depths of ideological barbarism...not for its academic excellence anymore, but today it is a college that serves as a bastion and incubator for the evil ideologies of marxism and antisemitism.
No one I know will be sending their kids to a Woke college.
Most are either going to a trade school and/or a Christian college where you will not only get a great education in any field you want but their graduates get much better jobs.
Time to boycott the anti-American racist leftist indoctrination cesspools & vote with our dollars while our children get a much better education & future???
Critical thinking requires one to start by assuming an opposite position to that of what we are asked to believe. From there, one tests one’s assumptions by checking with observations. For a long time now, students have been known to be communists in school and capitalists once they get employed. When one is questioning everything, why should one assume that America is great or that a certain religion is sacrosanct? The fact that the kids are examining the assumptions (we never questioned) is a great thing, imo. If reality does not change their perceptions, then there is really something wrong with said greatness of a country or the special positions assigned to certain religions. I think these kids will be eventually way less accepting of bullshit than we are.
Also, being woke is also a learning moment. Just ask Disney and Bud light. They are learning finance. The lesson they’ll eventually learn is that there’s a cost to everything and one clumps people in groups as a cost benefit. Eventually, all those politicians preaching wokeness will be ignored just as demagogues usually are once the novelty wears off.
With the recent disclosure about our universities having been turned into cesspools of racial unrest
and sexual deviancy, is there any reason we should believe that it was Wuhan that released the mutant strain of Covid 19 on the world, the trail leads right back to Chapel Hill University and surely the others cannot be far behind-and especially we now know a great deal of funding came from Muslim sources who we now know having stabbed t he USA in the back with the help of Obama , Biden and the Democrat party as their rush to jam the US borders now shows other motives politically
originated -some credits to the GOP members like MITT FUCKHEAD ROMNEy who assisted in this
enormous plot-The scheme to jail Trump was a huge fucking distraction--BIDEN AND HIS CRIME FAMILY NEED BE HANDED OVER TO A GRAND JURY-AND PLACED UNDER HOUSE ARREST
Semite - (member) of any of the races supposedly descended from Shem (Genesis 10) including Arabs and Jews
Semitic - of Semites esp. of Jews or of languages of family including Arabic and Hebrew
Hebrew - member of a Semitic people, Israelite, Jew. Language of ancient Jews.
Ashkenazi - Eastern European Jew, Caucasian not Semite – note the last four letters.
Yiddish - language used by Jews in or from Europe. Origin a German dialect with words from Hebrew (originating from the Khazarian Kingdom in what is now Ukraine).
Zionism - movement for the re-establishment and development of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. An Ashkenazi movement.
So being pro-Palestinian is in no way anti-semitic, being anti-Zionist is in no way anti-semitic since this is a Caucasian movement.
Such is Zionist control in the USA that all male babies are now circumcised, astounding!
for those who believe the White Hats are behind all of this, the Great Awakening is that in spades. Exposing the hypocrisy and snottiness of the Ivy Leagues (and I went to one btw) and the anti-Semitism while taking millions from donor alumni...perfect. The Boston mayor having a Christmas party with no white people, seriously it sounds like something an awake comedian like Roseanne would think up. Most of the Ivy Leagues undergrads are taught by grad students not professors, you don't get that privilege until you are a senior or a grad student. Total ripoff. Harvard is very unstructured and it's up to the students to attend class or not. I couldn't believe it when I was at Brandeis and knew Harvard students, I was like what kind of school is this? now everyone is finding out.
Seems they are an ivy league/high-priced school laced with Secret Societies (to be IN the Club) The globalists who run the WHO, UN, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Bilderberg Group, WEF, Rothschilds, Rockefellers are secret satanists who have withheld positions of power from those who won't allow themselves to be compromised into having sex with children, drinking adrenochrome, etc. because they actually put high society people in positions of cormpromise by holding a gun on them and forcing them to do this, and in the other hand is a video tape capturing this, and when they are done, they are handed the gun and told to kill the child and video taped as their blackmail for the rest of their lives. I think this was shown in the old Orson Welles movie Citizen Kane.... only not with children, and not with a gun maybe... just about homosexuals.
I know about everything you've mentioned except Citizen Kane, I've seen it loads of times and I don't recall anything like those things, it was based on William Randolph Hearst and his newspaper empire and aspirations by building San Simeon which is on the central California coast, and his mistress Marion Davies, unlike the character in the movie, was actually very bright and talented. There were no homosexuals in that movie either. The people compromised were mostly heterosexual.
I worked for a corporate lawyer in the 1970’s who went to Harvard. He said it’s not so special; that the trick was getting in.
And now it is crumbling, as all Matrix institutions must do. They’ve done it to themselves.
No one I know will be sending their kids to a Woke college.
Most are either going to a trade school and/or a Christian college where you will not only get a great education in any field you want but their graduates get much better jobs.
Time to boycott the anti-American racist leftist indoctrination cesspools & vote with our dollars while our children get a much better education & future???
Critical thinking requires one to start by assuming an opposite position to that of what we are asked to believe. From there, one tests one’s assumptions by checking with observations. For a long time now, students have been known to be communists in school and capitalists once they get employed. When one is questioning everything, why should one assume that America is great or that a certain religion is sacrosanct? The fact that the kids are examining the assumptions (we never questioned) is a great thing, imo. If reality does not change their perceptions, then there is really something wrong with said greatness of a country or the special positions assigned to certain religions. I think these kids will be eventually way less accepting of bullshit than we are.
Also, being woke is also a learning moment. Just ask Disney and Bud light. They are learning finance. The lesson they’ll eventually learn is that there’s a cost to everything and one clumps people in groups as a cost benefit. Eventually, all those politicians preaching wokeness will be ignored just as demagogues usually are once the novelty wears off.
With the recent disclosure about our universities having been turned into cesspools of racial unrest
and sexual deviancy, is there any reason we should believe that it was Wuhan that released the mutant strain of Covid 19 on the world, the trail leads right back to Chapel Hill University and surely the others cannot be far behind-and especially we now know a great deal of funding came from Muslim sources who we now know having stabbed t he USA in the back with the help of Obama , Biden and the Democrat party as their rush to jam the US borders now shows other motives politically
originated -some credits to the GOP members like MITT FUCKHEAD ROMNEy who assisted in this
enormous plot-The scheme to jail Trump was a huge fucking distraction--BIDEN AND HIS CRIME FAMILY NEED BE HANDED OVER TO A GRAND JURY-AND PLACED UNDER HOUSE ARREST
If Harvard is antisemitic, why is there an increasing population of jewish students there?
Marxism and antisemitism is an oxymoron
Burn their brainwashing camp for evil agendas to the ground.
If you are a graduate, substitute Bunker Hill Community College for Harvard on your resume.
You're welcome...
Semite - (member) of any of the races supposedly descended from Shem (Genesis 10) including Arabs and Jews
Semitic - of Semites esp. of Jews or of languages of family including Arabic and Hebrew
Hebrew - member of a Semitic people, Israelite, Jew. Language of ancient Jews.
Ashkenazi - Eastern European Jew, Caucasian not Semite – note the last four letters.
Yiddish - language used by Jews in or from Europe. Origin a German dialect with words from Hebrew (originating from the Khazarian Kingdom in what is now Ukraine).
Zionism - movement for the re-establishment and development of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. An Ashkenazi movement.
So being pro-Palestinian is in no way anti-semitic, being anti-Zionist is in no way anti-semitic since this is a Caucasian movement.
Such is Zionist control in the USA that all male babies are now circumcised, astounding!
so smart, yet so dumb
for those who believe the White Hats are behind all of this, the Great Awakening is that in spades. Exposing the hypocrisy and snottiness of the Ivy Leagues (and I went to one btw) and the anti-Semitism while taking millions from donor alumni...perfect. The Boston mayor having a Christmas party with no white people, seriously it sounds like something an awake comedian like Roseanne would think up. Most of the Ivy Leagues undergrads are taught by grad students not professors, you don't get that privilege until you are a senior or a grad student. Total ripoff. Harvard is very unstructured and it's up to the students to attend class or not. I couldn't believe it when I was at Brandeis and knew Harvard students, I was like what kind of school is this? now everyone is finding out.
Seems they are an ivy league/high-priced school laced with Secret Societies (to be IN the Club) The globalists who run the WHO, UN, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Bilderberg Group, WEF, Rothschilds, Rockefellers are secret satanists who have withheld positions of power from those who won't allow themselves to be compromised into having sex with children, drinking adrenochrome, etc. because they actually put high society people in positions of cormpromise by holding a gun on them and forcing them to do this, and in the other hand is a video tape capturing this, and when they are done, they are handed the gun and told to kill the child and video taped as their blackmail for the rest of their lives. I think this was shown in the old Orson Welles movie Citizen Kane.... only not with children, and not with a gun maybe... just about homosexuals.
I know about everything you've mentioned except Citizen Kane, I've seen it loads of times and I don't recall anything like those things, it was based on William Randolph Hearst and his newspaper empire and aspirations by building San Simeon which is on the central California coast, and his mistress Marion Davies, unlike the character in the movie, was actually very bright and talented. There were no homosexuals in that movie either. The people compromised were mostly heterosexual.
She’s got a few male features but ….
Hillsdale College accepts no federal funding.