I am single, live alone, and am self employed, so I was able to avoid any direct pressure to vaccinate. But, as an unvaccinated person I read all of these statements in real time, and it was disturbing. I avoid conversations about the vaccine, so it never became a personal problem. However, it was disheartening to read that so many people would have been happy if I died being unvaccinated. I've always gone my own way, but the pandemic has been very isolating. Nothing will ever be the same, and I will never be able to look at people the same ever again. Just like during the plandemic when the popular phrase was "We are all in this together." Nobody called me, nobody asked how I was doing, friends turned their backs on me. It was painfully clear that we were NOT all in this together.

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I told my relatives they owed me an apology for disinviting me to family activities. I make sure I give them hugs when I see them because who knows if it is the last time I will see them. I know they are shedding on me from their recent booster, but what the heck, it cracks me up when I feel them stiffen up with my arms wrapped around them!

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Totally hear you. It has been a revelation. So many people did not have the heart and character I thought they did.

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Yep so true. I however stayed in close contact with my true friends and family. Never did we isolate. Those who rejected us, well, I can love them from afar and wish them well. Maybe one day they will wake up from their slumber. I’ve made new and better friends!

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I am apoplectic that anyone can list this group of individuals as people that they admire! None of these people have the intellect of an average goat. They are leftists who think they are brilliant and would do anything to censor opposing opinion. I would love to see how many of them are on record as visitors at the Biden/Obama Whitehouse.

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I wholeheartedly agree. Not only are they deadly stupid but their unhinged fear of a bad cold has revealed their deep animosity against anyone with a better understanding of biology and personal bodily integrity.

They are shameless cowards.

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right, to fear a cold so much you would want to kill someone over a toxic jab that didn't work...that's mental!

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As Socrates said "I know nothing except how little I know" and among the little I know is that, although I have no time for celebrity opinion, I know vaxxed with "Long Vax" and unvaxxed with PASC or "Long COVID."

I also know that the health "authorities" and most others know jack sh*t

about the long term effects of this "bad cold with harmless spike proteins."

More people die from this cold than is acknowledged.

I'm not a fan of medscape bit I don't discount everything.that is reported in it out of hand.

" 'Long COVID remains massively underdiagnosed, and death in people with long COVID is misattributed to other things,' Al-Aly said. An accurate test for long COVID could help lead to a more accurate count of these fatalities, Czeisler said. Some preliminary research suggests that it might one day be possible to diagnose long COVID with a blood test."

"The new death tally indicates long COVID remains a significant public health threat and is likely to grow in the years ahead ..."

" 'I do expect that deaths associated with long COVID will make up an increasingly larger proportion of total deaths associated with COVID-19,"' said Mark Czeisler, PhD, a researcher at Harvard Medical School who has studied long COVID fatalities." 


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With holding ivermectin created long covid. Vaccinations create long covid.....the lies continue. There is a cure. Has always been one. That has been proven repeatedly. Now, hows about we talk about the graphene and nano bots in the shots??????

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They made sure we had our fill of nanosh... too, the PCr tests are loaded with those, it was their vengeance in submitting us (unvaxxed) into complying anyways. And the shedding was well-known. Forget purebloods...

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Thanks for this reminder and the new information. It was flippant of me to mimimize covid as a "bad cold," considering I handwrote a will I was so sick myself. I have great compassion for anyone suffering long covid. But I cannot help speculating they might be the same population that may be most vulnerable to the worst sequelae of the covid shots (and are suffering the lesser of two evils?). I'm still in a certain state of disbelief concerning the past 4 years. And sad to think how much we've lost.

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Struggling to get my head around the idea that Nathan Wolfe, partner of Hunter Biden, sourced a cironavirus in Ukraine to do gain of function on in order to turn it into a bad cold. But I guess that if that is what they and Joe and the spook agencies did then their actions were fairly benign ...

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The gain of function was to make the virus more transmittable. That was the first step. They took a coronovirus (cold) and fucked with it to make it go from person to person easier. Still, it was a cold. I would totally stick with the term "bad cold." People have always died from colds/coronoviruses. This one was only different in that "TheScience" screwed around with the spike protein of the virus and whoopsie, its Chinese "lower landed cost" manufacturers released by mistake.

The true gain of function weapon is the bioweapon shot. That is truly designed to kill.

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I already took that comment back

; )

It was carelessly made in the context of demeaning know-it-all high school dropout celebrities. Which they deserve.

That newly revealed (for me at least) Nathan Wolfe connection was startling.

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All good!

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Have you ever listened to Dr. Brian Ardis? You ought to look up his interview on Flyover Conservatives. He tells how a low mg. tobacco patch can get rid of that and people get their smell and taste back. Very important information there. We don"t nèed everybody dying. We need everybody living. WE Must Win this battle!

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I believe this info to be true. Proof is that people I know that smoke never got even an omicron. And they think it was their cov injections protecting them...

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Actually, goats are very smart. Let's not insult goats. These are paid evil, psychotic, beyond ignorant monsters who would say the things they are saying about the unvaxxed.

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If they're not "...on record as visitors at the Biden/Obama Whitehouse," does that mean they weren't there and if they're not on the flight logs of the Lolita Express does that mean they weren't on Epstein Island?

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IDK, ask Hunter Biden.

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wonder about their ethnic backgrounds........hmmm.

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And they were paid no doubt!

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I wonder how many of these people are in Epstein files...

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(I tried to like this comment, but c Anderson has blocked me. Not sure why.)

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As well as Epstein island lol! They’re all frauds IMO.

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They were scripted to say these things ..but ultimately they will be accountable for every word spoken..

Something we all need to bear in mind... no one escapes judgement day..

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Gimme five minutes alone with shrieking Olbermann. I’ll show him some unvaxxed whoopsss.

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Not even their bunkers will protect them.

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Possessed minds...poisoned.

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It’s ok. Karma is a bitch on steroids.

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The Indian Medical Research Council recommended using prophylactic HCQ to prevent infections. A meta analysis of the resulting Indian studies showed that their ICMR protocol worked with RR 0.25 (i.e. decreased chances of infection by a factor if 4). We had that option on the table on April 2020. We also had treatments. We never needed the vaccines.

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I saw it in a completely opposite way. Because I didn't see a pandemic at my hospital, I didn't think the vaccines were necessary. But mostly, I felt standing up to the erosion of informed choice was important for my children's children. Vaccines had always protected the person who took them, so this narrative was more about coercion "to just take it" and those reasons were in my opinion nefarious, esp after witnessing the results of the jabs.

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David Sorensen

October 2022 I wrote the essay to The White Rose!

Evil – Where Does It Come From?

Posted By The White Rose UK On 28/10/2022

By Roy M McIntosh

Where does it come from? Are we capable of it? Does it need leaders?

Over the years at times, I asked those questions as I could see evil on show—and that was overseas and at home!

In history, mainstream media, education etc we are told about the evil coming from Japan, Germany, China, Russia etc, we all go along with that.

But we should look closer to home and see what we find!

I shall not give the details because if I tried that, I may be writing till the next decade! I shall just name what is on top of my head.

1. The Highland clearances in Scotland

2. The miners’ strikes in the UK

3. Babies heads kicked off—Australia

4. Rwanda’s genocide—Yanks and Brits involvement

5. The Beggars Benison and Edinburgh Wig Club, Scotland

6. The Darien Scheme—what was behind it?

7. Children’s care homes—UK

8. Dodgy cover-ups—involving politicians, royals, Savile, Hamilton etc

I used to think that evil shown to others was one country against another, but when you look, it was right on our own doorstep. As I said, we are not being informed. You have to go and look for it, and it is not far away when you scratch under the surface of history.

Maybe at times we make excuses when our ‘flag’ is involved, and maybe a relative was involved…

That is how I found out about the Australian Aborigine babies’ heads being kicked off.

An uncle who lived in Australia from 1920 till he died, told me how the Aborigines were treated, so I read up on it and found the kicking of heads ‘horror show’.

In my mind I thought the evil was there, close to home, but I would try to make excuses and not want to believe.

Jump into the 2020s and all has been revealed. The ‘evil’ is not only in your own country, city and street but in your own very door!

Murder of the elderly spells it out, and people just turn a blind eye to it, as if it did not happen.

That was all done by the backing of politicians, doctors, churches, NHS and the mainstream media. Add on the jab ghouls going around like covid wizards, joyfully maiming and killing.

Yes, we all like to think that evil only exists across borders, but the truth is it’s in all areas of society and it is worldwide.

I think we should all look in the mirror and ask ourselves: Am I being honest?

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I don't think it's about whether we're being honest. It's more about how shocking it is to realize that "your own kind" or "those we trusted" could possibly be evil psychopaths. Once we can accept that, then we can do something about it.

We aren't the one's doing this. We're the ones trying very hard to help people understand these atrocities, this evil. I just learned that my whole family is vaxxed. How does one comprehend that? How does one not start grieving because they know the horror? Basically, if any of them die, you know what that means. They were/are, as we all are whether vaxxed or not, victims of this horror show.

We have to do our best to convince people to see what's going on in the world. How the rush for the end of humanity is going very quickly now, although it's been going on for at least a century or more in the US. We need to educate whoever will listen. This isn't our fault or those who are victims (to some degree I do blame the vaxxed for not wanting to learn, as we have). But this is about the whole of western society being severely brainwashed through major marketing, tv shows, into believing and trusting that doctors are like gods, into believing that one of TWO parties of gvnmt has your back (which is insane to believe), into believing that the food you're eating is safe, into believing that the water you drink is safe, that the wars that are happening are just between those that are fighting it and not coming from higher ups, etc. for decades. All of the horrors that are happening around us, are coming from very high ups who are playing this horrific puppet show very well because they have at least a century (most likely more) of practice.

So, I would say, it's about learning the truth and educating others as to what the truth is.

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I agree completely!!!! Although I'm not sure evil.psycopath describes the average idiot that falls for propaganda and throws their friends under the bus. I think it describes the HUMAN CONDITION. Sadly!!!! MOST people aren't that nice. It's survival of the fittest. Join the club to stay alive and don't drift from the pack...LORD OF THE FLIES....mentality still exists. Imo anyways

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Not just friends. Family. And they could have been more polite about it. And when their realization is they made a mistake, to APOLOGIZE. But they haven't. Doesn't anybody ever apologize? I know I have.

My truest disappoinment is that I WASTED MY PRECIOUS TIME with them BEFRORE COVID.

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my husband's daughter who is 45 has never ever admitted she was wrong about anything or apologized for anything, but we were always walking on eggshells around her for her precious feelings. Now that my husband is gone I have nothing to do with her and that's the only good thing about it.

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Many of the jabbed know they are sick and dying and will never admit it like the alcoholic who thinks nobody knows he`s a drunk

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Oh I understand completely. I just realized my whole family I have worked so hard to get along with are incapable of listening. They are hard wired to FOLLOW and don't really give a shit about anyone else's POV, or facts, or science papers, or dead people. People are always a surprise . But you hope FAMILY will be there. To realize they are not is a sucker punch to the stomach.

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in 2017 when Trump was inaugurated, I mentioned to my mother in a phone call that I liked Melania's clothes and she and my sister went ballistic...I said I'm talking about clothes not her but they didn't care...not long after that I never heard from my parents, brother, or my sister and her family again. They all live in Broward County Florida and are Democrats and completely brainwashed. My sister from the moment she became pregnant with my nephew managed to keep him from being vaxxed and yet she and they all fell for the covid scare BS and got the jabs. My nephew will be 19 this year. As it was he was on the autism spectrum.

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Funny how the people that hate claim to be the most virtuous. Insane really. History repeats

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It's so sad. As I mentioned, I just learned that my whole family has been vaxxed even my niece and nephews. It's heartbreaking.

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Yes agree. Going through similar:(

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Yes most people are sheep and just go along to get along, don’t make waves, unless of course you are a paid protester;(

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I wasn't referring to those that have unfortunately fallen for the propaganda and are now vaxxed. I was referring to those "elected" officials, the doctors, etc. that clearly are not to be trusted.

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Yes. Gotcha! You are 100 % correct! Psychopaths of the highest order.

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Well, and did they even get vaccinated !? Whatdaya thinkkkkkk......

I will bet that would be a big fat No f ing way!


Did you see the video of Sean Penn presenting Zelensky the Oscar trophy Acting Award. ?

Rumble.com etc

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At This Point

Telling Someone

That The Vaccine Is Safe And Effective

Is Like Telling A Cancer Victim

That They Look Good In Short Hair.


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Addition Why condemn the Unvaccinated if these Incompetent MARXIST Freaks believes the Vaccinations protect when just like any liberal they can’t handle Truth and Science is clear it’s the Vaccinated spreading Covid hell they even want unvaccinated individuals to Donate Plasma that free of Spike Protein why if Unvaccinated is such a threat and Covid God Fauci Poison actually Protected you would they care so much about Getting Unvaccinated Plasma??? Hell it’s their poor excuse of an existence they can go ahead and stay on those knees polishing Fauci’s pole.

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Because those PEDIPHILE worshiping Clowns believe whatever their masters tell them and calls science Misinformation when in fact there is scientific proof Vaccinations are what’s infecting people and creating new variants and it’s the Fully VAXXED and Boosted being hospitalized and even dying, if the crap was actually effective there wouldn’t be an issue they would just be like well I’m protected at least I won’t get Infected. There wouldn’t be such a big pushback with a virus that has a 1.4 % mortality rate, Kids especially don’t need it as their immune system will take care of it, the ones that get vaccinated should actually worry as they are the ones passing it. FOLLOW SCIENCE AND GET OFF THE KNEES FOR FAUCHI is what my response would be , people that Blindly listen to Democrats should remember one thing and that’s the Democrats have always been the party of Slavery Segregation Oppression Jim Crow Kkk white supremacy and must always have Control and people forget something any major vaccination REQUIRES SIGNED CONSENT And Covid Vaccinations are no different, you must consent for a flu shot and that’s once a year not 15 a year.

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They're PAID to say what they say and do, or under contract their on obligation by their managers to make public statements when told. This is part of every 'stars' contract;

Penn wouldn't talk to the public if the meter wasn't running, an he wasn't getting paid;

Like the PR crap of him giving his OSCAR to Zelensky, totally staged jew-shit


Same for Neil Young when he came out pro-vax, it was part of his contract, spotify gave him $10M for his music, and he's under their contract, black-rock owns spotify, and pfizer owns black-rock;

Same for Rogan, he's on contract

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Neil Young married Darryl Hannah she is his handler imo.

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Makes sense as you all know Darryl was in 'kill bill' where she was very close to Weinstein & all the Epstein pedo A-listers

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Same with RFK. Good thing he will never be President.

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Yep a heroin addict that became a lawyer, an ambulance chaser they call them in the business; Cuz every time somebodys kid got harmed by a vax there he was to get his 60% of the insurance claim; You have to do heroin to live in that world

A USA POTUS he would make

What they say rags to riches in one generation?? JFK was made good old irish mob papa ran whores and all else, JFK made good, and then the next generation goes right back to the mob

Given that every fucking POTUS in USA is Mafia since IKE, and who knows about IKE he might have been as well, as we all know you don't make 'general' unless you re a skull&bones type sodomite

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what has surprised me is how many of the "elite" people actually got real jabs instead of prop needles or placebos and are sick and/or dying. I guess they weren't any more special than the rest of us. And that list of people--I don't admire any of them.

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That is an important point, that the "elite," however one wants to define it, is apparently disposable. This is a war on humanity.

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Lucifers plebs

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Why oh why do people/sheeple keep putting celebrities on a pedestal when they have nothing to do with you or your life???????????!!!!! As for Drs, there is no, and never will be, a one -size -fits- all drug or prescription for the masses. We are all unique individuals. Unless the Dr has been studying YOU he cannot predict what any drug will do to YOU. And ALL drugs whether allopathic or homeopathic have side effects!!!!

People need to wake the heck up!

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