Dr Alexander please explain to me why we should trust this gentleman now? I really want to but he is very late to the party. I absolutely question his motives and need an acid test from him to demonstrate his contrition to redeem himself from the catastrophic damage he has authorship in. Politely we can lay it off on naïveté, but we’re beyond that, that is bull shit. Why should we trust someone stupid enough to establish the committee panels he did. I’m old fashioned, I don’t.

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agree and some of us question...but he has broken from the fold, the corrupt fold and they are destroying him...no joke, he is being slaughtered by his own side for he said ENOUGH...

look, listen to Kennedy's interview too with him, very guarded but open, we have to be open if the details help unfold the disaster. we have one eye open always and do not give away the kitchen, no, we let folk in to say their piece and by their actions we then will judge who is credible or not...but his statements and interviews recently have helped us tie some things together...just what he as said so far, the deepstate can take him out...so he has lots on the line. but I agree...I am not simply buying all I read and hear but I take what can help me understand further...I throw away the rest.

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Good points. I listened to RFK Jrs podcast with Sachs yesterday and was hearing FCS info that I’d heard about a year ago on Peak Prosperity. Better late than never...

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Thank you Dr. I was initially wowed, knowing he was moving into a buzz saw. But upon reflection puckered up.

A casualty of this war is trust, This Sachs cat needs to redeem himself. He was was too casual addressing the damage done and coming.

Seriously, are our “experts” that naive?

By the way, I am super impressed with your work, especially the volume. You’re mashing the gas pedal. Please keep it up sir!

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Whenever there is a crisis we see a few people who 'see the light' and come forth a whistleblowers or something less challenging to their own safety. I think it important to hear what they have to offer but they should be kept at arms distance as they rarely make such a break from their old ways of thinking and behaving. In this case with all the changes ongoing; ie, Fauci leaving his office and a real back tracking on all kinds of mandates and claims, I have to wonder if Sachs is looking to cover is personal butt by trying to sound like a good guy. And he is not renouncing the entire style of research or these drugs or vaccines or the data lies we have been fed for 2 years.

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Tanya, agreed fully...so we hold our noses. There is an exchange reach out for an interview between him and I. Let us see if it will happen, I am game.

Thanks for sharing this wise piece.

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No one speaks about his motives. Asking about his motives is a tricky question. For example most people do not have the desire to see me dead. What are their motives for that? I don’t know and I may never know, but that’s kind of less important.

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I agree. Thanks.

Though we’re out roles reversed I suspect I would be a bit more interested than someone wanting me dead than you. Am I understanding your point correctly?

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To be more specific: Nick Karl from Pfizer famously quoted his manager. who said about those, who did not acquire even antibodies after the shot: "Who cares?"

The manager was right at that time. But now actually people have to care a lot to keep up with the narrative of Pfizer. They have to do more and more effort and receive less and less, but mostly do not receive nothing for their effort. That makes a huge difference.

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The issue is how well can you trust someone like Sachs. His motives will become clear as time goes on and we see how he behaves. I just speak from my years of experience working with people and watching their alleged changes. Most only move a minor bit from where they began but sell themselves as having made major changes. And with people like Sachs there are issues of class and entitlements and how he uses his connections. Lets see what he really does with his information before trusting him too much

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We may never know. But he is now at least tempolarilly ally by the virtue of his action.

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I deal with a lot of 'allies' like him who prove to be our worst enemies. As previously stated, trust him only at arms distance until we know for sure that leopard really changed his spots.

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War is frequently decided by collaborators.

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I believe there is always a question about trusting such people, even in war. So what is your point besides wanting to disagree with me? We have a particular man who you think should be embraced with open arms because you want to believe in his sudden conversion?

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If I wanted to inject the whole world with a "vaccine" against a very bad virus, I could easily produce the sequences in my papers. And then have the world argue whether the virus came from nature or from a lab...

The simple question is WHY this "virus" and this "vaccine" give exactly the same symptoms as the toxicity of nanotechnology, or even more precisely as the toxicity of graphene????

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If you access the Fauci emails, there was/is a heavily redacted email circa 2016/17, cannot remember exactly when, circulated to Farrar/Fauci/Vallance (at the time Head of R&D GSK)/Daszak and a host of others including some scientists in Europe - and Baric at UniNCal CH if I remember correctly - in which a virus is discussed and the comment is made that an element of it "looks engineered". Fauci email to a US Health quango colleague then instructs him to be available at a moment's notice and that he "has work to do".....and so the desperate cover up begins.

The fact of a non naturally occurring DNA sequence in "the virus" - which I believe alludes to the chimeric virus similar to that which Baric wrote about in the 2015/16 paper - is not new and the sequence was identified years ago; whether it is the same sequence as this guy has "discovered", I do not know. I also believe that this sequence was what enabled the chimeric initially non humano-pathogenic virus to be able to attach to the ACE2 receptor elements of human cell tissue - and thus enter that cell to replicate the spike protein, i.e the exact result of the gain of function research, denied by Fauci, but bought by funds provided to and passed on by Fauci, to Daszak at EcoAlliance, by the US taxpayer, and then to WIV.

Might be wrong here as I am not a scientist; but this all started in the US, developed in the US until the research was banned and then someone decided that the gullible CCP run lab in Wuhan should get the gig to develop it just in case it was so lethal a leak in the US would be curtains for those involved.....?

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Interestingly, the nucleotide sequence CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG which contains the furin cleavage site has so far only been found in 2 places: the coof-virus and a Moderna patent from 2016/17. And by pure coincidence, the current CEO of Moderna was CEO of BioMérieux, the company that built the Wuhan BSL-4 lab. In a sane world, these facts alone would warrant multiple investigations, but no, there is absolutely nothing to see here.

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You need to understand how cover stories work to understand there was no virus. The whole Wuhan leak story is a red herring. That's what the $ 6 million paid for.

If it were true, there'd all be jailed for creating and releasing a bioweapon, for murder. They're smart people with smart lawyers. They're aware of history and what happened to Nazi doctors. It's not real. It's propaganda. And that's all it needed to be to accomplish their goals.

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Dr. Alexander - as a doctor - if your patient had liver failure, but also had a cold, and you knew he had eaten a poisonous mushroom, would you blame the cold or the mushroom for the need for a liver transplant?

If you understand the mechanism of graphene toxicity and what it causes, and if you know that graphene has been used, would you get involved in investigating whether the mysterious virus came from bats, pangolins or Fauci?

Or would you first look at the poison that was used and is causing the exact same result that this, the patient encountered?

If I overdose on certain drugs, but also have a runny nose and cough, would you treat my drug-induced collapse with antiviral drugs?

What happened to logic?

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"Democide is a term coined by American political scientist Rudolph Rummel to describe the '... killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.' According to Rummel, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including ... mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect ... This definition covers any murder of any number of persons by any government. Rummel created democide as an extended term to include forms of government murder not covered by genocide. According to Rummel, democide surpassed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th century."

I hope that Sachs doesn't get arkancided. Telling the truth is frowned on by the security surveillance police state. It could lead to the masses becoming unhappy about democide and having thoughts of Nuremberg.

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Ahh… the 4 HIV inserts. Dr A, can we agree that SARSCOV2 does not cause a cold/flu? No matter how mild covid presents, it is long-term BAD NEWS!!


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at all costs, yes.

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Irony appreciated, but many do not understand that in this context.

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All costs? Let’s all commit suicide? It’s 100 % effective against covid. Minks and ferrets still get it. Shall we extinguish them beforehand? Do You realise the insanity of Your proposal?

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Calm down. I’m not talking about the destruction of society. I’m simply saying that we should alert people of the gravity of an engineered virus that has FOUR HIV INSERTS IN IT THAT IS CAUSING MASS SICKNESS AND ILLNESS. Covid does NOT simply go away for many people. Therefore we should all proceed VERY CAUTIOUSLY especially with language like “it’s a cold…”

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Dr. Alexander,

I have a request and I suspect I speak for many of your readers. I am absolutely besieged in Covid data. What I am short of is meaning. When you send out these gems could you write a FEW sentences explaining why it is important. Thank you for all you do.

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While we are at it, why not explore the origin of ANY virus. At least if they find one I might believe others exist. Anyway, these inquiries often lead to nothing and besides, to do an honest investigation, the truth would need to be made known. That simply will never happen since the CDC (the keeper of viruses, I assume) or the FDA, fauci or Chapel Hill NC will never give up all the gruesome details.

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Why is this guy all of a sudden changing his tune?

This movie sucks.

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You need to understand how cover stories work to understand there was no virus. The whole Wuhan leak story is a red herring. That's what the $ 6 million paid for.

If it were true, there'd all be jailed for creating and releasing a bioweapon, for murder. They're smart people with smart lawyers. They're aware of history and what happened to Nazi doctors. It's not real. It's propaganda. And that's all it needed to be to accomplish their goals.

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Read the substack below, this is how you can verify it's lab origin:


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Paul, this is extremely hard to read with all the screen shots. Is there not a link to read the report from the source? Jeffrey Sachs was also just interviewed by Bobby Kennedy, which I thought was a very well done interview, as well

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I placed it up top too...I only had it whereby I could not post the link but now here it is...good ask. grateful.

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Avoid vaccine shedding. I do, even though I get weird looks for wearing an industrial spray painting respirator when shopping. I’m over it, why should I risk my health for an ignoramus. What they think is none of my business.

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