I ignored all lockdown and mask mandates. I wore masks only when flying. Most of my friends and family did the same. We all lived our lives as usual, had family get/togethers as always, no masks, no distancing, lots of hugs and kisses. Going out 2 degrees of separation from each of us - meaning tens of thousands of people - there were zero deaths, 1 hospitalization for a couple of days, and a few minor flu-like cases. And no one killed Grandma.

Lockdowns killed more people, and caused more illnesses, than covid.

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The Media were paid to hypnotize the weak and infuriate the common sense Americans, but the fear of taking a test and a poison shot has me frozen in time. Losing friends and family for not obeying joes creepy mandates has me in constant tears and reluctant to speak to any known Joe voters or vax pushers. So it’s quiet around here. Forbidden to see my 99 year old mom gave me permanent shame and guilt. Eff your Effing shotz

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You're on the right side of history. You should be proud of yourself. You stood up in the face of mass murder, surrounded by others brainwashed and happily skipping into the gas chambers.

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I’m so relating to your experience! I’m so sorry for your suffering. We ARE all in this together NOW! We must heal from the major trauma we’ve been through and somehow keep going. But it’s hard I know. I’m only speaking to like minded people if at all possible and learning to live again and find some joy here and there. God Bless you

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It was not a mistake. It was not incompetence. It was not negligence. It was not well intentioned.

This is getting old.

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Sorry. They knew exactly what they were doing, and to what end.

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They Knew they always know

Just follow the money and timeline

March 2019 gates covid games

Summer 2019 US-MIL bases infected

Oct2019 wuhan mil games massive infection on return all over the world

Nov2019 China goes public with notice of unknow flu like illness

Dec2019 China Burns down wuhan market & hangs us-cia chinese agents at wuhan labs

jan2020 Russia announces that USA has deployed a bio-weapon on the world

march2020 Trump declares covid to be a real thing, allocates $2 Trillion USD and gives pharma ceo's life immunity-liability

april-2020 World insanity ensured as Trumps $2 Trillion is distributed via WEF world leaders to pay off every single country on earth to dance to COVID music

What is now know is that TRUMP&POMPEO deployed COVID in summer of 2019 to destroy China's economy, but they quickly developed a working vax, with massive lockdowns stopped the spread; Russia did same as China, but IRAN was seriously affected by a super strong strain of COVID

1,000's of new billionaires were created and 10's of thousands of new millionaires, COVID cash from Trump sloshed all over the world, Trump was a War President, and MAGA -> china was going down to its knees.

Looky looky today USA is broke, the entire world is now terminating USD trade, and the US wants non-binary people to be the future leaders of the USA

In summary the USA has gone full-retard.


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Also Ukraine influenza outbreak in 2009.


And, in Ukraine as well, the "California flu" in 2016.


Practice makes perfect, eh?

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+100 CIA bio-weapon labs still all over the world, dozens surround China in all the USA post WW2 colonys

Perfect practice makes perfect sense, we seem to be getting real close to an extinction event, who needs to worry about nuclear-winter

New Pfizer 'directional evolution' they are working on has the ability to turn off a body's immune system, meaning that people will be dropping dead for any number of reasons.

They'll keep perfecting this shit until the entire population is dead, and then we'll have anti-science cults ruling the world new dark ages.

OmegaMan time to watch that movie again, its coming to you soon.

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What do we do? As Truthers, or as anti-mRNA crusaders, we need a message a platform, something that sticks in peoples minds and brings closure.

I propose we get the photo's of the Puppy's that Fauci murdered, and tortured and we promise all those who enabled the COVID & following mRNA genocide be given the same treatment as those puppy's. That they be chained in warehouses to steel frame beds or even concrete floors, and be tortured until their corpses rot just like the puppy's.

Now how to we lobby and move this end-game forward????

Before any of you go FULL-WOKE on me recall all of you that Fauci & Friends that their goals were always to make you into their puppy's, and see your demise as the same.

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A new book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., called “The Real Anthony Fauci.” can be bought at your favorite bookstore and it documents the career of America’s Dr. Joseph Mengele, the Nazi butcher who killed many through his warped experiments. But, even he did not allow puppies to be eaten alive. But both did share the joy of torturing children to death. And remember, he is a hero to the Democrats.

At least 85 children were tortured to death under Faucistein’s experiments and they are buried in a mass grave in the Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, NY in Westchester County. These minority children were used as human guinea pigs for chemo drugs and treatments even though very few of these kids had cancer.

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I’m just gonna give you the short version of this, everybody, and I’m just warning there should be a content warning ’cause I love dogs and I know this audience loves dogs. The N-I-A-I-D, NIAID, spent millions of dollars — this is Anthony Fauci’s organization — funding an experiment in Tunisia where they took beagle puppies, removed their vocal cords, and let sandflies eat their heads. They’re alive.

Where are the photos? We need photos of fauci and his team all being locked in cages and their faces being eaten by maggots

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I had to lose my job for refusing the jab. I’m outraged at this whole thing, and baffled by every single person who went along with this. Sad for people who didn’t want to take the jab, but with a family to feed and a mortgage or rent to pay, I get it. Should have never been this way.

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Fact is how long this has been planned. Likewise this rush to execute the plan also show us that the plan is running into trouble. I expect massive failure. We are not masters of the Earth nor Gaia which is Earth alive. We are just a very small fraction of the life here. And as has been said elsewhere we have been for the most part voted off the planet.

There is nothing I can do except to align my life with that of the Earth. Any avenues that don't reveal the true nature of life on Earth, such as the work of James Lovelock and his collaborator Lynn Margulis PhD (both sadly deceased) Gaia theory which has been buried in Earth System Science hides the path to planet wide environmental recovery and healing. Those Humans caught up in this rush to control humanity and Earth provide the means of power to change. But that means is an illusion. And those that advocate such actions whether knowing or ignorantly are servants of madness.

Learn about Gaia. Read all you can of Lynn Margulis, The Embodied Mind by Fransisco Varela, Evan Thompson and Eleanor Rosch. From those amazing hearts and minds you will see your own path. Honor your biome. Nurture it by eating lots of fermented foods, Lots of sunlight and hours each day of outdoors air and nature. Your mind and heart and being will find the way.

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In a rational world, this clip alone would disqualify Trump from the 2024 GOP race… Trump’s cult claims that he was taken in by Fauci/Birx & had no real choice after that. Unlike Trump, DeSantis was able to figure out fraud almost immediately & had the guts to fight back hard.

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Trump was in on the COVID scam from day one.

He signed off on the CIA/DOD plan with Pompeo summer of 2019, deploy COVID on CHINA



For 4 years Trump did what he does best, playing reality TV star.

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Preaching to the choir!!!

Hope to see a time soon when they will all be charged with murder and fraud.

Sending yall truck loads of love, big but gentle hugs and monolithic tons of perseverance!

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New CIA Zombie pandemic has arrived to USA city's ...


Never let a good crisis go to waste. Lockdowns could be a good thing if only zombies are outside walking around.

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Trouble is.. when do the Morons wake the F*** up, understand what has been done to them?

They never will.

Trouble is, they'll drag The Purebloods down with them.

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New development on the SVB collapse and the CIA getting their cash out and buying Gold; Thiel & Altman both homo-groomers at the highest level of CIA in SV super deep China

Was CIA really running the Chinese-Firewall, or is China running the CIA? There are many ways to look at this situation. Rockefeller created modern China, so the bank-of-china is still Rothschild, same in Russia; CIA is/was always the Praetorian guard of Rothschild going back to "East India Company", its all name.


Very relevant on ZH the China connection is super important of sam-altman SV-CIA/inQtel an homo-grooming

Another connection is that inside white-house when Trump did OWS nobody in WH got mRNA they all got J&J which is same sinovac formulation, begging minds would ask, why would WH force the USA public & US-MIL to get mRNA, while the WH staff got a chinese vaccine???

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Trudeau gov’t gave info of Freedom Convoy supporters to Chinese banks: report

According to an Inquiry Of Ministry, the RCMP shared a blacklist of 198 Canadian trucking companies with foreign banks including the Bank of China, BNP Paribas of France, State Bank of India, Habib Bank of Pakistan and Citibank of New York among others.


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