It is sad and very scary what these oligarch’s are determined to do to the world’s population. They believe - in their insanity- that they are Gods. They have manipulated minds through media, wars, terrorism, murders, human trafficking, propaganda, artificial fear and attacks on religions. Satan is leading them, and I know that is real. Humans are bowing down to ignorance, mediocracy, welfare, lies, -and forgetting dignity, honesty, love, truth, freedom of thought/expression, creativity, history, common sense, love of our creator.

I cry at how blind humans have become, and I know God must cry, too. We have forgotten/ ignored God’s laws and His love of humankind. We have turned from God to evil narcissism. It may be time for a Noah’s Ark event. I pray we wake up. With God we can overcome Evil. Without Him, we succumb to eternity in the Lake of Fire.

READ 2Chronicles 7:14. OUR ONLY HOPE

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Excellent, erudite essay!

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Amazing article. Made me wonder if she was the inspiration behind George Carlin and his famous screed "they own you, they own all the important land, courts, universities, etc". Or, if he was her inspiration to write such a right-on and piercing reality laced definition of what truth was, is, and could possibly be in the future, should we be lucky enough to have said future....

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It’s turned into a “ modern day holy war”.

-Lady Nogrady-

Song with video says it all.

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