That or Blackmail. We know how these monsters use it in Congress now so it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

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Why can’t you accept that he knew and he did it purposely? He is part of the WEF and WHO and all of the power structure. He always has been. He is also a self declared Zionist and proud of it. If you do the tears of research that we have and look for the truth you will find it. I’m sorry he is not what you want him to be.

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So the guy they impeached twice and indicted four times is secretly working with the lock down monsters? SMH!!!

Questions to ask yourself, did Trump mandate the vaccine? That was biden!

Has Trump maintained that he would cut funding for any agency or university that mandates masks or vaccines?

You have two choices in the upcoming election, traitor joe with all his mandates, wars and decades high inflation, or Trump and a chance to fix much of the wrongs that biden and obama have thrust upon us!

Oh, and BTW, Trump cut funding to the W.H.O. in May of 2020.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLgHijjEnSE Coronavirus outbreak: Trump cuts funding to WHO, orders investigation Dec 31 2019 Taiwan alerted W.H.O. about at least seven cases of atypical pneumonia that they were aware of in Wuhan, where the virus originated.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aQXoKIRdQc VIDEO: President Trump posts message after leaving Walter Reed Medical Center...

He tried to tell us not to be afraid of the virus. He did what he thought he had to do to stop the commies from locking us down for 20 years!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1MVBB3EuV4 TRUMP blasts Democrats for efforts to bring back COVID mandates ahead of 2024


To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

The Zionist stuff is kind of funny when you think about it. Wanting to support Israel is a tough concept for people to understand. But lets' look at what we got from Trump for four years....PEACE!!!

What have we gotten from the biden/obama traitors.... war and death...

Choose wisely in November!

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Trump gave some insight to his foreign policy method during his one interview with Alex Jones. He doesn't care who is fighting who internationally, but he likes opposing powers to balance each other out to prevent instability and major wars, because with modern weapons we can't have those any more. So on surface level he may seem he is supporting countries you may not like (whoever they are), but his higher level concept is to have them balance each other out. That is bound to make many people upset of course, but it worked and things were beginning to calm down during his four years.

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Why don't you present some data on this.

And what does not hating Jews have to do with the lockdowns?

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Please provide facts for your statements. Names , dates and places will suffice.

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Feb 11, 2024
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He loves Israel deeply, not America. This has nothing to do with Biden either. The left right paradigm is a fraud just like the rest of the government. Trump was selected just like Biden and all the rest of the Residents of the White House. He is a Trojan Horse put in place to deceive the fake Christians and make naive people think he is on their side. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are no lies being told here except by Trump himself. He is hands down the best liar on the earth as a politician. He is a Zionist and proud of supporting the Israeli government genocide against innocent Palestinian people. He dropped more bombs and killed more civilians with drone strikes than Obama. Do the research please. He is just as much of a warmonger as the worst neocons and is probably one of them as well. Anyone who trusts Mr Warp Speed after the treason he committed against the American people by approving the bioweapon injections that are still murdering them to this day is absolutely insane. He turned our country over to FEMA on 03/13/2020 for a fake pandemic. This immediately disabled the Constitution. How many people know this? What he did has caused our whole country to be destroyed economically by his lockdowns and also destroyed the health of our citizens, including children. Why can’t people see what he really is?

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There was a period where a body double for Melania Trump was seen getting in and out of helicopters with Trump. I don't know if there is any connections to what you are talking about.

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Wow. Never heard that. Any link?

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Sorry, It was just a passing clip . The lady was similar height and build to Melania and apparently, according to the commentator , was in the military . Didn't at the time think it was unusual because I always thought Donald Trump appears to be wearing protective gear under his suit. I think his life and Melania's are at risk every time they appear in public.

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They presented Trump with a "problem" and a "solution".

Problem : suspected 'bioterrorism' by Chyna resulting in extensive U.S. civilian deaths and economic damage ("modelling") prior to election.

Solution : DARPA's ADEPT: P3 - '60 Days to Stop a Pandemic' with MCMs - and "NPIs" to bridge the gap.



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President Trump and Trump even before becoming President wanted to be seen as a hero...

he wanted to be a hero.... that was his down fall... and his advisors used that to their advantage.

make a "vaccine" that is "safe and effective" is what they probably told him and they said they could do it..... i am certain they lied to him that it was "safe and effective"

what troubles me is if he still believes the lie about it being "safe and effective" and if he doesn't, when did he start having doubts about the "safety and effectiveness" of the injection?

to his credit, he never mandated the jab..... Biden did.

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Paul - Being threatened is no excuse. Everyone that has run for the Presidency has known about the Deep State JFK Presidential Control Techniques. That not only includes the Dallas Lead Depository Solution. It also includes the JFK (where the F stands for F***ing) Blackmail Plan. As JFK said about making the despised, corrupt, and thoroughly evil LBJ Vice President, I was blackmailed into putting him on the ticket. Trump knew that going in. What ever the reason, Trump was in charge and he supported it. He still does.

You are big on calling out murders and hanging them. With Operation Warped Science, Trump will go down in history as one greatest mass murders of all times. He not only murdered the living, he murdered the Human Genome.

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Just to be perfectly clear, I am totally opposed to capital punishment of any kind. If Covid has taught us anything it’s the fundamental truth that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Since capital punishment is the most absolute power it therefore is capable of the most absolute corruption. That is why I oppose it. I mean absolutely no harm to anyone. Punishment should only come from the just acts of the legal process.

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ivanka says trump entered into partnership with moderna 1/13/20. maybe she got it wrong? https://www.dailydot.com/debug/ivanka-trump-coronavirus-vaccine-tweet/

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I have a serious question for you…


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Trump’s invitation to his supporters for the Jan/6 rally “it’s going to be wild.”

Many rotting in solitary/ what has he done to help them?

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Apart from raising money for them, speaking out for them and promising to pardon them?

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