Bingo. He’s right. So what I’d like to know is why every biologist didn’t understand that RNA is replication incompetent from the get-go? Did they skip that class in med school? Did they miss the memo? There should’ve been thousands lining up to push back on this farce. Instead all the usual suspects make the rounds on popular podcasts and social media spewing the same tired garbage while ignoring what’s important.

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Honestly I thought we covered this in high school biology, it is so basic. That’s why the second they started with us in 2020, I knew they were lying. So did JJ, but explaining why so many have been duped requires another level of investigation, which he has also done. https://m.twitch.tv/videos/2039986001

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Thank you Gaye... I will subscribe to JJ to, in my own little small way, will assist in his work.

I hope MILLIONS support him.

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You will not regret watching and learning from him. His work should be shared, along with that of his friend, Mark Kulacz, who is also censored and hanging onto pewtube by a thread. Housatonic Live.


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hmm… video removed, I would say that Mark can now steer clear of YouTube

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He was headed in that direction for sure!

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Jan 23, 2024
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Nothing would surprise me!

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Is this his channel? I’d like to keep up with him. Thx

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This is the site and I check in here for new videos every day. https://gigaohmbiological.com/archive#548340ce-ebf6-4a0f-8b7d-64759a9ac5e9

I usually scroll to the first link and open it to see what’s new but there is probably a better way.

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Thx so much😄

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Yes. His original channel was J.C. On A Bike on YouTube. https://youtube.com/@JConabike?si=GwhP-3GkV3CespjW

He had to move to twitch because they dinged him for going against the approved narrative. His bike ride to work at U of Pittsburg Med school were entertaining and informative. It was great to watch when we thought we were being lied to but trying to figure out just how many ways. He’s just gotten better and better. He lost his job over this mess but he’s managed to continue to teach biology online to anyone who desires to learn, and hopefully save the next generation. His site is Gigaohm Biological.

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Couey’s videos are on an obscure (for biology) gaming app called Twitch. He explained that he felt the odds of getting banned from that platform were nil. So if it seems kinda odd there’s a method to the madness. Twitch is kinda his hideout where he doesn’t have to worry too much about being attacked.

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Very profound statement by JJ Couey but also very obvious; those "individuals" long ago abandoned any belief in the sacredness of life or that life was to be honored and respected and was a gift granted by our Creator (however one imagines that Creator to be) ; that "sacredness" is also a part of Nature or the natural world and to be honored and respected; there were once medical scientists and healers such as Antoine Bechamp and Florence Nightingale who fully understood that but we are now ruled by charlatans of fake science who have become purveyors of death and anti-life; these individuals have set themselves up as the "new gods" with their Satanic agendas which serve only money and power and insane desire to destroy the very essence and soul of life.

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#lestweforget ....and LOVE JJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mistakes were NOT made.....They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone..... Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today https://henrithibodeau.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/back-in-1969-dr-richard-day-made-some-astonishing-predictions-about-where-the-world-would-be-today/

How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps

A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano.


...hard to believe that this level of evil exists in our world....

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Is JJ Couey on to something extremely important here… with respect to transfection and the impossibility for RNA to behave in such a way that allows or to justifies the “defuse” rabbit hole that so many medical/pharma truth-seekers are traveling down??

He concurs with Sasha and Katherine, and a few others, that the take-down of the PREP Act is of the highest importance:


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I feel guilty that I took so-long to subscribe to Jay’s work. He was laid-off by the Pitt and Childrens Health Defense cv19 iatrogenocide/fake lab leak regime, and he deserves our support for his amazing ability to define the cv19 theater mechanisms.

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Thank you for the positive update. Fraud is running rampant.

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PLease anyone who can.....get JJ Couey Gigaohmbiological.com link to Jessica Rose.....I believe she has an open mind.....

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Urgent Commentary About The WHO/IHR Meeting That JUST HAPPENED JAN 22

The WHO is furious that too much TRUTH has come out and is getting in the way of the "pandemic treaty..."

My commentary at the beginning and during the meeting (clips) point out that they contradict themselves when Tedros etc say because "YOU ARE WRITING IT." The WHO is furious that too much TRUTH has come out and is getting in the way.

......they are saying it's fake news and mis/disinformation.....they are worried because it looks like we are wiinning....


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