It’s absolutely the “vaccine”.

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Yes. Except it’s not a vaccine..it’s a genetic manipulation weapon

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I got the vaccine and suffered great health problems!!

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Sending hugs and hopes that you can find drastic improvement - quickly!

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Thank you, Dorothy ❤️

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More hugs en route!

Many are working on healing measures, as I expect you know, and advances are being made in this - there is always hope, where Life remains!

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Yes ❤️

Without hope, we have nothing.

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And with it - anything may be possible!

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I am very sorry to hear that, I hope you are able to find some help & recovery.

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Thank you, Leslie

It's been a long road for sure ❤️

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So unfair. You were lied to. ❤️ Best wishes. I hope we live long enough to see these monsters pay with their lives.

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Yes, and I'm sickened (literally and physically) for believing this entire shanaghan. I should've doubted, like I normally do.

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I'm not going to become an "emotional" victim. I refuse to let them win.

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Want to reduce population you government morons? Quit circumcising the males.

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This is completely off topic. And makes no sense.

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That's a non sequitor, Sue.

P.S. Circumcision is barbaric and SHOULD BE prohibited for babies and other minors. There is NO MEDICAL JUSTIFICATION for this practice.

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We do have freedom of religion in this country. You do you. Let’s us do us.

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I agree wholeheartedly, Leslie. That occurred to me but I didn't want to get into the fine points with the other poster. If you are aware that "circumcising males" increases population, please let me know. I still think it's a non sequitor. (That's why I qualified by stating no MEDICAL justification. Religion is another matter.) Just "doing me."

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Honestly, it’s getting to be every SUBSTACK, somebody makes a comment about this subject & I don’t mean Circumcision, and it’s usually much worse than this. It’s am getting really tired of it. Thank you for your comment.

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I have noticed that, too. It's upsetting. Sending my full support.

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I didn't think this was about "circumcisions". Pardon me.

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Thank you. I got into a real war with some guy on Vigilant Fox substack. I gave VF some time to ban him & after he didn’t I reported every single horrible lying comment, it went on for quite some time. There was another guy on there who came after him also. FINALLY VF banned him because the other guy said he wasn’t going to subscribe if VF allowed that kind of hate speech which had nothing to do with the subject on his substack! I really wonder if VF would have done anything about it without the other guy threatening to not subscribe. It did not look good. You can’t imagine the garbage he posted. I thought my head would explode.

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Not sure if I stated it wrong. I am against it. It was implemented to increase the jewish population way back in history. I tied it to population increase 50 years ago in anatomy class. The connection to jewish ritual came later.

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Your link doesn’t work. Page not found because it’s nonsense. Are you Jewish? I think not. You shouldn’t speak to something that you don’t know anything about.

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Had to look up non sequitor. Incorrect application. Circumcision was enacted to initiate premature ejaculation by the male which would help insure an increase in a religious sect of people. I do not know how it spread to other groups of people. I do hope it stopped in our family as I have 2 generations following me that are all natural.

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That’s ridiculous. Circumcision is a Covenent between the Jewish people and G-d. It has nothing to do with premature ejaculation or anything else. And it goes back to the time of Moses, I believe, but I would have to look it up. So you are wrong on everything about this subject. And WHY WOULD YOU EVEN BRING IT UP?

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I was able to download the study; but you cannot attach doc’s to these comments. The link was printed on the front of the document. This is not any gospel, it is dialog. Each person weigh’s what they bring in, that is ‘with sn open mind’. I do not want to argue with you, please chalk it up as “I showed him a thing or two”, call me whatever … but relax.

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The thing is you don’t know what you are talking about here. Circumcision is a religious practice. It’s a Covenent between G-d & the Jewish people, I don’t care what document you have from whoever. It’s a mark that sets us apart from other people. The fact that others took it upon themselves to have it done is on them. But it doesn’t have the same meaning. It absolutely has nothing to do with anything else. And again I DO NOT KNOW WHY YOU EVEN BROUGHT IT UP.

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Why are you confused?

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I’m not confused..the discussion was about the shot and it seems to have veered off to discuss circumcising? Just odd..

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That’s all it’s about vaccine and more so control

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Yes it's weird what a mix bag Israel is. They've been right about some things, but they also were mandating vaccines for everyone. Netanyahu is not a believer in the Lord. I think that has affected his ability to discern what is really going on. What we're seeing play out is Biblical. It's the set up to the end times.

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Dr. Paul, do you not have some legal friends who are awake and can start these prosecutions against these evil people???

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IT is not a vaccine by any measure or definition. Although ALL vaccines are fake and worthless and often do harm to humans, this mRNA concoction is pure poison to the body in line with most of big pharma's other poison drugs.

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Amen Bro!

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I also heard a clip of Benjamin Netanyahu promoted vaccine passports for Israel, which greatly disturbed me.

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It's an interesting mix in Israel. I think it was one of the first countries to pick up on the cardiac symptoms in teenage and young adult males, but the vaccines are still being recommended. They also did studies supporting vitamin D and showing Ivermectin reduces viral shedding. Unlike America, they recognized natural immunity and didn't push vaccination on the recovered. The whole world was sold a lie.

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Advice from a warmongering liar ,

How many British soldiers died as a result of a lie ?

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Paul, my sentiments exactly. I penned this yesterday to accompany a promo/post on Edward Dowd’s new book.

Friends, "It's the 💉, stupid!"🙅‍♂️🚫💉

If anything's likely to awaken the masses from their Rip van Winkle slumber re: the unfolding catastrophe of sudden, unexplained⚰️💀in the past two years, it has to be @EdwardDowd's "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022.

Mr Dowd & his team crunch the numbers, and arrive at the inescapable conclusion: "It's the 💉, stupid!" He lays out his stall very carefully, all fully documented & all immediately verifiable via a QR code. If ever we can imagine a time when those responsible will be held accountable in a court of law for what I've come to calling a 'eugenocide', then Dowd's book should be Exhibit A. Verdict? Guilty as charged! Slam dunk!

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