If it's a fraud, then why is Kennedy so certain that CO2 is harming the planet? Why does he tell us that all the science supports CO2 catastrophe?

If he tells us that there are bigger problems than CO2, how does that jive with the theory of CO2 catastrophe that tells us that we're moving toward dangerous tipping points and something must be done quickly?

I fear Kennedy may be a Trojan horse to bring the Mother of All Emergencies into the White House. As long as he's a climate fanatic this is a real danger. Kennedy needs to come out clearly and boldly and state that the whole thing is a fraud, something I predict he'll never do. He makes it sound like maybe he's not such a fanatic but I'd be very careful.

No one is coming to save us: not Kennedy, not Trump, not DeSantis. We'll save ourselves by waking up and resisting, and until that happens nothing else can happen.

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Well said. It’s up to us, not these mouthpieces.

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DeSantis could not save his own ass.....he is either a plant or a real globalist....he voted totally globally in Congress...and he has done things here in Florida that are quite unsavory.....Kennedy really does believe in global warming and being the astute gathering of information on other topics i find it surprising.....but his newsletters have been in favor of global warming for decades....i have heard that he is actually working with the White hats and that he is saying certain things and not other things to get some of the Dems to a better perspective....we don’t know what is really going on....we are in an intergalactic war and people don’t even want to know that.....do people think that God who is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient and infinite only created one galaxy and one earth with one set of humans.....ridiculous....we really don’t know if there is something big and better going on in the huge picture.....we are only guessing....those of us who have some discernment must just stay with right and run from wrong.....

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Bingo! He's just another politician, and he's got a D next to his name. All anyone needs to know.

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I agree with the D…..until he denounces the slave party there is some of the same mentality there ….. he believes mandates are okay if the vaccines are safe…..give me a break…..

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Spot on. It's all such a fraud!

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They think of us as useless eaters, cannon fodder.


They were looking for an enemy to unite humanity. They made us the enemy.


“The Common Enemy of Humanity is Man”


“We came up with the idea of pollution, global warming, water shortages and the like will fit the bill.”


(Let’s fool the cannon fodder, useless humans)


They made us the enemy of the whole world.


Sandi Adams


Agenda 2030 — Part 1


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1. CO2 is currently 420 ppm, which is 0.042%. Humans are responsible for 3% of that, which is 0.00126%. Thus, 99.99874% of all CO2 is created naturally.

2. At under 270 ppm CO2, plant life dies, and everything else dies with it.

3. The atmosphere has had periods where CO2 was up to and higher than 4000 ppm. During the Triassic period 215 million years ago, both plant and animal life thrived and Alaska was a jungle.

4. When Mt. St Helens erupted in 1980, it released the same amount of pollution as 270 years of human industrial activity in 1970. That’s 270 x 1970 industrial activity - IN ONE DAY. --comment by zfree

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Just plant more trees!

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If Professor Guy McPherson is correct, and he predicted the recent wildfires more than a decade ago in a book devoted to the topic, we as a species face imminent extinction as a result of shutting down heavy carbon emitters like coal power stations as part of decarbonisation which will lead to a rapid warming spike as all the aerosols in the atmosphere disappear, passing imminent climate tipping points.

We were lucky to escape extinction from covid lockdowns.

We survived extinction from lockdowns by the skin of our teeth.

Anthropogenic carbon emissions caused warming in the past but in 2009 the methane clathrate gun was fired. The "bullet" cannot be put back in the gun. That is, the warming due to anthropogenic carbon emissions triggered large scale release of methane from under the arctic. That release has been continuing ever since. All previous mass extinctions have involved large scale release of methane. Thie current large scale release will lead to irreversible abrupt climate change and extinction between 2026 and 2030. It will happen abruptly, almost overnight, not over hundreds of years like Al Gore and Michael Mann fantasized.

Heatwaves from 2026 onwards will involve unsurviable wet bulb temperatures to which we cannt adapt. Millions will die in a single day, at first in Nevada, Arizona and Western California and on the Indian subcontinent.

The area affected will grow and this will be repeated day after day until all human life is extinct by no later than 2030.

We may be able to delay this by a few years if we avoid further covid lockdowns and increase carbon emissions but we cannot stop it. Our past carbon emissions set the train in motion but it is far too late, and actually counterproductive to try to stop them now. The major tipping points have already been passed.

Climate change is not, as most alarmists imagine, slow and gradual and capable of cessation or reversal. It's abrupt and irreversible and extinction is imminent, within less than a decade. Claims that urgent action can stop climate extinction is hopium.

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2030, eh?

All aerosols in the atmosphere will disappear? Just like that? No more volcanoes? No more wildfires? No more underground coal fires? No more industry?

So we'll go back to pre-industrial times when people weren't emitting and civilization flourished in Greece and Mesopotamia? Because no aerosols?



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I hope you're right and that as aerosols fall out of the sky they are quickly and sufficiently replaced both from natural.sources and industrial activity on a continuing basis. If I'm not mistaken methane levels were substantially lower when civilization was flourishing in Greece and Mesopotamia so there was no need for aerosol masking.

The beauty of McPherson's predictions is that they'll soon be either confirmed or disconfirmed.

Hopefully the slight increase in temperature and humidity from that recorded in recent heatwaves, which McPherson says humans are biologically incapable of adapting to, will not occur.

It may be that the extant wet bulb teperatures will not be exceeded.

It may be of some comfort that he's not a "climate scientist" by training, despite his multiple piublished papers on the topic, and on errors in climate models and in the methodology of climate scientists, but merely a species adaptation capability specialist.

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Gosh, I was told in the 70's that global cooling was the upcoming extinction event. Just sayin'.

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The good news Rust is that although large scale release from below the surface of methane in the arctic problem as claimed by McPherson, and the first appearance of unsurvivable wet bulb temperatures of 35C or 95C as predicted by McPherson at the time predicted by McPherson and in the locations of western and southwestern USA as also predicted by McPherson have been confirmed, these temperatues have not yet persisted for longer than six hours. It is only when these temperatures endure for longer than six hours that Americans will die simultaneously in their millions as predicted by McPherson. The good news is that this appears to be still two or three years away and the first mass deaths are expected to be in the Democrat states of Arizona, Nevada and California, before the unsurvivable heat waves become more frequent, more prolonged and affect a larger number of populated regions.

Scientists expected thawing wetlands in Siberia’s permafrost. What they found is ‘much more dangerous.’


Methane release from carbonate rock formations in the Siberian permafrost area during and after the 2020 heat wave


First recorded unsurvivable heat and humidity episodes


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Just like you were told later that climate mitigation measures would stop, rather than cause, warming. It would be ironic if "taking urgent action to save the planet" post 2009 turned out to be the fast track to extinction.

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Thanks Dr. Paul....I watched a program on those ice cores.....i believe it said they go back 420,000 years but that is a trivial point.......they said that the Medieval Times was the hottest on the planet.....however our military has ways of putting heat into the atmosphere to deceive us....these DEW can put heat into the atmosphere and all these engineered fires are not helping either .... plus destroying trees which need carbon creates an imbalance....i could never have imagined such evil......and yet it is unraveling right before us.....

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The aerosol injection/chemtrails also create a barrier tlincreasing and trapping heat below. I live in it, they spray me almost daily

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by Allan M.R. MacRae, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., June 21, 2022


My free book records:

- our disproofs of the false Global Warming and Green Energy narratives, first published in 2002;

- some of the earliest and most accurate warnings on the harmful Covid-19 Lockdowns (21Mar2020) and the toxic “vaccines” (8Jan2021).

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