This Kabuki theatre has been in the works for months. They have rehearsed every possible outcome down to the most tiny detail. Everyone, including CNN for the debate, has been faithfully doing as they were ordered. They will get their chosen outcome, plus we get to "enjoy" the thrill of a fake reality show. Biden can yell he's still in. At the right moment, he will be aborted.

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Those bastards have been lying to the public for four years. Biden was unfit to run in 2020.

And that buffoon Clyburn also should have gone home and retired years ago. These people were not elected, they were INSTALLED by election fraud and ballot fraud and voter registration fraud. Even BIDEN. He is NOT a legitimate president.

And what Mike Davis said is also WRONG. The "immunity decision" does NOT stop Trump from DEPORTING THESE ENEMY INVADERS! The Obama/Biden regime brought them here ILLEGALLY, not in their official duty. SAME with Obama and the drone strike.

Obama is not just a MURDERER, he is a TRAITOR, and must be given a military tribunal, and executed!

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They have none they have run the gamut the sewer runs over

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They've been lying to us for decades, and they've also been very slowly killing us. There is a big difference between that and outright murdering us in plain view.

Everyone knows now, it can't be long.

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Reality, as in the Debate, not covered in the MSM, cause the right wingers saw it?

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Both candidates are part of this plan. They are paid actors on a set but playing both side to create a division. Next plan I hear is DT will have a staged assassination. Who knows? We are all f#^ked!😡

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Unless Kamala can be bought off, she’s next “sock puppet” up.

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If Biden truly has dementia such as Alzheimer's or some other thing wrong in the brain. My goodness why didn't anyone attend the Alzheimer summit and learn what could be useful for the man. Mold, Lyme disease, or heavy metal toxins overload can all affect the brain in addition to the gut axis, mouth axis, heart axis.

This was a submit that I watched from the various people knowledgably familiar with things that can help or even be cause or perhaps a real treatment not some newly approved drug from the FDA that causes brain swelling and brain bleeding ARIA sounding.

Heather Sandison, ND - Cognitive Clarity: Key Tests for Brain Health Revealed

David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM - Uncover Lifestyle Secrets for Cognitive Longevity

Ari Whitten, MS - Unlock the secrets of Alzheimer's prevention

Mohammed Elamir MD FACP - Revitalize your memory with HBOT therapy

Terry Wahls MD - how to uncover keys to halting neurodegeneration

Dayan Goodenowed PhD - Revitalize your brain with plasmalogens

Heather Sandison MD & Dale Bredesen MD - discover a new era in alzheimers care & prevention

Isaac Eliaz MD MS LAc - reducing neuroinflammation & neurodegeneration

Heather Sandison ND - Blueprint for brain resilience: navigating alzheimer's prevention

Austin Perlmutter, MD - How to boost your brain health

Catharine Arnston Algae Brain Health Unlocked: the power of algae

William Pawluk MD MSc - PEMFs & EMFs for healing

Peter Kan DC DACNB FAAIM CFMP CGP - Uncover your path to neurological resilience

Kenneth Sharlin MD MPH IFMCP - Unlocking neurology's pillars for Alzheimer's care

David Jockers DNM DC MS - Revitalize your brain with ketogenic benefits

Julia Lundstrom - Dementia: Julia Lundstrom's Brain Health Plan

Dr Lew Lim - Photobiomodulation as the easy potential option for alzheimer

Heather Sandison ND - Unlock your brain health: simple steps to thrive

Joel Kahn MD FACC - Protect your brain by guarding your heart

Jason Prall - Optomize light & sleep for healthy circadian rhythms

Robert Love PhD - Boost brain power with Omega-3s

Greg Eckel ND LAc - Your guide to ApoE4 & Alzheimer's risk

Connie Zack - Uncover the power of infrared Sauna therapy

Kevin Ellis - The link between Alzheimer's & Bone Health: Why you need to build stronger bones

Marc Gilson - Enhance cognitition with sound entrainment

Heather Sandison ND - Sleep well, boost your brain: key strategies

Patrick Porter PhD - Enhance your brain health with light & sound therapy

Kate Kunkel - Unlock music's power in alzheimer's care

Peter Osborne DC - Protect your brain: Combat Gluten-related damage

Audrey Wells MD - Unlock sleep's role in alzheimers prevention

Steven Gundry MD - Healing the brain-gut connection

Richard Horowitz MD - Unlock your mind: Combat cognitive decline from lyme

Margaret Christensen MD - Balance your hormones for better brain health

Heather Sandison ND - Exercise your way to a sharper brain

Dawson Church PhD - Gain Clarity: meditation's role in brain health

Jana Danielson - Enhance your pelvic health: essential tips

Michael Morgan - Unlock the potential of cranial sacral therapy

Jill Simpson - rhythmic exercises for dementia wellness

Ryan Glatt - How to boost your brain with custom exercise

Neil Nathan MD - Revitalize your health: combat chronic illness now

Heather Sandison ND - Keto & Oral Health: keys to memory enhancement

James Hamet - revolutionizing dementia diagnostics with AI

Mary Newport MD - Boost your brain: Unlocking the power of Ketosis

Shivani Gupta PhD - Boost your brain with ayuredic wisdom

Howard Hindin DDS - Your oral health's role in memory

Kara Fitzgerald ND IFMCP - how to reverse age naturally

Heather Sandison ND - Hormones & brain health: unlocking longevity

Joshua Helman MD - discover the key to fighting Alzheimer's with fasting

Ann Hathaway MD - enhancing brain health with HRT

Hans Frykman MD PhD - Discover the power of blood tests

Ram Rao PhD AP - Boost your brain: Ayurvedic neuro secrets

Brian Karr - why is mold a hidden danger on the brain


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Understand, Jill and the Biden family don't give a damn about Joe, they are all criminals.

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Just take the money and run with it. Karma may have a strange effect on them.

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If the world doesn't care about their loved ones suffer from dementia would that not be fitting for them to suffer the same way. Hurry up stick them in a place that doesn't care about them to collect the money hell they are just about dead. We already got power of attorney for them and financial let's wipe everything out ahead of time. Let's wait if true story or not and see them surprised that mother is still alive and well!!! and takes back her stuff and cuts them all out of anything there is no money.

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I was wondering how the stephenopolis Arbitration was gonna work-apparently it FAILED-either

Dr Jill and or the Biden camp is not interested in capitulating so.... the DNC has several choices

( this can get ugly on the inside) Hunter is on the ropes-The laptop from hell is now out of the Genii’s bottle- and it is devastating-it places the FBI and the CIA Clapper, Brennen and Hayden

right in the crosshairs-meanwhile the state registration clock keeps ticking.....Trump keeps gaining ground inn the polls....The economy has and is worsening .... the slight edge down in gas

prices due to Biden releasing a small amount of reserves is over-and gas prices are rising again

The Feds banks are on the ropes and in the wind is the repo probability of 40 million private homes while the commercial R.E . market is crashing.--This is really (AN INSIDE MEXICAN STANDOFF FOR THE INSIDERS THEY WILL HAVE TO STOP BIDEN FROM COLLECTING CAMPAIGN FINANCES-( which was advised by their stratagist. JAMES CARVILLE ) IT REEKS OF AN EXPLOSION


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One objective IS the collapse of the illegal federal reserve, and getting rid of the "central banks". In Trump's next term he will get us on a Treasury Note currency backed by gold.

And he will also have the mandate and backing of 80% or more of the people to do what he must to remove most of the administrative state, the deep state swamp in DC.

And much more.

July 4 2025 we will be celebrating a resurgence of America and our freedoms and liberties, as well as peace and prosperity.

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From your mouth to God’s ears Dave!

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Dr. Paul,

Cratering his reputation? Are you kidding me? As what? The Senator from Master Card? The acolyte of Senator Grand Dragon of the KKK (Senator Robert Byrd of WV), the Senator selected to try to sink the nomination Clarence Thomas with some trumped up sexual misconduct allegations by Anita Hill? Senator‘Barry Sotero Hussein Obama is a clean looking N* who speaks nicely and has a good crease in his pants’ so let’s go with him’, POTUS candidate dropout for plagiarism, VP selection by BHO as assassination insurance, POTUS candidate of desperation or because he was silly putty to be the face of the 3rd term of the illegitimate Kenyan POTUS?, or the politician who has the distinction of being wrong on every major (and likely minor) foreign policy issue in the 50 (now 55 ) years that he has been in Washington (Obama’s own Robert Gates)?

I know that you are trying to be gracious in talking about a dying (both politically and literally—dementia of whatever type is a fatal disease) man, but he has never been anything but a nasty corrupt self serving politician, and when he got to the position where he could profit from treason a traitor on top (or bottom) of that. Oh, and I forgot to mention his incestuous pedophilia with his daughter and borderline pedophile relationship with the babysitter for his dying wife’s children, and now wife, head of the Biden crime family and enabler of his crackhead son.

There is absolutely nothing laudable about this man. His eulogizers are going to have to lie almost as much as he has in his pool public career.

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“they have to edit it to then spin and lie to us…”

“Yes as good followers of despots they all are, all must stick to the script of “self-ingratiating” lie after lie and lie again!

If any one issue America faces today more than ever is this “constant lying”! They know maybe half of America will never fact check anything they say.

It’s extremely exhausting when I have conversations with clients and customers who “glue their asses” to the “screams of MS”LSD” to quote Mark Levin and others.

We must find a way to combat this! Somehow someway, somebody knows how to undo the minds of those “brainwashed people”! It would be a welcome change, literally a change for the better, not for society mainly, but for our “National Security”!

IMO, this is such a dangerous situation the “MSM” and all their propaganda biases have caused and continue to spread! “Information is power”! Lack thereof, deliberate manipulation of information is, well let’s say we’re “fueling our enemies”!

Xi Jinping has made many statements about this. Not directly, but any half-witted person can dissect what he’s saying!

Obama, he’s not going anywhere, he’s playing the same

“three handed poker” he always plays! Watch his lips, his third hand IMO, which is the instrument of maligned intentions. And Obama is a pro at this poker game!

Time will tell whether or not something drastic happens, subverting our election integrity as we’ve seen before. I still stand by my past statements about “not having an election”. I still believe we won’t.

One thing I’ve learned is, “never ever trust” those we know who have said and acted like they hate America! Because they honestly do believe this!

They won’t ever change their minds! Few people actually have, very few people!

There’s always “drama” wrapped around these “Marxist Driven” Obama enamored people! They have to have “drama” for distraction purposes. While they “change on the fly” allowing them to redirect their narrative away from their intended objectives.


“the end justifies the means” and with the flash of a wand saying, “look nothing up my sleeve” presto. And it ain’t no “rabbit out of a hat” magic trick, I assure you this.

I’m a firm believer in Ben Franklin’s statement which is,

“fail to plan is to plan to fail”!

This is and has never been the “leftist mindset”! They’re up to something and at this point, it’s anyone’s guess!

Thank you Dr Alexander, keep the “faith” for the time is nearing.


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'And Obama is a big winner too-Trump's DOJ won't prosecute him for drone striking two American citizens...'

But how can this be official business when it breaks the Constitution - wouldn't it rather be unofficial?

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"... drone striking two American citizens ..."

Michael Hastings?

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