did not say ‘if’ the regime steals the election. John paints a dismal picture and really suggests that some form of civil war may emanate; he sees what Obama is again capable of as he steals from 45
To one portion of this extensive tome, I am afraid we already have the answer. Does everyone remember how many people donned the masks and even wore them when alone in their cars? That's how many of the American people are dumbed down. Think I'm wrong? Read Casey Means, M.D. and her brother, Calley Means' book, GOOD ENERGY. The statistics on what is in our grocery store food, Big Pharma and the cigarette company's contributions to same, and the gigantic amount of Americans who are overweight will scare you to death. Add to this the number of people absorbed in watching the gladiators in the coliseums, drinking beer and laying back in their recliners.
The number of healthy Americans is miniscule compared to the years of John F. Kennedy and daily gym class for all high school students. We are sick, that's the conclusion of Dr. Casey Means and her brother, and she's right.
Compound the physical ailments and disabilities with the lack of decent education in the govt. schools, and you have a society ripe for the pickings after nearly 100 years of deliberate dumbing down. Yes, in 1930, the Marxists were already infiltrating our schools and starting teacher's unions.
No more phonics, cursive, civics, constitution, American history, math, algebra, geometry, languages, science, geology...nothing. Hey, in Biology 101 in 1960, I learned that a man has an X and a Y chromosome and a woman has two X chromosomes. Now they've completely forgotten that fact. It doesn't matter what you add, cut off, or how many hormones you take, you CANNOT change your chromosomes. So, the dingbats in charge allow men in women's boxing and they brutalize the women. What the hell is wrong with this picture?
It is communism my friends, and it's been here in America since 1825 when Robert Owens opened his socialist school in Indiana. We've come a long way and if this filthy lying commie bitch is selected and placed in our White House, you can believe America will soon be like Venezuela.
You mean you can't grasp your lengthy response is all propaganda?you believe its sudden?the additives in food has been a concern since ww2.all vaccines are harmful.forget the BS of saving infants from childhood illnesses. Big pharma needs reined in and banned.humans managed to survive this long without medication. The lstest propaganda says the blue team is communist and socialist. We have had socialism in areas including public schools for decades.those who repeat the fear porn of GASP communist and socialist actually have no clue to what they are
I don't see how it's propaganda when it is true. I would agree with you about Big Pharma, but have no idea why you're so antagonistic to my comment. Why be nasty? Is that productive? No. We know what you've stated and we know commies have been here since 1825, so the attacks are not necessary.
How do you perceive anything "antagonistic "in my comment?or "nasty"?"commies"?lol communism did not exist in 1825.better check your info. Socialism grew out of the french revolution however.if you see a simple comment as an "attack",,perhsps you ought to refrain from posting. Your perceptions of other peoples opinions is skewed.why so sensitive?if you dislike other opinions stop posting. Smh
Well, something is going to go down because something ends the deep state. I don't pretend to know how or what is about to go down but I know how it ends...the USA corp falls and takes the deep stte with it.
TheDocuments.info reveals all but the timing of the complete takedown of the Deep State and global cabal will be terminated officially. Finally rendering them exposed and undeniably defeated!
Had the Supreme Court defended the Constitution, (which each Justice swears on the Bible to do), Trump would be President now. The 5 swing states that violated illegally the Constitution to rig their elections should have been required to have new elections that followed the law. That would have been the proper remedy to fix the issue.
He also said we will capitulate and turn in our guns like good little sheep. That, my friends is a big fat lie. Especially for us older serious gentlemen that have lived, seen wars, been in wars, and have no allegiance to this current crop of criminals running our nation into the ground. You will read daily about the dozens if cops “ murdered” ( media will call it that) when they attempt to take our guns. And when enough have perished, they will create the new stasi. And they too, will be killed. And that is called revolution.
Some hath little faith they do not perceive the signs of 1. Millimeter Miracle . 2. Dream team of RFK on board TRUMP Train....And the Lord parted the waters of the Red Sea to allow Moses and his followers to safely pass between torrential waves on each side,1250 BC. So shall it come to pass once again.
A brilliant man ("IPA"?) posted a comment on another substack: "I don't have any objection to RFK Jr. teaming with Trump, but by remaining on the ballot in the alleged Red and Blue states he's like a dual citizen Israeli. His allegiance is not fully to MAGA. RFK jr. creates a two headed snake. Frankly Trump should tell him, "Either you are fully with me, or you are on your own."
My problem is idle hands are the devil's playground, So I prefer to save my King the work and let him play me as his Instrument. Too many innocents have been butchered, I cannot live with that much longer.
Non-Sequitur, No God No need Church, stop shaking your head, I can hear your brains rattle from here. There are ways of telling someone to get lost, or FO, that are more entertaining. What amazes me is that you like most believe that intelligence would evolve first in a physical form rather than a stable energy field. The brain is nothing more than an extremely sophisticated Transceiver, that operates on frequencies, in which, all are not known. Keep up the good work.
Oh please the programmed need a wake up call. ASS umingwhat i believe is absurd.from my comment you ascertained what i think?lol typical arrogance
We have no idea wtf we came from believing some magical fairy tale extraterrestrial spit on dirt and voila humans arrived is ludicrous. As for our brains the brain does not understand itself.
As if it weren't "stolen" no matter who wins. This whole "lesser evil is good" crap really does take the cake. That's why no matter who wins, you end up getting the both policies: Policy one: Social engineering gulag, less overt support for some PNAC objectives, less overt support for Israel. Policy two: Other social engineering gulag, but not as bad as the other, plus even more support for Israel, and support for other PNAC objectives. Both pay lip service to doing us all a favor. The rest of you can't figure it out.
No question election will be stolen. Globalists have no choice or its death to the project they been running for sixty years and their centuries old power structure collapses; no doubt we are witnessing a death match. Here is the thing, the expectation from MAGA is the steal, the runway has been narrowed, all escape hatches closed off, and it will be fully documented. Without that kernal of doubt, the globalist cannot escape. Karmala makes her acceptance speech, is promptly arrested, and martial law declared.
prepping the sheeple in advance ehh? nothing was "stolen" in 2016. the powers that be deliberately excluded don the con then pushed the never ending tale of a stolen selection you might hope that a few sheeple minds worked you would be disappointed.
You keep saying “civil war”. What if it’s a full on revolution,where we kill those responsible for the situation? And doing it together. We have no inherent enemies amongst us. But we sure as fuck have an enemy in the govt, especially if they steal another one.
that drum beat "civil war" is to okay the violence that the govt will unleash on those dumb enough to believe it. and of course the govt will not be held accountable.
To one portion of this extensive tome, I am afraid we already have the answer. Does everyone remember how many people donned the masks and even wore them when alone in their cars? That's how many of the American people are dumbed down. Think I'm wrong? Read Casey Means, M.D. and her brother, Calley Means' book, GOOD ENERGY. The statistics on what is in our grocery store food, Big Pharma and the cigarette company's contributions to same, and the gigantic amount of Americans who are overweight will scare you to death. Add to this the number of people absorbed in watching the gladiators in the coliseums, drinking beer and laying back in their recliners.
The number of healthy Americans is miniscule compared to the years of John F. Kennedy and daily gym class for all high school students. We are sick, that's the conclusion of Dr. Casey Means and her brother, and she's right.
Compound the physical ailments and disabilities with the lack of decent education in the govt. schools, and you have a society ripe for the pickings after nearly 100 years of deliberate dumbing down. Yes, in 1930, the Marxists were already infiltrating our schools and starting teacher's unions.
No more phonics, cursive, civics, constitution, American history, math, algebra, geometry, languages, science, geology...nothing. Hey, in Biology 101 in 1960, I learned that a man has an X and a Y chromosome and a woman has two X chromosomes. Now they've completely forgotten that fact. It doesn't matter what you add, cut off, or how many hormones you take, you CANNOT change your chromosomes. So, the dingbats in charge allow men in women's boxing and they brutalize the women. What the hell is wrong with this picture?
It is communism my friends, and it's been here in America since 1825 when Robert Owens opened his socialist school in Indiana. We've come a long way and if this filthy lying commie bitch is selected and placed in our White House, you can believe America will soon be like Venezuela.
wow your programming is even worse than others. read msm gossip propaganda a lot?
Who are you commenting about? You're not making yourself clear. The globalists have stated they are putting mRNA in food...
You mean you can't grasp your lengthy response is all propaganda?you believe its sudden?the additives in food has been a concern since ww2.all vaccines are harmful.forget the BS of saving infants from childhood illnesses. Big pharma needs reined in and banned.humans managed to survive this long without medication. The lstest propaganda says the blue team is communist and socialist. We have had socialism in areas including public schools for decades.those who repeat the fear porn of GASP communist and socialist actually have no clue to what they are
Reigned in, they need to be crucified.
True i was being polite.
I don't see how it's propaganda when it is true. I would agree with you about Big Pharma, but have no idea why you're so antagonistic to my comment. Why be nasty? Is that productive? No. We know what you've stated and we know commies have been here since 1825, so the attacks are not necessary.
How do you perceive anything "antagonistic "in my comment?or "nasty"?"commies"?lol communism did not exist in 1825.better check your info. Socialism grew out of the french revolution however.if you see a simple comment as an "attack",,perhsps you ought to refrain from posting. Your perceptions of other peoples opinions is skewed.why so sensitive?if you dislike other opinions stop posting. Smh
Them and their shit schools. Her problem with you might be your Irish wit or sarcasm, oft times driven from our affinity to talk to God, it rubs off.
Well, something is going to go down because something ends the deep state. I don't pretend to know how or what is about to go down but I know how it ends...the USA corp falls and takes the deep stte with it.
Tell us what exactly is this deep state?
TheDocuments.info reveals all but the timing of the complete takedown of the Deep State and global cabal will be terminated officially. Finally rendering them exposed and undeniably defeated!
Trump is the one to look after and also to watch unerringly through The end of the year.
trump is a con man and narcissist. he needs relegated to an asylum asap.
Lets us pray right now, everyone who sees this...that the deep state cabal is in the throws of being taken down now!
Had the Supreme Court defended the Constitution, (which each Justice swears on the Bible to do), Trump would be President now. The 5 swing states that violated illegally the Constitution to rig their elections should have been required to have new elections that followed the law. That would have been the proper remedy to fix the issue.
lol you are also overcome by programming. come into the light of reality.
The reality is that the Court gave us Biden
He also said we will capitulate and turn in our guns like good little sheep. That, my friends is a big fat lie. Especially for us older serious gentlemen that have lived, seen wars, been in wars, and have no allegiance to this current crop of criminals running our nation into the ground. You will read daily about the dozens if cops “ murdered” ( media will call it that) when they attempt to take our guns. And when enough have perished, they will create the new stasi. And they too, will be killed. And that is called revolution.
hhhmmmm thanks for this post. I need to study it.
A war like that is very likely, with the Southwestern States winding up being absorbed by Mexico.
And California? With all the military bases and tech companies would most likely become a Simi- Union Dictatorship.
Ran by the government and the cartels.
Our biggest weakness is our inability to organize, and our inbread trate of obedience.
Arizona won't stand long due to our lack of water.
I must admit that I'm looking forward to playing Cowboys vs Cartels.
just head to d.c. and take the snake head.
Some hath little faith they do not perceive the signs of 1. Millimeter Miracle . 2. Dream team of RFK on board TRUMP Train....And the Lord parted the waters of the Red Sea to allow Moses and his followers to safely pass between torrential waves on each side,1250 BC. So shall it come to pass once again.
Trump is our leader. 2024 AD
Yes. Trump is our leader.
A brilliant man ("IPA"?) posted a comment on another substack: "I don't have any objection to RFK Jr. teaming with Trump, but by remaining on the ballot in the alleged Red and Blue states he's like a dual citizen Israeli. His allegiance is not fully to MAGA. RFK jr. creates a two headed snake. Frankly Trump should tell him, "Either you are fully with me, or you are on your own."
junior is a nobody and the trump cult is dangerous see "jim jones" cult.
very nice indeed
utter nonsense.
Either we let God sort them out, or we will be selected and dumped in a ditch or Bill Gates Soylent Green vat.
ka boom, yes, leave it in the hands of the almighty...
My problem is idle hands are the devil's playground, So I prefer to save my King the work and let him play me as his Instrument. Too many innocents have been butchered, I cannot live with that much longer.
I am not your typical Catholic/Christian
Hospitallers are my thing. The duality of a Man.
Stay well and blessed.
find a church.
find a church instead. smh
I would rather find a crusade; Church is for peace my Pref is Tridentine. The world needs the opposite.
there is no god. wake up.
Non-Sequitur, No God No need Church, stop shaking your head, I can hear your brains rattle from here. There are ways of telling someone to get lost, or FO, that are more entertaining. What amazes me is that you like most believe that intelligence would evolve first in a physical form rather than a stable energy field. The brain is nothing more than an extremely sophisticated Transceiver, that operates on frequencies, in which, all are not known. Keep up the good work.
Later tater.
Oh please the programmed need a wake up call. ASS umingwhat i believe is absurd.from my comment you ascertained what i think?lol typical arrogance
We have no idea wtf we came from believing some magical fairy tale extraterrestrial spit on dirt and voila humans arrived is ludicrous. As for our brains the brain does not understand itself.
I assumed nothing except your Irish and acted like an arrogant asshole
Programmed lol
As if it weren't "stolen" no matter who wins. This whole "lesser evil is good" crap really does take the cake. That's why no matter who wins, you end up getting the both policies: Policy one: Social engineering gulag, less overt support for some PNAC objectives, less overt support for Israel. Policy two: Other social engineering gulag, but not as bad as the other, plus even more support for Israel, and support for other PNAC objectives. Both pay lip service to doing us all a favor. The rest of you can't figure it out.
No question election will be stolen. Globalists have no choice or its death to the project they been running for sixty years and their centuries old power structure collapses; no doubt we are witnessing a death match. Here is the thing, the expectation from MAGA is the steal, the runway has been narrowed, all escape hatches closed off, and it will be fully documented. Without that kernal of doubt, the globalist cannot escape. Karmala makes her acceptance speech, is promptly arrested, and martial law declared.
prepping the sheeple in advance ehh? nothing was "stolen" in 2016. the powers that be deliberately excluded don the con then pushed the never ending tale of a stolen selection you might hope that a few sheeple minds worked you would be disappointed.
The election WILL be stolen. Obama should be swinging.
see your programming is working.
You keep saying “civil war”. What if it’s a full on revolution,where we kill those responsible for the situation? And doing it together. We have no inherent enemies amongst us. But we sure as fuck have an enemy in the govt, especially if they steal another one.
that drum beat "civil war" is to okay the violence that the govt will unleash on those dumb enough to believe it. and of course the govt will not be held accountable.
yes it is, you are welcomed