For crying out loud what in the hell is wrong with women today?????? Good old common sense you do not use or take drugs of any kind when pregnant or breastfeeding. No matter what the flipping gubment suggests! Are women really this STUPID? And seriously anyone trusting their health to the gubment, needs their heads examined! Is critical thinking dead?

I dunno, it’s got to be in the water, stupidity is off the charts today, it is absolutely mind boggling.

My heart aches for the innocent children.

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You are right!! I was told not to eat onions or certain foods while breastfeeding because they could get stomach upset! And doctors and these women didn’t question these jabs! Same goes for any medication, over the counter, or otherwise. I also blame a lot of these doctors as well who pushed them into it, and they should be prosecuted.

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ON THAT REPORT IT SAYS LIFE THREATENING, govt. says NO. Hmmm WOW I THOUHT DEATH WAS LIFE THREATENING . HELL HANG THEM ALL JAIL , PRISON TO GOOD FOR THEM TO LIVE OFF OF WE THE PEOPLES TAXES . UNITE TIME IS NEAR BEEP BEEP BEEDEEP ALERT Brighteon Broadcast News, May 23, 2023 - Calling on law enforcement to SEIZE ALL VACCINE BIOWEAPONS in the USA (feat. Karen Kingston) https://www.brighteon.com/75e5515c-7849-40da-b31f-0b1dd0cf766f

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Trouble is, as with all the adverse events, those who were fortunate enough to avoid any complication, couldn't care less for those not so lucky.

Seems to me, if people were dumb enough to voluntarily take these shots, they are also heartless enough to not care less for those suffering.

Shouldn't be too surprising. I don't recall many jabaholics expressing concern over people's businesses being destroyed to 'keep us all safe'.

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Identifying the Medicine man that pulled the switch! It wasn’t the 100’s of scientists that have worked on figuring out how to manipulate the blue print of life! You keep using a bullhorn and are not offering solutions! Are you afraid you will be erased if you focus on those who launched the great Covid con? We are headed for extinction if we continue to go down this path that reprograms the blueprint of life!

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Where there is smoke there is fire. Code red was probably called on suppressing the infant deaths. Such a total evil clown show. With all the data, a Masters student with some guidance from exonerated Bhakdi, Palmer, Thorpe and Burkhardt could post a report eviscerating the entire program. When will these criminals be held to account?

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Clearly, all the commanding heights of society were seized before the vaxxx conspiracy made their move. With no functioning justice system, no one will be held to account any time soon!

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Oops, no I did not. Please forgive me? I’ve read your comments before and was definitely off, lol 😂. Again I apologize.

Sometimes my brain is faster than the old eyes.

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You know all those vaxxed people showing extreme mood changes including anxiety? I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that these shots wipe out your bifidobacterium?!!

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Dr Paul are you hoping to get sued, you sure are poking that bear, LOL

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Sued????? For getting the TRUTH out there??????Whats wrong with you? That bear not only needs to be poked, it needs to be literally Destroyed!

You are exactly the kind of person, the “bears”like, one who sits back SILENTLY and does nothing.

I thank God everyday for those who have the balls to get out there and spread the TRUTH far and wide! May he bless each and every one of them!

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It was a flipping joke, settle down, did you not see the LOL at the end of my comment??

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INCOMMING BEEEP BADEEPBEEP ALERT Brighteon Broadcast News, May 23, 2023 - Calling on law enforcement to SEIZE ALL VACCINE BIOWEAPONS in the USA (feat. Karen Kingston) https://www.brighteon.com/75e5515c-7849-40da-b31f-0b1dd0cf766f

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Genocide has its consequences!

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This is VAERS ID 1532154

Government Disclaimer on use of this data --- Life Threatening? No

Birth Defect? No

Died? Yes NEW ALERT Brighteon Broadcast News, May 23, 2023 - Calling on law enforcement to SEIZE ALL VACCINE BIOWEAPONS in the USA (feat. Karen Kingston) https://www.brighteon.com/75e5515c-7849-40da-b31f-0b1dd0cf766f

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We need your focus on how to get the Nuremberg trials up and running.....we all know these people are f.....ed.....and need to be jailed .....we need your courage and intelligence to bring it all together....that’s the future we need you for ....we don’t need you caught up in a bramble with Malone or any other.

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Good grief. At this point, I only continue to subscribe to this for the entertainment value. Satan, get thee behind me. Give it to God and give up on Malone. It's petty, ridiculous, and well...petty.

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You are spot on Joni! Guess we were the lucky ones back then before Big Harma took over the medical establishments and actually practiced sound medicine and proper nutrition.

Unfortunately, those are days gone by.

Yet, what I truly do not understand is the lack of good old common sense. What’s happened to critical thinking?

Children are God’s miracles and need to be treated and fed as such, yet today that is not the case with many. Sigh 😞

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yes. in Tennessee we have Tall trees & a lot of Rope. the Guilty must pay 1 way or another➰💀➰💀➰💀➰💀

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All these murdering turds should be housed in those death camps some states are building for us peons.

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