to & what you hide, and who is in your inner circle, for we are watching and speaking to them, they are coming to us, wanting to spill....beware, when we say we want accountability, we do!
Help me out Paul. What does James O’Keefe as a journalist have to do with a medical wellness company? Also, since you know there was no pandemic and no “dangerous” virus, isn’t TWC kinda based on perpetuating a fraud? And them inking a 6 MILLION advertising deal with Rumble even sounds a little weird. That’s going all in on keeping people ramped up in fear of viruses and other ailments that are easily prevented and managed mostly with items out of a kitchen. And I’m in a household with two medical providers, so I have a clue about wellness. Thanks for any insight you can offer.
I buy TWC products, specifically the Spike Recovery because I’m around vaccinated individuals on a daily basis. I will tell you that there are a great deal of entities trying to get in the way, and warp my view of TWC. I’m sure others feel the same way. The things I’ve read, it’s slanderous what they’ve said about TWC, so I assume George will shed light on who is saying what. Wolves in sheep clothing no more. We are not stupid. We will soon see and hear the truth!
I am not trying to slander TWC, I just find it curious that their entire business mode is essentially pandemic preparedness even though there was never a pandemic. And McCullough can’t write an article without mentioning the pandemic. And spending 6 million on advertising (in just one location, meaning that’s just a portion)? And now adding a journalist? I am just a guy with questions, that’s all.
James O’Keefe has a big following. That’s why they’ve included him. But I agree it is a little odd. I’m super happy to have my wellness kit, as I’m an hour away from the nearest MD or emergency clinic. I despise wearing a mask, and they’re still requiring them in the half of my state that’s communist with all the best hospitals. And I have zero trust in medical “professionals” anyway. So it’s a good piece of mind just in case. Like all insurance you hope you don’t need it.
6M is a drop in the bucket, compared to what big pharma spent getting the shots in as many people as possible. Has it occurred to you that TWC wants to save lives, so that humanity has a chance of surviving this agenda?
No argument there. I’m not denying they are helping people but there is a lot of money involved. Don’t you have questions? None of your spidey senses are going off?
Can you imagine trying to help in the aftermath of something so BIG, that if you don’t try to do something everyone may die? Think David and Goliath. My spidey senses give me the feeling they are for the good.
Exactly Michelle. I find it weird that people are trying to attack the people that have good intentions and are getting out good information and potential ways to help. I can’t speak to how much virus going around was amped up and faked certainly the deadliness of it was exaggerated (and sure pcr tests were kinda a fraud). The vaccine itself was a greater health risk imo but TWC is trying to help people recover from either case and I am ok with that, as we really are still unraveling a lot of the information regarding all of it.
You find it “weird” that people are trying to attack the people that have good inentions????
They just unleashed a genocide on the world - do you think they are concerned about people revealing the truth? The world is full of liars and shills - we’re not in Kansas anymore Dorothy…. these people are afraid for their lives and keeping their heads attached to their bodies. There is no fear in truth - but there’s plenty in censorship. Peace!
I am not attacking anyone. I just have questions. And if 4 years into this fake pandemic you aren’t a little skeptical of everyone making millions off this psy-op then you haven’t learned anything.
I don’t have any sort of spidy sense regarding McCullough. I feel like he is a good doctor who is trying his best to provide accurate information. Now I understand that he views the world through the lens of a doctor so he might recommend drugs that I have little use for in most situations. (I prefer plant medicines). But is he part of a psyop trying intentionally to deceive… that’s not the vibe I get.
From my view I want the right to say no to the vaccine (I feel all the hype about the virus was to push that) I did see politicians make millions off of stand 6 feet apart stickers and the shares in big pharma but it was ultimately that they were willing to cave to a bunch of nwo power grabbing population reducing nut jobs. The nwo wanted fear and lockdowns and vax passes etc.
They did not want hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.
Now u might be dig deeper we don’t even need that…. It was mild or I didn’t exist at all. To me, that isn’t the point, it’s ok to offer a choice to use something if u need it, then u avoid hospitalization, death but most importantly you avoid fear of nothing can be done/ must lock down/ must await vax/ must have vax pass/ must divide society into vax -unvaxxed.
The nwo , in my opinion, hates McCullough because he was trying to solve a problem they didn’t want solved. Now I still like my old dirty dozen doctors of misinformation (of which he probably isn’t on that list) but I am a long time follower of the health movement, and so personally I already have seen doctors with really good values and really good information that have been slowly attacked and vilified for like the last 13 years. I like Dr Mercola, his wife had a series of article’s following health oriented dr that died mysteriously- like this is really a dark thing. I like dr ten penny, I like Judy mikovitz. I like the show the Highwire for accurate info. Newer to me is Dr Paul Martin (I am cautiously watching his info, I find him interesting and so far he’s ok- same w McCullough- I like that they are thorns in the side of the bad guy- am I sending them money- no , and they never asked- ) But like keep discernment about the newer ones (Malone is a strange one, not sure about him, he is on the border of that circle of trust, I take him w a grain of salt). Keep discernment about all of them though considering how much Malone talks about psyops and fifth generation warfare I am sure he would be fine w people not just blindly trusting him or anyone.
I agree with what you are getting at but it is my educated understanding that TWC is largely treating Vax damaged individuals like other Vax Damage Literate Medical Groups ( including the DOD Bioweapon Counter Measure Injection that Pfizer was contracted to provide the US Gov. ). If I am wrong, please let me know.
The alternative private doctor ( doctor works for you and not the gov or corporation $$) HONEST MEDICINE Paradigm is growing rapidly.
Your own private Doctors that work for you at a fraction of your cost of regular health insurance. In person and Telehealth available of course.
FLCCC Alliance
AFLD Gold Care
Your own trusted and like minded Concierge Physician ( ie. $2,000./year - no copays )
Your body and good care ( prolonging quality life ) should be your biggest investment, in your life.
The Evils are making moves NOW ( read your Health Insurance Policy exclusion changes ) to carve out your coverage. Meaning, not pay for your care.
NEWS FLASH, I know this sounds crazy but we have ( re ) discovered the CURE FOR CANCER. The Cabal, the US Gov, Lame Stream Media etc. are going to be suppressing this info as usual but the Truth is coming out whether they like it or not!
It is at the enlightened Medical Conferences now. Stay AWAY from Oncologists. They will continue to lie to you, sometimes unbeknownst to them. Their arrogance gets in the way from them learning and paying attention to the anti carcinogenic Ivermectin.
Two examples of sources...
See Dr. Paul Merick FLCCC
and 2 nd Smartest Guy in the world for the original source work and recent anecdotal patient's cures.
If you are a doubter and don't want to research and explore this then keep going to Big Harma and your killer Oncologists. They are making a " killing " on you.
McCullough has also blocked Dr Jane Ruby from a twitter acct she had been invited to join. It was started for scientists, etc as a discussion forum. McCullough blocked her as she asked a question I believe about his advocating Novavax. And he still promotes Paxlovid which has a 'black box' warning.
TWC is definitely a business and their marketing is slick.
Can you point me to the 'slander' that's been written about TWC? Many of us have seen the research concerning the partners and Coulson's additional investments and THEIR partners and investors, and expect more than a childish 'BRING IT ON' in the founder's annual letter, and more than the CEO calling this research 'meaningless gibberish.' Founders and CEOs should be standing tall, proud, steadfast and truthful in their responses, and not childish and churlish. In fact, such condescending dismissal is exactly part of the military psyop repertoire TWC appears to possess in abundance.
I am shocked at the comments. People need to support the people that are trying to get the truth out… what does James o’keefe have to do with it , you ask, well if Pfizer is making gain of functions viruses and vaccines at the same time that is dangerous. And if there are liars and bio weapon researchers at big pharma and liars and funders of this stuff in government you need media with new tactics to get at the truth…. I wish we still had wikileaks too in addition to James but can’t you see that msm is bought out by the players and everyone has to use their talents to take this on??
So if they are trying to promote each other that is great. The way the networks which give u your news are funded by big pharma so u won’t get truth there. At least all these guys want the truth, if they were just in it for money there are less controversial ways with bigger markets to tackle I m sure. Those who are unvaccinated and/or awake are free to use the information freely provided by twc and get the bromeline and supplements elsewhere if u wanted, it’s not like they patented and are holding people hostage for huge $$$.
Please quit people who are suspicious (and also those paid hacks and trolls) they are just trying to lower your vibe and get you angry and divided to divert you from the conversation.
Sponsorship. James needs to create revenue for his “new” company, OMG.
COVID-19 is real. Biological weapons are real. Covid was a test, a situational test and a power test. How much control do we have over the American population. How obedient are they? When someone or something has the power to do something of that scale, and does it to prove a point or test a theory,
Shows that this goes above our government.
The UN, WEF, WHO, The CCP, and the “Families”! are playing with the American peoples lives. And sort of seem to be actively engaged in some sort of combat with the United States. If this is fifth generational warfare, then we are engaged in fifth generational warfare with those people, and they should be declared and be combat, but we don’t have an administration in place that is willing to protect the sovereignty and the sanctity as well as the citizens of this country. And the same as they are fighting like hell to retain power, we must again all fight like hell to not let them keep it.
... "When plunder becomes a way of life in society (Obamacare Govmt.Healthcare - and from a group of globalists controlling the central banking world) over the course of time they create a legal system for themselves that justifies it (sanctions it) and a moral code that glorifies it." [Frederic Bastiat] Academics/Sciences the entire rank and file of the compliant-minded is finished! There are no more Journals that will need be revered/reviewed - for institutionally-obedient peers to baptise - that will be in any way trusted to provide good judgement for the lackeys in white coats to publish/christen paperwork. The globalists used to stear our consciousness with propaganda, but now it's just as easy to kill us all. They have lost the infowar. Totally break from them - stop sending your kids to government schools - it starts there... designed to capture those who can see thru the lies at an early age - and then fast-tracks them into positions of power within the authoritarian establishment - forever obedient and silenced from there on. Resistance is NOT futile... but ALL of academia is.
The thing that started this rot was moving all the jobs to Mexico, China etc. they broke communities , took away livelihoods. My father got laid off from Wisconsin Steel when I was a baby. Then he went to Purdue law and became a lawyer. Then in 08 he lost 75% of his business as a real estate lawyer. All this after surviving two tours as a Captain in the Marine Corps, an 0301 during Operation Phoenix Program in Vietnam. After 15+ surgeries, my dad is still alive at 81, somehow beating cancer from Agent Orange. Jesus! All the hole these cocksuckers tell us we need send money to some country that low key hates us. The men are shit head Eastern Europeans who have that superiority complex. Stupid fucking Americans. America is only good for work, no good for live. I used to work with them I know what you think and you’re not 100% wrong, but remember you came here for money, I didn’t go to Europe to work and make money. And the same goes for a lot of people who come here with no respect for America. And that’s a lot of people. As soon as they get here, they jump on board with Democrat policies because A they brought there asses here and they give them checks, but also because those people align with that bullshit Dems push. Until they get fucked over. But even then, their low IQ asses can’t begin to wrap they heads around how many nuts the Dems have busted in the asses of Americans for decades. And those turd Bush era Republicans. And there are some new ones I don’t like or trust like that bitch with the eye patch. Fucking poser. The other Seal ratted him out. He’s the fuck boy alway tryna look and sound good, but when the rounds start flying he ass was behind the guy shooting back at the enemy. Nothing is more infuriating than the incessant gaslighting by these people.
clearly a Malone stooge, you clearly then have no idea who I am...what I have done and I wont state it record is clear...TWC is trying to help how it its trying to get the message out...will you talk good about them? Malone? so the guy is doign what he can with his money to ad his company and try to play a role in thge space...I know him, a good man. you are smearing me when you have no idea what you are saying. hiding behind the keyboard, have you done 1% of what I have done? deepstate? do you know my role in Trump admin? what I did? it was I while you slept who fought Fauci and Birx with Atlas...I nor TWC nor Foster brought no fraud pandemic, we did not lockdown, we doid not close schools, it was Malone who murdered people with his mRNA technology...Bourla etc...discuss him or is your head up his ass?
Where are all the American doctors and scientists that have ALL the evidence needed to STOP THE VACCINE many months ago???
America’s government with America’s military is GROUND ZERO…directly responsible for all the GLOBAL suffering and over 17 million continuing global murders! Are any Americans embarrassed yet and/or crying to have allowed this nightmare for all future generations??? Go look in the mirror as to who is to blame!
People have little trust in doctors and I have even less trust seeing the decent American doctors NOT, repeat NOT doing the right things to STOP THE VACCINE at this shameful time in our history!
Why is this?
Why did you leave your medicine lane to talk about everything else under the sun now giving political commentaries/opinions on any topic you want, relevant or not…allowing global vaccine murders to continue???
I will view you as a relevant doctor or scientist on the STOP THE VACCINE FRONT when you are on Janci Lindsay’s doorstep working together with her with the support of strategic planners to STOP THE VACCINE!
Isn’t it way past time doctors and scientists UNITE???
Why don’t you take a break from ALL this substack commentary and go help America before Disease X is released?
There is only 1 kind of hero today…the ones who actually STOP THE VACCINE and/or reinstate ELECTION INTEGRITY in the 2024 elections after the last 2 stolen ones!
P.S. The art of DIVIDING AND CONQUERING Americans everywhere is a war tactic our enemies have perfected, right?
I think they (the doctors) have been trying. I mean the Great Barrington declaration should have stopped a lot of this stuff before it started but they vilified those doctors. And the msm and censoring by fb , google, and misdirection of snopes and all the sites that tell people that truth things are misinformation and conspiracy theories. I mean technology has been being used against us all and the governments have many authoritarian laws and ways of controlling people. It’s a sticky mess and people are trying.
I don’t know why they haven’t unified, maybe more truth needs to come out. But let’s be honest the corruption and lies go deeper then covid, they go past what doctors have or have not been able to grasp as far this plandemic.
Where does our money go? Who is in charge? They lie to start wars, they lie to fund executives bonuses who build planes, they lie to fund programs that pay big salaries and consultants and don’t even help people.. they do have clubs and we aren’t in them. How long has fluoride been in water? Why is gmo food a thing? Why would they want to lower the world’s population? There are a lot of questions and getting doctors to unite us 1 piece but the pic is way bigger. And this whole fake show is the wake up call we literally have to talk about this, and we have to say no and we have to demand jail for those who participated in this sham that lead to a possible genocide.
Yes!!! I am sick and tired of who is on the hero list and who is on the criminal list when the damn experimental gene altering bio weapon is still being advertised by the last bought off twit. And anyone asking questions about validity is now just jealous of a company success? If we have learned nothing from the last few years, you better do your own research and if you see red flags, you better trust your gut. These bio weapons are still killing and maiming our best and brightest especially our children who is our future. You have the evidence now - what’s stopping all you experts from uniting and demanding this experimental injection be pulled from the market?
so I guess after my salry was destroy, I lost jobs, my income cut, cancelled, I wil lstand at the street corner and do tricks???? how do people live? look at those who admire and support, check their pages, see the shit too they are selling so get you shit straight...people are trying to do good and must survive...because I and some like me, not many, stood up, we lost, money, career, pardon us for trying to get out of the hole and if I am promoting shit and you dont like it, dont buy it...dont read here...move on...dont come on my site and fuck with some shit, stand up, write some shit, interview, go on a stage in front of 25,000 people and have them come crying to you thanking you..then write the shit you dont know the sacrifices some have made, not the Malones, I mean the real fighters...I am not on Twitter etc.
I’m concerned that O’Keefe is associated with TWC. I’ve read recently he is associated with M. Flynn, et al. I have no idea why he should be associated with a medical supplement provider. Something is fishy about this arrangement.
I became suspicious that the undercover reporters were being played by the people that the reporters thought they were catching out, back when PV had that viral video of a Pfizer exec making admissions while on a date. I became sure when I saw that Pfizer Exec go 1000% gay and behave in a way that would make the video go viral. I think before he arranged the date, the Exec knew his date was a PV reporter, and intentionally made "unguarded" admissions about "directed evolution" of viruses for audiences would hear... to help the public retain their fear of GOF/weaponised virus labs releasing dangerous pathogens that would justify biosecurity measures for public safety.
A link forming between OMG and The Wellness Company.. well I think this is so that OMG will financially secure and thus able to reach their audience and disseminate whatever narrative their supposedly investigated party secretly wishes to have propagated.
Oh I disagree. I think the Pfizer exec was trying to impress the person by dishing the tea but that doesn’t mean that stuff wasn’t happening… be more suspicious of Pfizer and less of the reporter, to do otherwise is kinda u getting played by psyop.
I love James O'Keefe and his bravery, after Project Veritas screwed him, I cancelled them and I only support James.
Same! Be bold, be courageous.
Help me out Paul. What does James O’Keefe as a journalist have to do with a medical wellness company? Also, since you know there was no pandemic and no “dangerous” virus, isn’t TWC kinda based on perpetuating a fraud? And them inking a 6 MILLION advertising deal with Rumble even sounds a little weird. That’s going all in on keeping people ramped up in fear of viruses and other ailments that are easily prevented and managed mostly with items out of a kitchen. And I’m in a household with two medical providers, so I have a clue about wellness. Thanks for any insight you can offer.
I buy TWC products, specifically the Spike Recovery because I’m around vaccinated individuals on a daily basis. I will tell you that there are a great deal of entities trying to get in the way, and warp my view of TWC. I’m sure others feel the same way. The things I’ve read, it’s slanderous what they’ve said about TWC, so I assume George will shed light on who is saying what. Wolves in sheep clothing no more. We are not stupid. We will soon see and hear the truth!
I am not trying to slander TWC, I just find it curious that their entire business mode is essentially pandemic preparedness even though there was never a pandemic. And McCullough can’t write an article without mentioning the pandemic. And spending 6 million on advertising (in just one location, meaning that’s just a portion)? And now adding a journalist? I am just a guy with questions, that’s all.
James O’Keefe has a big following. That’s why they’ve included him. But I agree it is a little odd. I’m super happy to have my wellness kit, as I’m an hour away from the nearest MD or emergency clinic. I despise wearing a mask, and they’re still requiring them in the half of my state that’s communist with all the best hospitals. And I have zero trust in medical “professionals” anyway. So it’s a good piece of mind just in case. Like all insurance you hope you don’t need it.
6M is a drop in the bucket, compared to what big pharma spent getting the shots in as many people as possible. Has it occurred to you that TWC wants to save lives, so that humanity has a chance of surviving this agenda?
No argument there. I’m not denying they are helping people but there is a lot of money involved. Don’t you have questions? None of your spidey senses are going off?
Can you imagine trying to help in the aftermath of something so BIG, that if you don’t try to do something everyone may die? Think David and Goliath. My spidey senses give me the feeling they are for the good.
Exactly Michelle. I find it weird that people are trying to attack the people that have good intentions and are getting out good information and potential ways to help. I can’t speak to how much virus going around was amped up and faked certainly the deadliness of it was exaggerated (and sure pcr tests were kinda a fraud). The vaccine itself was a greater health risk imo but TWC is trying to help people recover from either case and I am ok with that, as we really are still unraveling a lot of the information regarding all of it.
You find it “weird” that people are trying to attack the people that have good inentions????
They just unleashed a genocide on the world - do you think they are concerned about people revealing the truth? The world is full of liars and shills - we’re not in Kansas anymore Dorothy…. these people are afraid for their lives and keeping their heads attached to their bodies. There is no fear in truth - but there’s plenty in censorship. Peace!
Good point.
I am not attacking anyone. I just have questions. And if 4 years into this fake pandemic you aren’t a little skeptical of everyone making millions off this psy-op then you haven’t learned anything.
I don’t have any sort of spidy sense regarding McCullough. I feel like he is a good doctor who is trying his best to provide accurate information. Now I understand that he views the world through the lens of a doctor so he might recommend drugs that I have little use for in most situations. (I prefer plant medicines). But is he part of a psyop trying intentionally to deceive… that’s not the vibe I get.
From my view I want the right to say no to the vaccine (I feel all the hype about the virus was to push that) I did see politicians make millions off of stand 6 feet apart stickers and the shares in big pharma but it was ultimately that they were willing to cave to a bunch of nwo power grabbing population reducing nut jobs. The nwo wanted fear and lockdowns and vax passes etc.
They did not want hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.
Now u might be dig deeper we don’t even need that…. It was mild or I didn’t exist at all. To me, that isn’t the point, it’s ok to offer a choice to use something if u need it, then u avoid hospitalization, death but most importantly you avoid fear of nothing can be done/ must lock down/ must await vax/ must have vax pass/ must divide society into vax -unvaxxed.
The nwo , in my opinion, hates McCullough because he was trying to solve a problem they didn’t want solved. Now I still like my old dirty dozen doctors of misinformation (of which he probably isn’t on that list) but I am a long time follower of the health movement, and so personally I already have seen doctors with really good values and really good information that have been slowly attacked and vilified for like the last 13 years. I like Dr Mercola, his wife had a series of article’s following health oriented dr that died mysteriously- like this is really a dark thing. I like dr ten penny, I like Judy mikovitz. I like the show the Highwire for accurate info. Newer to me is Dr Paul Martin (I am cautiously watching his info, I find him interesting and so far he’s ok- same w McCullough- I like that they are thorns in the side of the bad guy- am I sending them money- no , and they never asked- ) But like keep discernment about the newer ones (Malone is a strange one, not sure about him, he is on the border of that circle of trust, I take him w a grain of salt). Keep discernment about all of them though considering how much Malone talks about psyops and fifth generation warfare I am sure he would be fine w people not just blindly trusting him or anyone.
I agree with what you are getting at but it is my educated understanding that TWC is largely treating Vax damaged individuals like other Vax Damage Literate Medical Groups ( including the DOD Bioweapon Counter Measure Injection that Pfizer was contracted to provide the US Gov. ). If I am wrong, please let me know.
The alternative private doctor ( doctor works for you and not the gov or corporation $$) HONEST MEDICINE Paradigm is growing rapidly.
Your own private Doctors that work for you at a fraction of your cost of regular health insurance. In person and Telehealth available of course.
FLCCC Alliance
AFLD Gold Care
Your own trusted and like minded Concierge Physician ( ie. $2,000./year - no copays )
Your body and good care ( prolonging quality life ) should be your biggest investment, in your life.
The Evils are making moves NOW ( read your Health Insurance Policy exclusion changes ) to carve out your coverage. Meaning, not pay for your care.
NEWS FLASH, I know this sounds crazy but we have ( re ) discovered the CURE FOR CANCER. The Cabal, the US Gov, Lame Stream Media etc. are going to be suppressing this info as usual but the Truth is coming out whether they like it or not!
It is at the enlightened Medical Conferences now. Stay AWAY from Oncologists. They will continue to lie to you, sometimes unbeknownst to them. Their arrogance gets in the way from them learning and paying attention to the anti carcinogenic Ivermectin.
Two examples of sources...
See Dr. Paul Merick FLCCC
and 2 nd Smartest Guy in the world for the original source work and recent anecdotal patient's cures.
If you are a doubter and don't want to research and explore this then keep going to Big Harma and your killer Oncologists. They are making a " killing " on you.
Sound familiar?
Agreeing with your questions.
McCullough has also blocked Dr Jane Ruby from a twitter acct she had been invited to join. It was started for scientists, etc as a discussion forum. McCullough blocked her as she asked a question I believe about his advocating Novavax. And he still promotes Paxlovid which has a 'black box' warning.
TWC is definitely a business and their marketing is slick.
You might like my response, above.
Can you point me to the 'slander' that's been written about TWC? Many of us have seen the research concerning the partners and Coulson's additional investments and THEIR partners and investors, and expect more than a childish 'BRING IT ON' in the founder's annual letter, and more than the CEO calling this research 'meaningless gibberish.' Founders and CEOs should be standing tall, proud, steadfast and truthful in their responses, and not childish and churlish. In fact, such condescending dismissal is exactly part of the military psyop repertoire TWC appears to possess in abundance.
I am shocked at the comments. People need to support the people that are trying to get the truth out… what does James o’keefe have to do with it , you ask, well if Pfizer is making gain of functions viruses and vaccines at the same time that is dangerous. And if there are liars and bio weapon researchers at big pharma and liars and funders of this stuff in government you need media with new tactics to get at the truth…. I wish we still had wikileaks too in addition to James but can’t you see that msm is bought out by the players and everyone has to use their talents to take this on??
So if they are trying to promote each other that is great. The way the networks which give u your news are funded by big pharma so u won’t get truth there. At least all these guys want the truth, if they were just in it for money there are less controversial ways with bigger markets to tackle I m sure. Those who are unvaccinated and/or awake are free to use the information freely provided by twc and get the bromeline and supplements elsewhere if u wanted, it’s not like they patented and are holding people hostage for huge $$$.
Please quit people who are suspicious (and also those paid hacks and trolls) they are just trying to lower your vibe and get you angry and divided to divert you from the conversation.
Awesome reply. Thank you for educating us.
Sponsorship. James needs to create revenue for his “new” company, OMG.
COVID-19 is real. Biological weapons are real. Covid was a test, a situational test and a power test. How much control do we have over the American population. How obedient are they? When someone or something has the power to do something of that scale, and does it to prove a point or test a theory,
Shows that this goes above our government.
The UN, WEF, WHO, The CCP, and the “Families”! are playing with the American peoples lives. And sort of seem to be actively engaged in some sort of combat with the United States. If this is fifth generational warfare, then we are engaged in fifth generational warfare with those people, and they should be declared and be combat, but we don’t have an administration in place that is willing to protect the sovereignty and the sanctity as well as the citizens of this country. And the same as they are fighting like hell to retain power, we must again all fight like hell to not let them keep it.
... "When plunder becomes a way of life in society (Obamacare Govmt.Healthcare - and from a group of globalists controlling the central banking world) over the course of time they create a legal system for themselves that justifies it (sanctions it) and a moral code that glorifies it." [Frederic Bastiat] Academics/Sciences the entire rank and file of the compliant-minded is finished! There are no more Journals that will need be revered/reviewed - for institutionally-obedient peers to baptise - that will be in any way trusted to provide good judgement for the lackeys in white coats to publish/christen paperwork. The globalists used to stear our consciousness with propaganda, but now it's just as easy to kill us all. They have lost the infowar. Totally break from them - stop sending your kids to government schools - it starts there... designed to capture those who can see thru the lies at an early age - and then fast-tracks them into positions of power within the authoritarian establishment - forever obedient and silenced from there on. Resistance is NOT futile... but ALL of academia is.
The thing that started this rot was moving all the jobs to Mexico, China etc. they broke communities , took away livelihoods. My father got laid off from Wisconsin Steel when I was a baby. Then he went to Purdue law and became a lawyer. Then in 08 he lost 75% of his business as a real estate lawyer. All this after surviving two tours as a Captain in the Marine Corps, an 0301 during Operation Phoenix Program in Vietnam. After 15+ surgeries, my dad is still alive at 81, somehow beating cancer from Agent Orange. Jesus! All the hole these cocksuckers tell us we need send money to some country that low key hates us. The men are shit head Eastern Europeans who have that superiority complex. Stupid fucking Americans. America is only good for work, no good for live. I used to work with them I know what you think and you’re not 100% wrong, but remember you came here for money, I didn’t go to Europe to work and make money. And the same goes for a lot of people who come here with no respect for America. And that’s a lot of people. As soon as they get here, they jump on board with Democrat policies because A they brought there asses here and they give them checks, but also because those people align with that bullshit Dems push. Until they get fucked over. But even then, their low IQ asses can’t begin to wrap they heads around how many nuts the Dems have busted in the asses of Americans for decades. And those turd Bush era Republicans. And there are some new ones I don’t like or trust like that bitch with the eye patch. Fucking poser. The other Seal ratted him out. He’s the fuck boy alway tryna look and sound good, but when the rounds start flying he ass was behind the guy shooting back at the enemy. Nothing is more infuriating than the incessant gaslighting by these people.
It is clear the whole group in the Wellness Company are infiltrated and are corrupt.
Can you say Deep State controlled !!
Including YOU, Alexander!!
clearly a Malone stooge, you clearly then have no idea who I am...what I have done and I wont state it record is clear...TWC is trying to help how it its trying to get the message out...will you talk good about them? Malone? so the guy is doign what he can with his money to ad his company and try to play a role in thge space...I know him, a good man. you are smearing me when you have no idea what you are saying. hiding behind the keyboard, have you done 1% of what I have done? deepstate? do you know my role in Trump admin? what I did? it was I while you slept who fought Fauci and Birx with Atlas...I nor TWC nor Foster brought no fraud pandemic, we did not lockdown, we doid not close schools, it was Malone who murdered people with his mRNA technology...Bourla etc...discuss him or is your head up his ass?
Bang bang ya shot him down. Excellent response Dr Paul Alexander, don’t let the naysayers spread their malicious nonsense.
Paul and all,
GREAT, but this is more important!
Where are all the American doctors and scientists that have ALL the evidence needed to STOP THE VACCINE many months ago???
America’s government with America’s military is GROUND ZERO…directly responsible for all the GLOBAL suffering and over 17 million continuing global murders! Are any Americans embarrassed yet and/or crying to have allowed this nightmare for all future generations??? Go look in the mirror as to who is to blame!
People have little trust in doctors and I have even less trust seeing the decent American doctors NOT, repeat NOT doing the right things to STOP THE VACCINE at this shameful time in our history!
Why is this?
Why did you leave your medicine lane to talk about everything else under the sun now giving political commentaries/opinions on any topic you want, relevant or not…allowing global vaccine murders to continue???
I will view you as a relevant doctor or scientist on the STOP THE VACCINE FRONT when you are on Janci Lindsay’s doorstep working together with her with the support of strategic planners to STOP THE VACCINE!
Janci’s Contact…
Isn’t it way past time doctors and scientists UNITE???
Why don’t you take a break from ALL this substack commentary and go help America before Disease X is released?
There is only 1 kind of hero today…the ones who actually STOP THE VACCINE and/or reinstate ELECTION INTEGRITY in the 2024 elections after the last 2 stolen ones!
P.S. The art of DIVIDING AND CONQUERING Americans everywhere is a war tactic our enemies have perfected, right?
I think they (the doctors) have been trying. I mean the Great Barrington declaration should have stopped a lot of this stuff before it started but they vilified those doctors. And the msm and censoring by fb , google, and misdirection of snopes and all the sites that tell people that truth things are misinformation and conspiracy theories. I mean technology has been being used against us all and the governments have many authoritarian laws and ways of controlling people. It’s a sticky mess and people are trying.
Thank you for your comments!
Signing a declaration would not have stopped anything…
Why? Because our enemies fear 1 thing…UNITY…and this has not happened with the decent doctors and scientists!
Why have they not unified after 4 long shameful years while the murdering of humanity continues???
I don’t know why they haven’t unified, maybe more truth needs to come out. But let’s be honest the corruption and lies go deeper then covid, they go past what doctors have or have not been able to grasp as far this plandemic.
Where does our money go? Who is in charge? They lie to start wars, they lie to fund executives bonuses who build planes, they lie to fund programs that pay big salaries and consultants and don’t even help people.. they do have clubs and we aren’t in them. How long has fluoride been in water? Why is gmo food a thing? Why would they want to lower the world’s population? There are a lot of questions and getting doctors to unite us 1 piece but the pic is way bigger. And this whole fake show is the wake up call we literally have to talk about this, and we have to say no and we have to demand jail for those who participated in this sham that lead to a possible genocide.
Thank you for your comments!
Why haven’t the doctors unified when there is more than enough evidence to prove criminality in every direction?
Self aggrandizement
Love of money
Huge egos thanks to medical school training
We ARE going to win!
Stay tuned as I think one state is going to take the lead…
P.S. Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!
NEEDED ASAP…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!
We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
Please help!
Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!
NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!
We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
Yes!!! I am sick and tired of who is on the hero list and who is on the criminal list when the damn experimental gene altering bio weapon is still being advertised by the last bought off twit. And anyone asking questions about validity is now just jealous of a company success? If we have learned nothing from the last few years, you better do your own research and if you see red flags, you better trust your gut. These bio weapons are still killing and maiming our best and brightest especially our children who is our future. You have the evidence now - what’s stopping all you experts from uniting and demanding this experimental injection be pulled from the market?
And yet these frauds do nothing but write the same info articles, beg for subscriptions and hawk very profitable vitamins !!
Wake up people. Twitter people have these guys down cold.
Alexander is a FRAUD !!!
so I guess after my salry was destroy, I lost jobs, my income cut, cancelled, I wil lstand at the street corner and do tricks???? how do people live? look at those who admire and support, check their pages, see the shit too they are selling so get you shit straight...people are trying to do good and must survive...because I and some like me, not many, stood up, we lost, money, career, pardon us for trying to get out of the hole and if I am promoting shit and you dont like it, dont buy it...dont read here...move on...dont come on my site and fuck with some shit, stand up, write some shit, interview, go on a stage in front of 25,000 people and have them come crying to you thanking you..then write the shit you dont know the sacrifices some have made, not the Malones, I mean the real fighters...I am not on Twitter etc.
PLEASE HELP with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!
NEEDED ASAP…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!
We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
You are right James!
The People can push them in the right direction!
Please help with our ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT ASAP…info separate!
The Leviathan is writhing.
I’m concerned that O’Keefe is associated with TWC. I’ve read recently he is associated with M. Flynn, et al. I have no idea why he should be associated with a medical supplement provider. Something is fishy about this arrangement.
I became suspicious that the undercover reporters were being played by the people that the reporters thought they were catching out, back when PV had that viral video of a Pfizer exec making admissions while on a date. I became sure when I saw that Pfizer Exec go 1000% gay and behave in a way that would make the video go viral. I think before he arranged the date, the Exec knew his date was a PV reporter, and intentionally made "unguarded" admissions about "directed evolution" of viruses for audiences would hear... to help the public retain their fear of GOF/weaponised virus labs releasing dangerous pathogens that would justify biosecurity measures for public safety.
A link forming between OMG and The Wellness Company.. well I think this is so that OMG will financially secure and thus able to reach their audience and disseminate whatever narrative their supposedly investigated party secretly wishes to have propagated.
Oh I disagree. I think the Pfizer exec was trying to impress the person by dishing the tea but that doesn’t mean that stuff wasn’t happening… be more suspicious of Pfizer and less of the reporter, to do otherwise is kinda u getting played by psyop.