Carthage was populated by Phoenicians.... the Romans called them the Punic but they were Phoenicians so if you ever wondered what happened to those poor Phoenicians... now you know.

But what we have just witnessed is an orchestrated false flag ala Pearl Harbor... dont focus on it.... there are much more serious issues to deal with... this was in part a distraction to keep our attention away from what our attention should be on.

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If you're referring to the bloodbath Netanyahu publicly stated he has in store for Gaza, then I, sir, am done with you. You should hang your head in shame for this.

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Salt the earth so nothing grows? We certainly did that in Iraq by using depleted uranium artillery shells. Affects of nuclear weapons will be generational - but it’s ok because “Iraq did 9/11.” Now we know Iraq didn’t. Whoops! Our bad!

So, it’s suggested that Israel salt the earth in some way to insure that people will not rebel against living in an open air prison? Is this attack a false flag based on numerous security breaches just like on 9/11?

I hope and pray that cooler heads prevail.

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This is "a war between savages & civilization. Planes crashed into skyscrapers, beheading videos spread across social media. In Israel we saw Hamas terrorists raping, mutilating & defiling corpses - another bloody wake-up call. The barbarism of murdering women & children, taking them as hostages & posting photos of their dead bodies to social media, isn't a byproduct of Islamic warfare, it’s the whole point. Cruelty, beheading, burning to death, torturing & mutilating are the essence of Islam. This is how Islamic warfare was practiced beginning with Mohammed for over a thousand years"

"Islam was born out of a war by barbarians against the civilized societies of Persia & Byzantium. Despite academic mythmaking, its vision never extended beyond rape & slavery, its empires fell into power struggles, beginning with Sunnis & Shiites & its cultural & scientific accomplishments were all looted from conquered peoples. Israel is just one front in a global war between savages & civilization"

"We shouldn't blame ourselves, capitalism or colonialism for what the savages are because they have behaved this way long before modern western civilization amounted to anything. We sent forth our sons & daughters to make peace with them & to educate them. Our societies opened themselves to embrace & celebrate the virtues of the noble savage. When we realized we couldn't coexist with savages, we tried to remake our societies to serve them. All of that's been tried & civilization is still drowning in the violence of the savages"

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3 choices

1 convert to Islam.

2 become a slave

3 be killed.

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"we must salt as we leave. . . . "

Really dumb idea! That ruins the land for EVERYBODY! Dirty bombs and thermonuclear bombs/warheads would be the modern equivalent. And maybe depleted uranium munitions. It is ALL infantile logic, the epitome of tribalistic nonsense!

There has to be a better way. Evil only breeds MORE EVIL, never healing.

I don't see any good options in this mess. Hamas isn't backing off — they are still launching hundreds of rockets into Israel. Their hatred knows no bounds. But clearing out the Hamas combatants in a ground war is going to be extremely difficult and costly. However, they cannot be allowed to get away with what they have done, because they won't stop until they ARE stopped! They will just continue acquiring weapons and attacking again.

The problem is that the crazy Hamas terrorists are just plain brutal. They have been the de facto government in Gaza since shortly after the Israelis pulled out in 2005. They attack their own people if anyone criticizes their policies and methods, so the citizens are afraid of standing up against them and are caught between "a rock and a hard place". And now, because of the Hamas atrocities, the people of Gaza will suffer terribly.

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Why do we suddenly believe everything we see on the mainstream media propaganda. It’s like the last 3 years of mind control, the latest switcheroo and you’re falling for it. The leaders of hamas live in Qatar. Go after them.

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No our corrupt politicians leave a country, arms money over, then comes the build back better money laundering phase.

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A DNA test for middle eastern genes amongst the inhabitants would be interesting; any are east European converts

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Hamas and palestinians are Hannibals, but Israel is no Scipio. BUT it could easily be if it braved the consequences from its arab enemies and threw out the palestinians for good. Savages tend to bring down civilized societies when they're allowed to live with them.

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Uncertain as to how American girly-boys are going to do anything. Will be fun to watch'em getting raped & beheaded in hometown USA when Briben's Marauders roll into town. Gaza is mock war. Cosplay. Only real to participants and their victims. Nothing to do with religion.

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