And Novak was very gracious and wished his family well and that he might rest in peace. Djokovic was the bigger man when being persecuted and also after being welcomed back to Australia.

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Very gracious. I wouldn't piss on a sports journalist if they were on fire. I don't know if the Aussies "welcomed" Novak back. They swallowed the Kool-Aid big time. While playing he reportedly had to contend with hecklers shouting "get vaccinated mate."

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One guy yelled get vaccinated mate and Novak responded by serving an ace to put him in his place. As defending champion, Novak put on various shows on center court and was very well received by the crowds.

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Good to know not all of the crowds had boosters coming out their ass.

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Novak is a gentleman! The other guy...not so much. May he rest in peace. I wish well to his family. But I hope they come forward and tell the world that he was killed by these shots. They have a moral duty to do that. For those who died and those that are still alive. But will they be brave enough to do it? It takes huge amount of courage and integrity to do it.

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Karma is a bitch. Novak is the GOAT of tennis and bodily autonomy: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/novak-djokovic-servetowin-devotion

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Virtue signaling and sheeping will get you killed.... this is why they don't want you to do your own research......trust the "experts", they say..... I Will Do My Own Research, Thanks https://tessa.substack.com/p/i-will-do-my-own-research-thanks

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The problem is:


... They have fooled way too many, that doing your own thinking and homework is NOT GOOD!

... Sadly, way too many people have bought into it!

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We are voluntarily killing ourselves.....it's easy for them..... we drink too much, eat too much of the bad foods, Netflix and scroll ourselves into our own graves...... we need to wake up....end of story.....

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My wife and I "retired" and bought a 40 Acre Ranch, with 2 horses, a dog, a cat and I have to maintain our road ...

So much for being "retired" ;-)

. o O ( No, I would trade this place in for anything ... )

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You are blessed to be away from the cities where they are sending the invaders, and you have a place to grow your own food, and raise chickens for eggs.

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Hopefully this will help wake people up to the damage occurring from the injection and also the importance of freedom of choice.

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Was reading, the CDC, QUIETLY removed the consent, from further " Vaccines"...

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Very interested to hear more. Would you please elaborate or provide a link?

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Not sure what the commenter above is referring to....... but there's this

starts minute 26 (consent during clinical trials)


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Thank you, Jill.

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I won't be shedding a tear over this journalist's death but instead will be enjoying the extra oxygen we all now have. Indeed @yuribezmenov , karma is a biatch.

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I try to have sympathy for this man's children, but I have none for him. His family posted "he was a truly great man". No, he was a coward a bully and a virtue signaling idiot, and he was WRONG.

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Stories like these underscore the need for standard autopsy procedures which detect presence of Spike protein in the affected organs. It seems to those in the know that sudden collapsing and dying is unquestionably because of the Jabs, but it is also true that all along people have had heart attacks and people have died suddenly and unexpectedly because of them. We need a definitive way of determining whether Spike was involved when somebody collapses and dies unexpectedly. Until then the naysayers and detractors will carry on in denial.

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As I understand, we do have a "definitive way of determining whether Spike was involved when somebody collapses and dies unexpectedly."

The concern is that, in an effort to hide sudden deaths traceable to covid shots, autopsies are not being done OR requested. There are also financial considerations for families who cannot pay for autopsies when captured doctors and local authorities dismiss any effort to investigate suspicious sudden deaths to protect the ridiculous "safe and effective" narrative.

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Justice works in mysterious ways !!!!!!!!!!!!

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a little too perfect, isn't it? my credulity is stretched so thin it looks like saran wrap.

= = = =

"a truly great man...lived his dream"

good enough for MLK, I suppose; still, doesn't measure up to my definition of "greatness."

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" A truly great man"?? A man who continued to make Novak feel ostracised for NOT taking the death shot, yet he dies from the death shot. Perfect justice for a NOT great man.

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IT would seem by now that people would start learning, but I guess not.

Two phrases that I thought by now would have SUNK IN!

* Go Woke ---> Go Broke.

* Take the Covid Jab ---> Put your very life at risk!

It is sad ... it truly is .. but it seems there is, sadly, NO CURE FOR STUPID!

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God works in mysterious ways :)

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Wrote the following on 21/1/2024------- Is he not the evil perfidious fella that had a go at Novak for not taking the POISON JAB!?

Auld Karma a funny auld fella and not to be FCUKED ABOUT with. Maybe gob Mike Dickson found the truth eh. Matt Le Tissier has spoken about the POISON JABS EH!?

Prominent Sports Journalist, Critic of Novak Djokovic, Dies ...


https://thefederalistpapers.org › recent

18 hours ago — NEW: 59-year old sports reporter Mike Dickson, who despised tennis star Novak Djokovic for not getting vaccinated, suddenly dies while covering ...

Roy R M McIntosh.

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Personality changes have been noticed, in the covid " Vaxxed", quick to anger, flying into rages, no logical thought processes.

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Seems, the pro vax groups, are taking themselves out, I read about this, in my news sources, so should be available (unless censored).

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