I have no words to describe this situation...

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just SMH...

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Well, yeah, he's gushing. He's glad to be shed of them. (If you don't understand what that means, talk to an old Southerner.)

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Just an ironic thought that I have about the influx of ORTHODOX VARIETY CATHOLIC HISPANICS.

Their ideologies are diametrically opposed to those of the progressives. Hispanic Americans are flocking to Conservative Republicans. They are also outspoken against the Anti-Pope Francis and his modernization. And they believe in large families with strong extended families. They are also strong Pro Life not pro-choice.

So given natural life expectancies without medicide, the progressives will naturally die out as they believe in death for both ends of life. And Hispanics come to America as they believe in the American Dream: Work hard to benefit the next generations.

Note - they don’t want the end of Judeo-Christianity in the West. Unlike those they’ve shipped into Europe and England with direct and financial assistance by Soros and his Open Society not frontmen Int’l Rescue or Medicine without borders.

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Somebody out there is giving the directions that result in the destruction of our countires - Biden and Trudeau are perfect examples of the Leaders following these orders. Whomever is giving these orders, must be pretty satisfied with the results to date.

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mexican-americans are some of the smartest and hardest-working people you will ever meet. it takes incredible guts to leave your country and go to a place where nobody speaks your native language. mexicans tend to be very family oriented people. america is a nation of immigrants and we are better for having them here - as long as we keep the cartel crew out.

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So long as it's legal, and it can't just be unlimited, and they're held to the same standards as Americans are. I say this because apparently if you cross the border you don't need the jab? Not to mention it's clearly not just mexicans coming over the border. That's been happening for centuries, I'm certain that's not what the concerns are. The whole border is a nightmare.

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There's no such thing as a free lunch.... they'll be going back. Trump will be back soon.

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With an average IQ of 86 they are gradually dumbing down the USA, which you can see in the school decline in math & science .

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In Canada, the US Consulting firm Mckinsey and Co have played a primary role in increasing our immigrations levels up to 500k a year-primarily via their former head Dominic Barton who was once the global head of Mckinsey-(yes controlling the USA based firm) then became Canada's ambassador to Canada under the Trudeau government. Now, I have nothing against sound immigration policies to recruit and attract based on needs, merit, skills and potential. I take exception however to reckless policies-to which these entities spearheaded without repercussion and critique from any elected officials. In Canada Pierre Poilievre and his fraudulent ilk parrot his support to this day. I have nothing against Mexicans or Latinos or Latinas (sorry I refuse to say LatinX) and have worked with people of dozens of countries, religions, ethnicities and happily collaborated and look forward to moving forward. But, we require more open forums such as this to freely question the logic, coherence, benefits, strategy, solvency behind these targets. In Canada for example our infrastructure is crumbling we cannot survive the current social costs for our citizenry let alone absorb any additional burden to our health care systems and social support programs or housing. Only Maxime Bernier. Derek Sloan and a few other political entities even try to broach these topics.

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SOMETHING MISSING IN THIS ENDLESS INVADER PARANOID XENOPHOBE-SCHIZOPHRENIA: Mexicans / Chicano (Mestizo) are 85% First Nation blood & have inhabited Turtle-Island for 10s if not 100s of 1000s of years, mostly lovingly, peacefully & sustainably (except as mandated by compulsory-doctrine in Colonial institution literature). WHO WANTS TO PLAY THE INVADER-STEAL-GAME FOREVER? So as false 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch commanded & controlled in murder, genocide based colonial people, we believe we gain some kind of 'rights' through violent-invasion, 1847 right up to today. Here we are as many, recreating the pathology of our own sad demise as 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') Celtic / Slavic refugee peoples of Europe & as invaded refugees from colonies worldwide. Indigenous Europe resisted violent murderous destructive oligarch invasions from Babylon, Assyria, Greece & Rome for 3000 years. Refugee settlers all fled from Europe & oligarch imposed colonies worldwide, but in ongoing submission impose the same 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') dysfunction here. Yet 70% of so-called 'Americans' & 'Canadians' with 1st Nation blood within us. 85% of 1st Nation peoples have blood from around the world. We are one-people. The issue here is understanding our own 'indigenous' (L 'self-generating') heritages of peace, prosperity, economic-inclusion & welcome from around the world & learning how to re-indigenize our lives here in 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service'). When we reempower ourselves as indigenous, we heal & nurture each other & stop feeding oligarchy captured fake medicine. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity

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But the tacos are good.

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How to destroy our beautiful country………🤬

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Why aren’t people calling their representative our healthcare systems are short staffed trillions in debts.

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