I damn well know my answer. I am an MD. I know what my legal and ethical requirements are in serving my patients.

At first, all of the injectors had some reason to rely on and believe the authorities - safe and effective. Use the vaccines [although this begs the question of why anyone in any of the health professions would still, in the face of the massive clinical reality, be willing to inject pus and poison to keep people from getting sick - but that is another discussion].

So we have obedient health drones meeting out prescribed poison as they are told is right.

Then their patients start getting sick - fast- and dying. At this point, the culpability ensues.

If I see a correlation between something that I have done to my patients and unexpected, increased or surprising negative consequences, I am trained to notice it, analyze it and change what I am doing to prevent continued harm.

Furthermore, there are well-established indications and methods for reporting what I am seeing to administrative and health agencies, structures, etc.

This is anything but rocket science.

And it is at this precise point, in my judgement, that cowardice, irrational compliance and self-interest account for continued injections which move from a deceptive program whose harms were either not important to the people in charge or were desirable to the initiators (wherein the dupes, that is, the health care professionals) are NOT culpable to one in which the dupes are now active and willing participants.

At this transition point and hence forward, the health care professionals are committing egregious crimes against humanity and should be held FULLY accountable, along with the administrators, public health policy makers, etc.

The people who ordered the shots given, the people who allowed the shots to be given and the people who complied and gave the shots are all guilty.

I am a simple minded person. If you want a society that runs by the rule of law, the rule of law must be enforced.

These people complied. Others suffered and died and more will die.

We are in the early stages of a monstrous holocaust, and the captured health systems of the world were the witting tools of the death system.

Prosecute them all.

We will need new doctors and nurses and pharmacists and public health people and so on.

Sounds like a definite up to me.

We sure could use new ones since the old ones have been so nearly universally complicit in self-dealing and massive harm, even before these jabs.


Auto Immune Disease?

Cardiovascular Disease?




These are induced, preventable diseases in the vast majority of cases.

Conventional vaccines and a host of conventional practices are marketing tools for which doctors are the working end of the system.

Yeah. New ones trained in medicine, not toxic inputs, would be nice.

How about old style naturopaths, minus the creeping intrusion of allopathy? That would work.

Start the hunt, and hang them. They either knew what they were doing or they SHOULD have known.

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Well , Luckily for me and my family I was a health care practitioner who specialized in Infectious Diseases for 25 years. To boot, we are Libertarians . So right of the bat , we resisted the fear mongering and the hype. Unfortunately , most Americans have allowed the government to define Patriotism . So when ***DOCTORS*** Fauci and Birx suggested that they accept the CONvid19 COUNTERMEASURE, ie, the clot shot , they had no idea that they were being deceived, that they were the victims of a gargantuan FRAUD being perpetrated by the national security apparatchick. Sad.

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Extremely well stated!

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The healthcare system is set up to produce drones faster than they can be eliminated.

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I agree with Sasha 100%. Start the hunt.

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And then what? Follow Dr Hill's suggestion or Dr Drew's? Bring in the bit players first or Emily Oster? Truth and reconciliation, mistakes were made, all is forgiven? Amnesty now? Give Emily and Weissman and Bourla and Fauci et al big hugs and shower them with kisses? Kiss and make up? Do the same with the bit players? All hold hands? Sing kumbaya? Sounds like a plan.

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What a ridiculous reply,.


This time around; get ready to be used, abused and your soul & mind stolen. But just sit and wait: if THAT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD.


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The good news Cleolynne is that President Trump is on track to return to power. None of the mandating of shots would have happened if he had been in office. The blame for what happened rests with the RINOS and the Never Trumpers and others who do not support him.

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I will always believe that Trump would have won in 2020 had it been an honest election. Can he win the public AND all manner of cheating dedicated to preventing him from taking office again? I'm not counting on it. I've lost faith in our medical system, allopathic doctors, hospitals, the CDC and FDA, but preceding all of that I lost faith in our election system.

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Doesn't matter to the millions of Americans who took the shots without any mandate. Social pressure and massive propaganda was all that was needed.

And, DT still does not mention the 'vaccines' in any negative way (that I have seen anyway), quite the opposite.

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President Trump is not a scientist nor a medical doctor. He can not believe that the national security apparatus manipulated by a cabal populated by Obama, John Brennan, James Clapper, Gina Haspel , et al would destroy the nation in order to remove him from power.

You know things are really bad when the ACLU asks:

Do U.S. Politicians Need to Fear Our Intelligence Agencies?

An example of what I’m talking about emerged when Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer was asked by Rachel Maddow about Trump’s spurning of the agencies’ findings. Trump is “taking these shots, this antagonism, this taunting to the intelligence community,” Maddow pointed out. The response by Schumer—who has been in Congress since 1980, and in the Senate leadership for ten years, and presumably knows his way around Washington—should send a chill through the heart of every American:

Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. So, even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.



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Of course, he was thinking about assassination. by that same "intelligence community"!

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Makes me glad I live so far away.

But you could say the same of Biden, or nearly any other politician. They are not scientifically trained, and just rely on what the fda/cdc tell them.

And the nation, as well as the rest of the world, are being murdered in plain sight. If Trump would clean this up it would be great, but will he? After all, he is proud to be The Father of the 'Vaccines'.

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The US is not like Europe, Karl. Americans are 🐏🐑🐏.. There are none more brainwashed anywhere on the planet. Americans live in a Soviet-like police state that they delude themselves is a democratic republic. Look at New York State and California. Son of Sam would be elected Governor there if he was the Dem nominee. Why isn't Trump running as anti-jabs? RFK Jr is. A recent Suffolk University/USA TODAY poll found, in a hypothetical seven-way ballot (including Trump, Biden, Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Jill Stein, Independent candidate Cornel West, Libertarian Party candidate Lars Mapstead or a No-Labels candidate), Kennedy Jr. earned about 10% support, versus Trump at 37% and Biden at 34%.

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I've lived in Europe for almost 8 years. (France, Germany, Ireland) They are even more brainwashed than the US. All in on socialism. Jabs good. Masks necessary. Censorship ideal. Punishing non vaxxers and non maskers is just fine.

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True, but Trump is not RFK Jr. He could pretty much say anything, and his large supporter base would agree. In other words he could start to link the jabs and injuries without running as anti-jab. If nothing else, it would help those of his supporters who are still lining up.

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Worse still the deaf dumb & blind forever Trump supporters who still choose to ignore/ forgive Operation Warp Speed, the lack of contrition & Trump's continued support of the friggin jabs. Wake-up America, billionaires are NOT your friends.

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Do you seriously think 👹 Hillary would not have done an Operation Warp Speed? They all do it. Gerald Ford did one for Swine Flu in 1976. People just never hear about it because injectees were dropping dead after the roll out so they stopped the jabs. 🤡 Boris 🐵 Johnson in the UK went along with it with AstraZeneca. Do you really think 😷 Joe Bribem would have done a better job than Trump or that he doesn't have more billions than Trump? Some billionaires are worse than others. Trump is supporting the 💉💉💉💉 because he has done his market research and not supporting the 💉💉💉💉would lose him the election. The 🐏🐑🐏 American people are brainwahed. The 🐏🐑🐏 American people ♥️ the 💉💉💉💉. There are heaps of Independents, Dems and RINOS who are literally screaming for boosters.

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Wisely stated!

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Tell that to Emily and Dr. Drew.

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Quite right! The holocaust never ended because the same evil agenda is still being played out; only this time the goal is a world-wide holocaust directed at all of humanity; the same evil mind-set is at work by the direct descendants of the original evildoers who have surpassed the purveyors of death we once thought we would never see again.

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Cleolynne: I fully agree there should be legitimate trials and punishment including capital punishment where deserved.

(But in light of the failure of every international organization -- the UN, WHO, EU, WEF -- and the corruption they engender, I don't think an international tribunal is the answer. I only wish I had an alternative to offer at this point. I will continue to think it over.)

I do agree with ANW that Donald Trump's prospective return to the US Presidency would be transformative for the country.

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I would add Union officials and representatives who, being scared and selfish, colluded with employers to create work contracts mandating their own colleagues - throwing their fellow union members aware enough to know NOT to get jabbed straight under the bus. These Union idiots hopped right on the Biden "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" Bandwagon, threw away their most fundamental principle of union solidarity, and became complicit team members with mass murderers to encourage all the workers the get injected with poison. I'd like to see bastards like that held to account....many in my workplace were jab injured. The Union - countless unions - seriously failed their members by cheerleading the narrative.

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Together with large sections of the left, who only a few years earlier would have viciously opposed big pharma, indeed any, corporations who harmed people while siphoning trillions from the working class. But you are right, the 'Union' leaders who mandated the poison need to join Jimmy Hoffa.

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Colluding with employers to screw over the workers is what Union bosses do. It's their entire raison d'etre.

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I have many mixed feelings regarding this issue. I am a retired RN after 40 plus years. My perspective is this.....while I am an old RN, my years of working taught me many things. I was the only RN in the hospital, I went to every ER patient, every delivery, scrubbed for emergency surgeries, had the new born nursery, a 4 bed ICU the cardiac monitors were at my nursing station.....the patients at the end of a wing...I also had the keys to the pharmacy.....I had to mix chemo for IV’s, mix or dispense all new orders, etc.... we didn’t have IV machines, electronic thermometers, or drug carts.... y’all I’m not making anything up, my life the first 20 years was HARD. Now, with regard to the punishment for the guilty.......my first thought is, I was a single Mom most of my two children’s lives..What choice could I have made if this issue had faced me? I already had to fix one pot of food for each week, we didn’t need forks or knives, everything we ate you used a spoon....not exaggerating at all. What decision could I have made?

When this mess started in 2019/20, I started educating myself on what in the world was this, how could I prevent it, and I had already concluded I would not be taking any of the “medicine” that was miraculously created.....NO was my decision even before “IT” was available....but I, unlike millions was retired, I could not nor would not be forced to take anything.....my sons and families put extreme pressure on me.... age, health, death, etc.....nope I did it my way. Thankfully I never “got IT”, although one of Son’s family got in line, couldn’t wait to sign up....I begged them not to.....you know how it is.....your kids sometimes will not listen......they took the poison, and had “IT” according to PCR several times...

So as Dr.Rand Paul said last week, He believes that Fauci needs to spend the rest of his life in prison, along with thousands and thousands of others.....life without parole. Actually, although so many should receive that sentence, truly America nor any other country could take all that deserved the life sentence, the World could never replace healthcare workers, never replace enough.......America doesn’t have enough Healthcare Professionals now.....the new ones graduating are not being educated properly....with DEI, all of the “Wokeness” being placed in their brains..the World is in trouble....yikes I sound like Lizzy Bad News......in reality I reckon I am. OK y’all......I must say, I will be eternally grateful for Dr.Pierre Kory..... there are numerous others as well, but Dr. Kory is the first one I found.....I will always be thankful I found The FLCCC.....really, I found them very early....I do not think they were called FLCCC yet....However, I will forever be thankful for “The Group”

and my “Maker”. Each of y’all be Blessed, and truly no matter how much the desire is or the feeling of necessity is, We Cannot Get Rid of Them All......so for myself, I will continue to live my life, never forget the friends and family members who didn’t survive the storm, and always remember true justice will be given in my belief, by someone much Bigger, Wiser, and Certainly will do the judging and give the necessary punishment with much more compassion than I could. The Old Nurse.

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Rand Paul is a firm believer in supporting the Israeli genocide, as are the vast majority of the do-nothing Congress. Even watching the cartoon character John Kennedy one realizes soon that Kennedy is very pro-Israel, in other words, an Israeli suck-up. Always they have to mention the old bromide, "we have to support our only ally in the Middle East". Just like we have to support, if that's the correct word, the Ukrainian oligarchs and assorted crooks in the fervent hopes that we could some day use Ukraine to help us launch missiles to Russia. The US is pure slime and we all know why. We have our slimy meathooks in Eretz Israel and we want a big chunk of ME oil and gas which we would steal as we now steal oil from Syrian oil fields.

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Yes the US wants that big chunk of ME oil and gas but it's also very easy for the US to support genocide. Uncle Sam sat back and metaphorically played with his dick when the Ottoman Turks were doing a genocide on the Armenians and Greeks. The US would have let Germany genocide all of European Jewry if Hitler had not declared war on the US on December 11 1941. It's just lucky for the US that Stalin and the USSR were fighting Germany or the US would have got its ass kicked. Look, politicians like Rand Paul and John Kennedy support Israel.for the same reason Hitler, prior to 1941, supported emigration of European Jews to Palestine. Hitler wanted the Jews as far away from Germany as possible. There are already 7.6 million Jews in the US. Politicians like Rand Paul and John Kennedy don't want any more. There are 7.2 million Jews in Israel. Rand Paul and John Kennedy want them to stay there. If Israel is defeated, many Israelis will emigrate to the US. They don't want that to happen. In addition, the Israelis are killing arabs. That's something most Americans don't have a problem with. The more the better, as far as most Americans are concerned. It used to be "chinks" and "gooks" that Americans got their rocks off killing. That's now less socially acceptable than it was. But Americans still consider it fun to hear of "towelheads" getting killed. That, plus wanting to limit how many more Jews come to the US, is why politicians like Rand Paul and John Kennedy support Israel.

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Thank you, Sarita/Old Nurse! I appreciate your perspective. Your words are powerful. I wish we still had nurses like you in charge!!

And I agree with finding Dr Pierre Kory early and knowing in advance that this brand new mRNA technology would not be for me!

I credit the too few brave doctors and nurses who spoke out and educated us. And to my God who spoke to me and gave me the assurance, terrified as I was about to lose my airline career of 35 years! Thankfully, the mandates were rescinded and I was not ultimately fired. But wAAy too close for comfort!

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Thanks for your words. It was interesting that you are an airline employee. A family member who worked as a Flight Attendant out of Atlanta and New York took early retirement rather than obey the mandates early in. Be Blessed.

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Psalms 37:1-40 Amen



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Dragging them kicking and screaming is spot on but the "court" bit is where this argument fails.

THEY OWN THE COURTS (like literally!).

This is a casino and the house never loses. The only way to win is not play any of their games but instead burn down the casino!

"Sometimes you gotta tear it ALL down. Start over again"

We are there!!


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I organise something called Forest of the Fallen here in Sydney. I go to all the beaches and ‘plant’ a forest of PDFs of Australians killed and injured by these injections. The people who are the most in denial are MEDICAL! I did a ‘forest’ today at Dee Why Beach. A registered nurse sat with me and told me that at her hospital (Hornsby) the wards are full of sick people who she is only now registering are vaccine injured. She says her colleagues are oblivious. It is beyond my comprehension.

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....who she is only now registering are vaccine injured.

There must be many medical workers who are starting to realise, even if they are not admitting it yet. The damn will break soon, it must given the levels of harm, as bad as they are, will start to exponentially increase.

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Would really like to know why teh Medical Freedom Warriors are not massively pushing, at every opportunity, the fact that staining autopsies are not done. Yes, occasionally it is mentioned for example Drs. Cole and McCullough have both mentioned these tests are relatively easy to do, but the MEs are not allowed.

They could also be applied to the biopsies from unexpected cancers. The tests can easily find out if the tissue is full of 'natural' spike, mRNA spike or no spike.

They will not do them because they know it would be game over, and trials would begin.

It is, imo, also a powerful argument against the covidians. If they, and their governments, are 100% sure that a sudden and unexpected death is not caused by the genetic injections, why will they not stain for spike?

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Exactly right, Karl. Why are jab virtue signallers Ron DeSanTARD in Florida and Greg Abbott in Texas not calling for this. Why is the UkroNazi warrior in the US Senate, Ron Johnson, not calling for this?

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Thank you for posting this, Dr. Alexander.

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Start the hunt.

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Myth: Nuremberg 1 - did NOT hunt down everyone involved. Not even close. Some tokens, but many high ranking engineers, physicians, researchers etc Nazis ended up in Operation Paperclip, vacuumed out of Germany and were installed in allied countries, many in Ukraine, trading their knowledge to the former enemy.

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It could be worth considering a "stablehands of the apocalypse" category for some of the more notable of the public figures who served the horsemen. The local pharmacist or nurse, although needing to be accountable, would best be not nominated for the list. I'm thinking of people like Prof. David Gorski who probably hero worships most of those on the horsemen list, Malone excepted. Gorski skills for pharma, like Hotez does. He propagandizes that the covid shots are the best thing since sliced bread. It could pander to his ego to put Gorski on the horsemen list. He would boast about it. He would probably not boast about being on a stablehands' list.

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You'll not get anywhere with any prosecutions until you succeed in curtailing government power.

The core strategy shouldn't be to hang 'em high: this can come later. The core strategy should be to turn back undue state power, such that Covid abuses couldn't have happened in the first place (through dictates by the CDC and FDA and monetary bribes to the hospitals by the federal government, etc.) if the government had been restrained from interfering in medical practice and from making medical mandates.

We can be as angry as we want to be and we can want to hang any number of people, but until state power can be turned back the government will simply laugh at us and do whatever it pleases. Isn't that what's happening now?

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They plan (already doing?) to put genetics into produce...GMO the produce. Already doing to animals. Organic label seems useless. Gates says this will make vaccines unneccessary. Someone, please put him out of my misery!

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Absolutely…start with arrests and go from there!

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I want to see the fear in their eyes before they meet God! Especially one in particular!

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Good one old mate, nice vent. Trumpy is looking for a VP, you should give him a bell but first make a ✊ put it under your chin & push up you dill.👍🇦🇺🦘

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