That's excellent: "It's the vaccine, stupid" needs to be repeated many times.


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I tell this to everyone I know, everyone I meet, especially those with their minds closed! I don't care if they get mad at me, unfriend me or disown me. I will not be quiet.

It's the vaccine, Stupid!

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Righto, ‘it’s the vaccine, stupid’ is why all the flight cancellations, pilots mandated took a leave of absence, or took the shot & got injured or can’t now pass the yearly physical exam...or they passed away from the jab...when will people put 2 and 2 together?🤪🤪🤪

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I refuse to call it a "vaccine" bc it very clearly is NOT a vaccine. I call it the

C19 fake vaXXXine gene editing POISON

We must ban this damn poison asap


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A portion of my email timeline this morning:

9:11 AM (PST): Medicare: "Talk with your family about getting the little ones vaccinated. In case you missed it, CDC now recommends COVID-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older, and boosters for everyone 5 years and older."

9:14 AM: The Substack email announcing this post to which I am replying.

9:45 AM: Medicare: "Talk with your family about getting the little ones vaccinated. In case you missed it, CDC now recommends COVID-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older, and boosters for everyone 5 years and older."

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Dr Alexander.....do you anyone that can get a FOIA for Tam, Duclos, Trudeau and anyone else in this clusterf*ck.... they have already some for these two....https://librti.com/view-video/foi-documents-released-bonnie-henry-s and http://docs.openinfo.gov.bc.ca/Response_Package_HTH-2021-13807.pdf

...and....... https://jessicar.substack.com/p/a-foia-request-came-in-for-nova-scotia?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

You have contacts that might be able to help, in getting these other FOIAs.........

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The UK is sending out daily notices to adults to get their booster, third, fourth, fifth and the sheeple cannot get in soon enough for their free poison injection. It turns my stomache that SO MANY MEDICS in the UK have turned their backs on the reality. The injections are driving the virus. Never vaccinate during a pandemic. That said MANY GP’s and Nurses are leaving the profession. They obviously want nothing to do with the ongoing injury and death of their patients. After all they are the witnesses of this horrific genocide! Shame on all of them participating in the vaccination programs!

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Sounds about right! The never ending cycle…some will never run out of covid conversation!

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The risk/ reward ratio approaches Infinity

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Hi Paul,

“It’s the economy, stupid” is from James Carville, Bill Clinton’s campaign manager.


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And our Canadian “Health” Minister says we need to take the shot every 9 months to be up to date….Justinsane!

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Absolutely agree!

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Did you see the Fed leader blamed the unvaxed for inflation.

WTF kinda insanity and gaslighting

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I'm not saying that this isn't possible, but why are all of these Omicron variants coming from South Africa, which still has a relatively low vaccination rate? And the hideous Delta variant which arose when India had vaccinated less than 4% of the population with one dose?

We have yet to have a variant arise from a highly vaccinated population. It can happen, but we haven't seen it yet.

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How do we stop this vaccine fraud? We are preaching to the choir. We are up against billion dollar corporations, Big Pharma, WEF Claus Schwab demanding everyone needs to get vaccinated.

One thing that comes to mind is to buy air time, billboard space ect where millions can see it. The trouble with that, big tech & Pharma will stop it. As a nurse I have to gently educate those who are pro vax but showing signs of vax injury. Some of those are healthcare workers themselves. Gently nudging them how and where to look for answers. I’m at a loss. More people are waking up but the other side is doubling down with the misinformation campaign.

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With the current CDC / Biden plan to resume vaccination of the population (3rd & 4th boosters) this coming Fall, this pandemic will not go on forever for 109 years.

As GVB has been communicating, the virus /Vax will simply kill its way to pressure equilibrium.

Do it's job of Depopulation / Eugenics and disappear into the sunset

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