All this shows is that the courts are compromised. So you can’t trust the health industry, the education system, the financial system, the food system, and now the law. So in a nutshell you have no foundation. No foundation = no country

That’s the plan, right? I mean besides mass genocide.

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it is all compromised

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thank you for sharing

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It IS the plan.

They infiltrated our institutions, and for all intents and purposes, have destroyed the integrity (and trust) we may once have had in them. We can see the rot everywhere we look.

They're mere shells of what used to be. No country.

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boom, shells...

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Am almost afraid to comment..... Co-vid, Lahaina, LA.??????

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boom, enough said

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Alternatively, the US including the individual states has the finest judicial system in the world. The integrity of tge court process is beyond question. Lady justice has spoken. The innocent shots and vaccine manufacturers have been put through 4 years of hell because of these false suspicions that they ever did anything wrong. The wrongdoing was on the part of those who accused them baselessly. The vaccine manufacturers should be compensated with ex gratia payments of billions.

Look, DeSantis didn't set this up without knowing in advance precisely what the outcome was going to be. I'm sure he's been richly rewarded.

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hhhmmm, very disturbing

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This is clearly indicative of the enormous reach of the murderous, evil corrupt Pharma companies. They must be ended. The hope is other Red states will also convene Grand Juries and come to the CORRECT conclusion.

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yes yes yes

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A grand jury that’s empaneled for two years and issues no criminal indictments means that the Prosecutor didn’t want them. In this case AG Moody would be making that call in conjunction with the Governor. Now she’s on the short list to replace Senator Rubio. Will this embolden the mRNA promoters, YES. A question that needs to be answered is how prevalent is mRNA in current injection, both human and livestock?

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Larry, I mentioned elsewhere that there is no method to avoid this crap as it is in everything, food, water, soils, air. I have little hope and faith we will be able to mitigate this assault upon humanity. There had to have been a meeting with notes or film available during whatever meeting occurred in 208-'19 wherein 195 countries around the globe decided to launch vax mandates, requirements and all else at the very same time - hour and day. There has to be hard copies, phone calls, etc. when the three presidents of the Caribbean countries Refused to adopt the Covid measures and with 90 days all three were dead under suspicious circumstances?

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Yes and yes, just trying avoid the large amount someone receives when they get a jab. The proof of criminal activity is there in plain sight; lacks a Prosecutor willing to take it on. Maybe that changes next week, otherwise we are screwed

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Larry, don't know where you are located but in Northern CA wine country we are being assaulted from midnight to 4am with, invisible to naked eye but visible with a flashlight, swirling snowflake like particles. Most I know here locally have a dry cough, sniffles and headaches. There may come a time when it will be impossible to empanel a grand jury as there may no longer be enough folks around!

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SW Florida, they’ve ramped up the slow kill assaults on so many fronts it’s hard to keep track. With luck Bobby Kennedy may be able to put a major dent in the mass poisoning.

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"Three presidents of Caribbean countries refused to adopt the Covid measures and with 90 days all three were dead under suspicious circumstances."

I was not aware of this. Wow.

Will look that up.

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Fauci will walk Scot free. Looks like there will be a few slaps on the wrists. That’s it.

WTF 30 MILLION DIED world wide and many millions more maimed. Bourla will walk away to his billionaires estate too.

The horsemen will ride free.


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DeSantis knew what the outcome would be.

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Afraid so. No other conclusion.

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fausee is protected by hit ler e

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That's right, not a single criminal indictment - NOT ONE! - in what is undoubtedly the largest, most evil crime in the history of the planet. How is that possible? Aren't Homo sapiens *moral* creatures?

Anyone who thinks that results like these are a "mistake" hasn't been paying attention.

In 5 days, Trump takes over. Many swear on a stack of Bibles that "this time it'll be different". We are about to test that theory. That 'test' shouldn't take very long - no more than a few weeks, possibly as long as 1 to 2 months at the very most. By then we'll know with near certainty.

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Hey Doc

Do not think these liars and murderers will get away scot free. In Proverbs Chapter 6 you will read that six things God hates and seven are an abomination to Him. I know well a man who was attacked by the CYSTem and its ingrate liars and the key criminal bureauCRAP liar died unexpectedly. He committed violations on seven counts. Believe it or not but it actually happened. The injustices are not concealable and to make things worse, the sins here include murder one, torture and lies. The horsemen will not get away with this and at this moment in time the sword of Damocles hangs over their heads. I have seen injustice as we all have but i have also seen divine retribution that could have only have been His hand in the state of affairs. There are some things He just will not tolerate. I expect torture and murder of little children is one of those.

Check Genesis Chapter 19 verses 24 to 29 for proof HE personally at His own hand destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Went to read that passage you gave.

Yes, he did! And he will do what it takes.

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You are 100% correct that they will not go scott free!

If this system is unable and /or unwilling to handle the task, God, our creator, the God of justice will intervene.

We're all hoping for justice and retribution for all these crimes against us. God sees. One way or another, sooner or later , justice will be done.

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Seems it was always going to be difficult to prove malicious intent, as well as 'causation' with regard to the jab and a relationship to adverse events/ excess deaths. Unfortunately.

As to the Grand Jury - here is a fairly good summary....


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The legal system derives from dunking witches in water. Get rid of it and replace judges and jurors with AI.

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Are you kidding about AI? That's too creepy! No wayyyy!!

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ChatGPT would have done a better job in the OJ Simpson trial than the jurors did. ChatGPT would have done better in Trump's trials than Jack Smith, Fanni Willis, Tanya Chutkan, Arthur Engoron or Juan Merchan.

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I don't care! I'm all against AI.

Remove the element of (good) humanity and put "that" in charge?? I have grave concerns and I don't want to imagine where that will lead. NO!

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How could it be? Jury tampering, jury loading with pHarma biased jurors, facts presented in sciencese, difficult for a lay person to understand, lots of ways to get an unjust decision. pHarma has unlimited lobbying, entertainment, bribery, budgets....

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DeSantis is their catamite.

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I don't know what's up with that. Clearly releasing something that has killed millions of people is a crime. Either these people in this Grand Jury don't know the law, or else they are gaslighting us. This can't be allowed to stand.

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DeSantis set this up. He knew what he was doing. The buck stops with him and those who supported him.

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An exercise in predetermined futility.

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The pharmaceutical industry is a blood sucking parasite on the back of humanity.

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Not that hard. Payback money is protection money. DC cartel is paid handsomely for protection.

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Exactly. We have been driven towards a precipice, like the buffalo run. Let’s hope Pres Trump does something constructive for the country. I don’t believe in government. I don’t know that we had any president that was any good in Cuba during the 58 years of what we called democracy.

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Pharmakia taking the life out of us

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We just love this kinda stuff 🤣

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