Sasha is very smart...I like her scholarship

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But Sasha only seems to be looking at the REACTIONS and not the CAUSE.

I give Dr. Bryan Ardis more credit, because he looked at BOTH.

He did his OWN research, not just quoting from papers written by other people.

Then he presented what he found. He has a MOUNTAIN of evidence to back up his claims. I find him more credible.

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Let's talk about the CAUSE of death from "covid." It can be hard to tease out causal factors, and perhaps Bulwark can start with a multiple regression analysis, but even on just eyeballing the data, there's a good indication of CAUSE. It cancels out even the protective effect of high IQ:

Covid Deaths/1M pop x IQ - Selected Countries/Regions

IQ RANK 10 - North Korea 3/1M (Negligible Vaccines of Any Type)

IQ RANK 5 - China 4/1M (Negligible Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

IQ RANK 3 - Singapore 341/M (Sinovac, Novavax + Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

IQ RANK 2 - Japan 595/1M (AstraZeneca +Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

IQ RANK 6 - South Korea 700/1M (AstraZeneca, J&J + Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

IQ RANK 4 - Taiwan 796/1M ( AstraZeneca, Medigen + Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

IQ RANK 1 - Hong Kong 1,963/1M (Sinovac + Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shot)

IQ RANK 7 - Netherlands 1336/1M (Sanofi, Novavax, others + Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

IQ RANK 9  - Canada 1,538/1M (Primarily Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

IQ RANK 8 - Finland 2,153/1M (Sanofi, Novavax, others + Trump-Malone mRNA death Shots)

IQ RANK 31 - USA 3,642/1M (Primarily Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)



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The only woman I knew who was not intelligent was the one engaged to me, who thought going along with her gf's who also were engaged, going out through the week thinking they would never be caught, carousing and carrying on with other males, while like me, their bf's only visited on the weekend.

But it was a real blessing in disguise because I found a job paying triple what I had earned previously, bought myself a new HD, a new car, a waterfront lot, a new Chevy van and moved on quickly to a better and more enjoyable phase of my existence.

There are no stupid women here, except the ones who might not like me. hahahahahaha

That is about the only thing I have ever said or will about the fairer gender that is not complimentary.

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Ban all vaccine mandates NOW!

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yes, and vaccines, I am leaning there now

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Did you see on The Five Docs podcast a few months back, Dr. Madei analyzed the contents of a Covid shot ampule under the microscope. She found, among other things, hydra-like creatures floating in the solution . . . the quality control is shit, and Pharma don't care cause they are exempt from lawsuits.

The Congressional members grilling Bobby seemed to fear all the Concerned Moms whose kids became autistic after one or more vaccines--the schedule for childhood vaxes are irrationally long and beg for trouble.

Bannon says the Concerned Moms have become a big force. I hope he is right and that whether Bobby is confirmed or not we can make progress on this.

It is a tragedy beyond all reckoning. The physicians who are still True Believers that Vax Can Do No Harm disgust me.

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Your Crazy!!

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"And remember when people died within 14 days of getting the jab(s) they weren't listed as death by vaccine?"

Impossible to forget:

Reply to Fung et al. on COVID-19 vaccine case-counting window biases overstating vaccine effectiveness


How the adverse effect counting window affected vaccine safety calculations in randomised trials of COVID-19 vaccines


Anti-science case study: COVID-19 vaccines’ effectiveness and safety exaggerated


Rapid response to:

The imprinting effect of covid-19 vaccines: an expected selection bias in observational studies


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saying you were unvaccinated up to day 15 post shot was criminal IMO and did the damage. the use of relative risk reduction (RRR) also was used to deceive, the absolute risk reduction (ARR) and NNT (number needed to treat) must be reported as carries far more accurate information on effectiveness, efficacy

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grateful for this sharing.

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Wow your lying and crazy

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Feb 1Edited

Thanks so much for the update. They're really trying to pump the "Bird Flu Pandemic" propaganda. Hope RFK Jr. can get confirmed, watching the way they have been tearing him apart I fear he may not be confirmed. What an opportunity would be lost! Big Pharma controls all the shills in the House and Senate. Like RFK Jr. told Bernie Sanders, "You were the (second?) biggest recipient of Big Pharma money in 2020," or something like that.

Whatta bunch o' hypocrites.

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I follow you both.

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These are all reactions to the toxins (toxic venoms) that are in the shots. The "toxins" are toxic venoms from poisonous creatures, such as snakes, snails, jellyfish, etc. Those "venoms" are being synthetically reproduced on a mass scale, and are being used to poison us in many ways.

Dr. Bryan Ardis already explained this. He explained that the shots are a 2-step process. The "instructions" to replicate the toxins in your body are strategically planned in "plasmids" in two steps. The first step is fairly benign. Most won't react to that shot, except for those who are allergic to the PEG (poly ethylene glycol) used as the lipid nano-particle to transport the toxins through your body.

However, the SECOND shot contains the "plasmids" to COMPLETE the "instructions" to replicate in the body. Once the second shot is given, then the "instructions" are COMPLETE, and start working inside the body. That's when the cytokine storms happen. What you're seeing is an EXTREME allergic reaction to the TOXINS that have been injected into the body.

All Sasha Ladypova and others have been looking at is the REACTIONS, but Dr. Bryan Ardis has looked for the CAUSE. He found it, and he presented the evidence; an OVERWHELMING amount of evidence. You need to see this video presentation, where he presents it all. Once you see that, you will clearly understand what's been going on here.

Here's the link:


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I know people from the first shot ended up dead, or at the hospital shortly after, or plagued with a considerable side effect. Maybe we should ask one-time vaxers why they didn't get their second dose (as one shot was not aknowledged as fully vaxxed, with the dire consequences shared also by non-compliants). The reason to omit the second shot was serious, I'm sure. The first shot prepared the terrain for the second one, which eventually killed my husband.

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key of the thesis is after first prime or exposure, you are then after 21 days in a hypersensitive anaphylactic window maybe life long so by the 2nd shot, it is chaos.

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They were in the window right after the first shot if they are severely allergic to PEG.

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What a disaster!...

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A lot of people had severe allergic reactions to the PEG (poly ethylene glycol) lipid nano-particle that was used in the vaccines to transport the planned toxins around the body. What they experienced is an anaphylactic shock reaction.

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The shots caused sufficient damage right off the bat to have pulled them out on the first month of rollout. Health authorities have pulled out bags of organic carrots for a possible bacteria after a few persons got sick. :-(

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And remember when people died within 14 days of getting the jab(s) they weren't listed as death by vaccine?

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correct, placed in the unvaccinated bucket so that they could scare people to take the shot

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OWS then, Project Stargate now - Death Cult in action...

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boom boom

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As regards cytokine storms, gene variants inherited from Neanderthals supposedly increase the risk of the cytokine storms behind severe cases of the SARS-CoV-2 disease prodrome.

However, there are multiple causal factors and the Trump-Malone mRNA kill shots also seem to increase the risk.

Bulwark take note:

Higher Levels of Neanderthal Ancestry in East Asians than in Europeans

"We found that on average the “Neanderthal haplotypes” were at higher frequency in the East Asians than in the Europeans (9.6% vs. 6.4%; P = 3.0 × 10−4, permutation test), consistent with the D-statistic results presented in Figure 3 (Figure 4). "


What Countries are Considered East Asian

East Asia includes China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan.


Intelligence Quotient by Country/Region

1. Hong Kong 2. Japan  3. Singapore 4. Taiwan 5. China 6. South Korea 7. Netherlands 8. Finland 9. Canada 10. North Korea  ... 31. USA


IQ Rank Covid - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

Covid Deaths/1M pop - Selected Countries

North Korea 3/1M (negligible use of any type of vaccine)

China 4/1M (negligible Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shot)

Singapore 341/M (Sinovac, Novavax + Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shot)

Japan 595/1M (AstraZeneca +Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

South Korea 700/1M (AstraZeneca, J&J + Trump-Malone mRNA death Shots)

Taiwan 796/1M ( AstraZeneca, Medigen + Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

Hong Kong 1,963/1M (Sinovac + Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shot)

Netherlands 1336/1M (Sanofi, Novavax, others + Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

Canada 1,538/1M (primarily Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)

Finland 2,153/1M (Sanofi, Novavax, others + Trump-Malone mRNA death Shots)

USA 3,642/1M (some J&J, primarily Trump-Malone mRNA Death Shots)


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Regarding the IQ factor, I just showed you South Sudan

IQ average 78

Death rate / 1 M = 13

This is relatively low. Why, If "IQ" is the sole factor?

IQ is IMO a scientific garbage indictator.

The more "Asian" (conservative) a country is, the more stringent you are in reporting.

The West is a wild west, you overreport to oblivion, to sell more mRNA shots, to sell the dream.

To the Neanderthal haplotypes I responded in another post.

"First, we find evidence for more Neanderthal admixture into the East Asian samples than into the European samples (P = 0.001)—consistently higher D values result when East Asians are compared to one of the African populations than when Europeans are compared (Figure 3A, Table S4)"

Lets talk about AFRICA.

"but did not find a significant difference in Neanderthal haplotype frequency between the East Asian and South Asian samples (P > 0.05)."

Also, lets talk about SOUTH ASIA.

Figure 4.

If Hong Kong has a very high frequency of these haplotypes and if they are so intelligent (based on "IQ tests) why did so many die?

If South Sudan (with such a low IQ) has basically a very low frequency of this haplotypes then why didnt they just die?

Their rate 13 deaths per 1 Million. Very low IQ humans, national average.

Low Neanderthal admixture.

"Today, the haplotype is almost completely absent in African populations south of the Sahara but exists at frequencies of ∼25 to 30% in most populations in Eurasia (Fig. 3)."


Surely they must all die there. 11 million people in South Sudan. WHY DONT THEY JUST ALL DIE?

Of course all this is bullshit. The rate of death depends on MRNA usage and West policy hubris.

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I never said IQ was the SOLE indicator. Many countries that did not use the AMERICAN TRUMP-MALONE mRNA DEATH SHOT had low dearth rates. The AMERICAN TRUMP-MALONE mRNA DEATH SHOT undermines, to greater or lesser degrees, depending on other variables, any protective effect of high IQ. We need you to run a multiple regression analysis, as a starting point, so we can start to get to the bottom of this.

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I have spoken to people and it was after FIRST POISON JAB. Once you have had one any thing could happen and it may be after the second or fifth JAB that the first one kicks in---YES/NO? Yes clearly the more you take the more danger and also a sign of being beyond stupid!

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interesting...many died after first shot...thesis is trying to argue that our real world chronic diseases and the like can be traced to the first shot and after the second...

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Yes, that's true. Many people are allergic to PEG (poly ethylene glycol) in varying degrees. If they were severely allergic, they would have gone right into an anaphylactic shock reaction right away after the first shot. If they were less severely allergic, the reaction may have been milder the first time, but subsequent exposures would be much more severe. That's exactly what we all witnessed.

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