Thank you for this. There are heroes mentioned in this post, and we have many more heroes, athough oftentimes it seems we don't since their efforts to speak out for freedom have been so censored and shadow-banned. To anyone reading this, have heart! Many are speaking out for freedom, many have been speaking out since the earliest days of this fiasco.

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Yes, we must stop all Wuhan Virus emergency powers and financial funding and ban and recall all Wuhan Virus products and mRNA technologies!

But we must also hold accountable those who imposed this hell on all of us for power and profit. We need to name names, get them arrested, and make sure they are tried for crimes against humanity, starting with Fauci, Collins, Bourla, Bancel, Gates, and Biden especially, since it was Biden who attacked the US military and government employees by mandating injection of the toxic slime.

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That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. - https://banned.video/watch?id=6468e2e222e852671fc7ee9e

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Learning today sadly of the passing of Dr Rashid Buttar and wondering how this hero died.

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It is strange that fear and uncertainty is becoming a common thing. It is also interesting that the solution provided by the state is control.

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I just heard about Dr. Rashid Butttar passing away today!!! What is going on, Dr. Alexander?!? This is the second brave doctor to have passed away this week. I am deeply saddened.

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Thank God for Neil Gorsuch speaking up, not in an accusatory statement, but in a common sense statement. From a supreme court justice, that's acceptable to the nation. Where are the rest of them??

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The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for pontificators to do nothing. Now after untold numbers of jab injured are dead, Gorsuch speaks out. Whatt a hero! But while the Biden regime was enforcing the clot shots the eminent virtue signalling jurist just picked his ass and collected his pay checks.

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NOW, this PUSSY Gorsuch has commentary on tyranny? But while the heat was on, and billions were compromised, he did not say a damn thing.

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It's good to see another Supreme Court Justice speak out with courage and conviction. Thus far Justice Thomas and Justice Alito have been flying solo. The one problem with Justice Gorsuch is his AWFUL ruling which ushered in this trans agenda.

Below is an article about another sad casualty of the bioweapon.


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THERE IS A NEED FOR GOD Do not beleive atheists they are communists

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What people failed to realize before now is that they were played by the PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION con game. The (FINAL)SOLUTION is pre-planned by the very adversaries who then fabricate the PROBLEM (man made disaster = terrorism). The media propaganda arm then gaslights the public to push the REACTION. Then voila! The “leaders” roll out their FINAL SOLUTION developed and planned years earlier. Everyone better stay awake now.

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This might be your greatest post ever, sir.

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