Now she is warning people, “Mandatory masks are an insidious psychological weapon. They demean our dignity as free human beings. They do not work in this or any epidemic and they are the symbolic equivalent of the yellow star.”

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I see young healthy people voluntarily wear the mask. It’s insane.

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Exactly. That’s why I say tyrants. Because they know full well these do not work. They did not work. They will not ever work. It’s what a tyrant does because it makes no sense and they know it but they make you do it because they can. Screw them. I can’t believe we did this the first time. (Well, I didn’t. But so many did. Frightening)

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Tyrants. We are NOT complying

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A huge proportion of society cannot yet see! Be bold and speak up - and act!!! Courage people!!!

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In the run up to midterms why did no one talk about the extermination

of hundreds of thousands of Americans with idiotic and unethical protocols ... it was not the virus but that public misperception was allowed to stand. And the DOJ never investigated remdesivir poisoning and its approval by fiat. Dead Americans by their sacrifice sold the shots to the public. Why did no one mention that the shots are NOT Pharma product but sourced from DOD contractors with abysmal quality control ... even metal particulate contamination had been reported in August 2021. Since then, monkey DNA, plasmids, grapheme oxide, magnetic beads, unknown mRNA content. No one in their right mind would have taken the shots if the truth had been printed on the inserts and VIS.

Was not the chance to vote out lot of Democrats squandered?

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The republicans still don’t talk about it. None of them. Sick!

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Yes, our chance was squandered.

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It’s up to the people now…will they pushback?

Remember the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK?

When the UK government tried to impose mandatory vaccination on the NHS, enough people in the NHS push backed, and it fell over, no more vax mandate.

The people need to stand up and push back, the young people on the campuses need to rebel and take back their future, and refuse the dystopian interference in their lives.

Bring the perpetrators of the past nearing four years of tyranny to account.

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The final sentence is KEY!!!!!

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The evil satanic cultists are doubling down on their tyrannical attempt at a global takeover.

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That Americans would so quickly agree to exchange liberty for a pacifier-born perception of safety suggests repudiation of the cause for which our soldiers have given their lives. It is a witness at variance with our national anthem. It asserts this neither the land of the free nor the home of the brave. Fear is an essential catalyst of tyranny that initiates salivation in Pavlov’s dogs.

Beware the covidious grift of the false flag bearing grifter!

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The USA has not been the USA for over 100 years. I don’t understand why people have been in denial about this. Wake the fuck up.

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In a way, I now believe the freedom movement just got its perfect shot in the arm.

What better way than to strengthen the movement, than to have its boogeyman back in the limelight.

Just when it was kind of fizzling out, BANG "hey bro, anti-covid measures are back, let's fire up the antiwar machine"

Rehab clinics cannot exist without substance abuse.

This symbiosis holds a mirror up to the alleged "freedom movement".

Pitiful conduct on both sides of the fence.

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Time to wake up people!!

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Once employment is again threatened, people will line up to get jabbed and masked up.

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They can try? Doesn’t mean they will.

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When you say "they," I like to provide a bit more of a description:


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Why bother to get an education? These young people will have no future if they don't stand up to this nonsense.

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