Dr Bridle is an unsung Canadian hero. Hopefully, this hero will become known to many others. This intelligent, caring man with a great sense of humour has an ease of teaching... his niche . The silver lining of this covid madness is that we got to know him. His courage to speak out and face the malignities he endured made me beyond sad and mad. To be denied to do what he seemed to be so passionate about was heartbreaking.

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Shirley ♥️..yes he is a hero

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Yes...I made a screenshot from his you tube talk over a year ago . As a biologist I knew.... this is serious information . And what about Biodistribution and lengths of distribution ? Via Exosomes ? 15 months ? constant production of the toxic spike ? Reverse Transkriptase mRNA into DNA. If these DNA is incooperated into our DNA, is still to be proven . Spike hurts Endothels, mitochondria, ribosomes and maybe the reproduction as it goes into nucleus. And nobody can control this. This is an idea straight of hell

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Succinct, terrific comment!

Thank you!

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Your right. Byram was right. You should both get the Order of Canada. Do you even want it?

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Yes he is a Hero❤️ And so are you Dr. Alexander. Thank all of you for holding the line and not standing down. And there are a few more unsung heroes that value their oaths.

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Robert Malone mentioned something recently about the biodistribution studies- he said the way they did it with luciferase is the least sensitive way possible. To me it’s like they didn’t want to know, or already knew and had to hide it.

“using the least sensitive method for detecting where the product goes, which is whole body imaging as opposed to dissecting the tissues and analyzing them. Somehow the FDA allowed the wool to be pulled over their eyes by the pharmaceutical companies and they allowed them to use the least sensitive method for determining where this stuff goes and where it's making protein.”


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Dr. Alexander,

As with many of your more recent posts, I want to comment but am speechless.

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The real rats work at big pharma...every last one is a traitor to humanity. NO EXCUSES and NO MERCY!

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Incredible just how sad so much of society is.. how easily duped and subject to the likes of Mass Psychosis Syndrome ... the sheeple ... turn on their finest , the gifted teacher like Bridle...

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What I am wondering is if this is happening in all the injected MORE-ONS...

Why aren't more of them getting wrecked or dying?

Most injected people appear to be fine - so far

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Because a) not everybody might got the same concentration in the solution . If shaked or not cooled, some shots might got only a small load of mRNA. And ..if the syringe is filled ..it might depend if you withdraw the “solution” from a full vial or an almost empty vial .b) though there are already data about cancer rising up also Prionen/Alzheimer cases ( France) seem to start . Autoimmune diseases also take time to develop . Let’s look 5 yrs into the future : scary what we might see. The immune system is deregulated with every shot. Forever !!! Als Geert vanden Bossche ..he warned also .


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so no big deal... even if the excess deaths go double... it's a nothing burger... the CovIDIOTS won't even notice this.

We need to see millions going down ... tens of millions

Up the strength of the injections

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Dear Fast Eddy, I am a humane BEEING. I count myself lucky, that I have some biological and drug approval background. And a deep intuition. The manipulation and propaganda of the German Health minister were hard to withstand. Lockdowns , G2, G3 ..I was not allowed to use the streetcar in Frankfurt ( in front of my door) , no shopping - nada - for most of the time . One was made felt like a total outsider . Pressure , Control APPS, horrible . I did not decline. A lot of people just trusted. I tried to inform people since beginning of 202o . Yes . Most did not listen. But I do not want them to be harmed . It’s the politicians , EU, WHO, FDA and EMA. All corrupt .

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My sympathies. I read about, and watched many videos in 2021, regarding the absolutely draconian measures implemented by Germany & Austria.

Looked like Lithuania...

"Good Germans" and Austrians did as they were told though, yes?

Citizens who were vaxxed but dissented: how many protested and help the "unclean" to gain access to food and other essentials?

Just wondering, and curious, obviously.

Our country has gone so far down the shitter that it's unrecognizable to me.

Thanks in large part to this corrupt man 💩, his bought and paid for media, tremendous US media influence in Canada, and the "go along to get along" apathy of the majority here...


#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

#NoAmnesty 🚫💉

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I've long seen most humans as either barnyard animals - or circus animals. the circus animals are the highly trained ones (often referred to as white collar workers).

I see most people as droning along in life ... bereft of true intelligence. Yes many of them can perform complicated tasks (that I cannot) but then so can circus animals. They lack true intelligence.

Like a dog treats can be used to entice them to do these tricks --- we call the treats money.

Pay them - they will agree to go to university for many years and spend thousands of hours learning a complicated series of tricks.

I am not surprised that the more educated humans have embraced the injections more than any demographic.

They've dedicated their lives to being trained by the master... so when the master says 'take this injection - it's safe and effective' of course they do what they are told.

If they don't they won't get any more treats (i.e. they will lose their jobs).

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Yes. This is what I meant . I am German. Prof. Bkakti warned long time ago ..and he was so correct with damage of the complement system . He was called a „Querdenker“ a word to put all critical thinkers out of public discussion . They startet also in Germany to ridicule these scientists ..( not only in USA). Big manipulation of masses ...the 💲seems the only truths some know. All I can hope, that one day all the villains will be named and put to trial

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Heike. Thank you for contributing to the discussion. Your comments are inspiring and adding great value.

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Thank you Bea. The world must become a better place where ethics count and love for each other .

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I wholeheartedly agree. Yet, after so much being disclosed on the harm that the so called vax causes, I’m still baffled by ppl l up to get another shot. The frightening this the medical establishment, governments and media is continuing to double down and promote it. The question remains; where will we be able to see accountability and justice served for what has been done to the humanity? We can’t move forward without making it right. No amnesty.

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Tune into Dr McCullough's most recent podcast on America Out Loud. Titled "Department of Defense Driving Mass Vaccination While FDA and Vaccine Companies are Powerless to Stop It"

There is a completely cogent hypothesis based on inside research as to why some lots are hot lots and others essentially harmless. It has to do with the manufacturing process and issues of keeping the batches consistently uniform when they ramped up production levels.

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"Why aren't more of them getting wrecked or dying?"


Excess mortality among working age people 18 to 49 are up nearly 40% post-vaccination compared to pre-vaccination and only about 8% of that is directly attributable to covid. Pre-pandemic, the numbers barely budgeted year over year. Typical 1-2% standard deviation so a 40% increase is unheard of.

The mean age of death for covid-19 is like 82 years old in Canada and mean number of comorbidities is 4.... so the average person dying is both 4 years past life expectancy and severely unhealthy. So SOMETHING is killing 18 to 49 year olds....and its not covid b/c of who covid targets.

That something MIGHT be the vaccine. Also, as per @EdwardDowd whose interview I suggest you look up, the number of people on long term disability, rose since vaccine rollout in the US by about 2 million. That's like a 66% increase over the previous 3 million to a new 5 million. 5 million out of US's 330 million population are now on long-term disability. That's like 1% of the workforce just got taken out. 1 in every 100 jobs, empty. That's before, the increase in deaths among working-age people.

Ed Dowd has a great statistics that's every year, the excess deaths exceeds Pearl Harbor by about 12 times. It as if Pearl Harbour attack is occurring every month and hitting exclusively young-working age people and nobody is noticing. Everyone wanted to talk about covid-19 stats non-stop but not a single media source seems to want to mention the rising and continued excess deaths. I believe this is the "wrecked or dying" you were asking "why aren't more of them" occuring. The answer is: They are. You just don't look at mortuary statistics.

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Canada got a some of "near expiry date" stuff. Canada also was a bit late to roll it out. We didn't hit 10% double shot until early June 2021 and 50% by mid July 2021. The animals had major neurological problems after 18-24 months (mad cow, alzheimers). That would be January 2023 to July 2023.

We shall see. I'm hoping we got the expired batches which would be bad but not lethal.

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Bridle is a man of honor, decency and integrity. The attack on him was cowards slinging trash. He handled it and kept his dignity and his scientific integrity. It wasn't just his work that alerted me, it was the unwarranted propaganda attack. A total tell. The smart money knew something was really amiss.

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He and the truckers deserve it. Along with financial compensation for their losses. A long way to go before we get there but we are getting there. If Ron Johnson holds on and wins his Wisconsin seat in the US senate then we may get more traction on important issues. He looks like he's going to take it.

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The dosage is equivalent to giving a 70KG (154lbs) human 767 standard Pfizer doses at one time. Y'all need to relax. This is stupid.

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I have to study this . Thank you . Though my biochemistry studies finished in the beginning of 1980ies, I remember the importance of chirality. To inject mRNA in our bodies and to think only in a „linear“ way...like simple translation into proteins of this „constructed“ mRNA is a big mistake.

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