I would bet that the video is CGI. There is no way someone could come out of that walking and talking normally. Either that or the whole thing was faked. Just like the Damar Hamlin saga.

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They’d make him look better if it was cgi. He looks like someone who went through hell and his event was I don’t know how many weeks ago. Months. The salty cracker commented “and they waited until he looked THIS good to let him speak, what did he look like before?!”

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Dead. But better.

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Not good I net

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Yes, my thought too. I trust nothing--especially given the amount of time that has elapsed.

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In this most evil and devious world that sounds very possible.

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Exactly! Reminds you of Damar...I think they are both clones. This new Foxx has a totally different shaped head and coloring. They better give the clone machine a little tune up.


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Yep. They are getting a little too sloppy. We can tell it’s not the real person.

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They are laughing in the stupid public's faces.

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Different hair line also.

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It's an artificial, shaved hairline in the original Jamie.

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Update on "My Plea to Dr. Robert Malone" by Dr. Michael Yeadon

Dr. Yeadon's plea fell on deaf ears


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I saw that. Excellent article.

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Also the video did not show his upper extremities at all which, they kept the video obscuring his arms and hands

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I also noticed his head in the video looks misshapen and his goatee is covering something on the right side of his mouth or jaw

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If Jamie would send Ana a blood sample that may help a ton in sorting more evidence. He lost a ton of weight-muscle.

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This is a a very sad case of a talented actor risking his health, his life for a movie that he probably couldn’t finish doing because of his health. More than likely, now that he’s ill, he won’t work because he will not have any contracts. Was it all worth it? No!

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It doesn't even look like him, he looks white and skinny in the face, a clone maybe.

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What is a clone? As you use the word? Actor body double?

Or a person with a mask ( Halloween ) on?

Or taking one cell of a person and replicating it using parthenogenesis ?

Or none of the above ?

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

Is this Author serious? Acting like this is not an imposter?

Is the author blind and deaf or in on the imposter charade?

I bet the new unimproved Fox plays a mean game of pickle ball!

Liars, Liars, Liars.

All for a Buck!


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He knows that if he spoke out about the covid vaccine poisons, his career is over.

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But it appears that it's over anyway - and for what ? And if he spoke out he would be vilified just like Eric Clapton. One of the greatest guitarists ever, and even he said that all his friends shunned him. He wasn't antivax, he was vax injured. Another one who could have spoken out : Celine 😢

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You proved my point, thanks.

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He was on TMZ returning someone's purse that was stolen and the whole thing was super sketchy. Even some of the brainwashed TMZ reporters were suspicious.

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He will remain silent just like the others!!!!

Their silence is getting bought!

All cowards!!!

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We do not know for sure what caused his problems. He has a right to privacy, although I don't get what the big secret is all about. However, IF he does have valuable information to give to others to help them prevent such a thing happening, he should come forward. You have to realize that if he (or any other public figure in the entertainment industry) came out saying that he was vaccine injured, then he would be blackballed in a heartbeat. That industry is so controlled. Even so, if that is the case, he should have the integrity to do it anyway. Anyone should if that is the case. But in his particular case, I am sure he is already set for life financially, so he doesn't have a lot of the concerns that other people threatened with retaliation do.

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Nice to be set for life financially. But, does he care to help other people out that are suffering. The knowledge of his case could help other less fortunate people+

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The medical mafia is real. They’d murder his daughter or him if he speaks up. If it’s actually Jamie.

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Right...If, it's actually Jamie. That picture doesn't even look like him. Is Damar dead or alive,

I wonder?

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I saw a cardiac arrest on the field with 10 full minutes without oxygen. Watch the video. That, in the medical profession equals DEAD.

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WOW.... So, again the public is being sold a lie. I remember when supposedly he came to one of his teams football games. He was

acting weird and wouldn't show his face. So, did they buy his family

off for silence. Who was that person that showed up in that video

he did thanking everyone?

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Slow the video doen. He actually sits,and is slightly moving. Perfprm cpr for 9 minutes and it took place 9 minutes into the game. Then they wait for his mother to get into the generic ambulance?! Then he's jumping up and down in the hospital room when they fake the return for touchdown? No cracked ribs from cpr? Then he flies home in a week? They don't even want pregnant women to fly. I think the whole thing was theater, like WWE. If he did have a heart attack, he's dead. Like jamie.

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I’m still wondering. & Didn’t Jamie make a movie about clones? I haven’t kept up on movies.

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Thé Evils do have a macabre sense of humor.

Maybe that is why they were so adamant about him taking it...or as the story goes.

Everybody is such a lying sack of shit in that industry. One thing is for sure, unless he wanted to retire and hide away somewhere, he is dead or as good as dead and there will be no more JF movies.

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That’s why my favorite writer/ screenwriter/ podcaster/ musician is someone who ran away from Hollywood. ( Zeph Daniel, formerly known as woody Keith)

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Me too. Yes, Jamie played in, They Cloned Tyrone. I don't know much about the film.

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He has little hope of a career in the weakened state he's in at this point.

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Fear of facing the truth has become a government coerced venom that has poisoned so many innocent victims across the globe. And do not think that for a moment that I will exempt the devil himself, big pharma.

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Foxx will never EVER admit anything. Ta ta Health & Human Services PAID US MEDIA COMPANIES etc. TO LIE! $1 BILLION dollars! Lazy uneducated illiterate AMERICANS - we want a shot & that is all! Trump's Elderly Heroin aka daddy VAXXER & I most certainly do NOT SUPPORT Cocaine HEAD BIDEN !

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