Never. A- they can get the fed to bail them out. B- they can merge and spread the losses. C- they can raise the rates on everyone and unfairly infer everyone has the same risk.
Do not assume you can ever get a medical or life insurance discount because you are unvaxed.
They will NEVER recognise covid vax as the cause of excess deaths o…
Never. A- they can get the fed to bail them out. B- they can merge and spread the losses. C- they can raise the rates on everyone and unfairly infer everyone has the same risk.
Do not assume you can ever get a medical or life insurance discount because you are unvaxed.
They will NEVER recognise covid vax as the cause of excess deaths or cancer/heart rate risk. Lipids will ALWAYS be the risk factor that raises your insurance rate.
Never. A- they can get the fed to bail them out. B- they can merge and spread the losses. C- they can raise the rates on everyone and unfairly infer everyone has the same risk.
Do not assume you can ever get a medical or life insurance discount because you are unvaxed.
They will NEVER recognise covid vax as the cause of excess deaths or cancer/heart rate risk. Lipids will ALWAYS be the risk factor that raises your insurance rate.