I assume he and his wife were vaxxed and boosted to the maximum - he had a strict vax passport requirement at his concerts. And his wife having a stroke...?! This shouldn’t happen at their age 🥺 Thank you for all you do to share the truth!! 🙏🏻

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I'm afraid Justin and his wife are pretty much toast, toss 'em on the cart...


I'm also afraid after the last three years and what I've been through thanks to idiots like Justin and Hailey I have very little sympathy, as in "none": As Br. Alexis Bugnolo said: "Anyone with a brain has had ample time to study the Scamdemic and understand that it is false. If you've not done this, if you ran off to get the jab so you could go travelling or not get offended or something like that? You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live, according to the truth."

Not to mention the speed with which they were released, the dire threats made to foist these injections on the gullible, the massive censorship of any questioning...

"A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors" https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/

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I watched the entire video. This man, I'm afraid, will turn out to be right. The only hope is that not all batches were the same. What do you think a man who has nothing to lose anymore will do? Anything, I would guess. How do they think they are going to get away with what they did to us I don't have a clue. If I were make a bet it would this: no escape for them this time.

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Yes, not all batches were the same, not all technicians administrated it in the “correct” manner, not all vials were stored at optimal temperature to prevent breakdown of the materials, and most importantly not all humans respond the same way. We must proceed in hope of finding ways to mitigate the damages. We must never give up.

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Here's his follow-up video from November 2021... The only thing he got wrong was the time frame... It's happening now, but slower... Slow enough most of humanity will never make the connection, and thus "they" (there really is a "they") will once again, get away with it... 😱💩https://www.bitchute.com/video/1zUMwBDWkby8/

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

They are not dead yet! They don't want to go on the cart!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Ah well they will be soon: They're very Ill!

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"I can't take them like that, it's against regulations!"

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"Aw, can you do us a favour? Can you hang around a few minutes? -- They won't be long!"

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"I think I'll go for a walk."

"You're not fooling anyone, you know."

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I prefer this Hailey. At-Jazz singer from Austin, Texas but lives in Paris.


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Let's hope their generation and the world open their eyes 👀👀🙏

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Brother Alexis Bugnolo will be proven right in the end: This will be the darkest period of recorded history, surpassing even The Black Death. I fully expect by this time next year, if not by the end of this year, to see a mortality rate from The Lethal Injections across The West, of 30%.

At least. 😳

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it's sure draggin along isn't it? i am SO SICK of waiting

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

AMEN my good sister but I'll add 'patience" obtains ALL things'

Prayer of St. Teresa of Avila.

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Patience. We're getting there... If I may blow my own horn, so to speak: https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/

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" I fully expect by this time next year, if not by the end of this year, to see a mortality rate from The Lethal Injections across The West, of 30%.

At least. 😳"

A very stark assessment entirely possible. Sad as how many of us are acquainted with or related to those who fall under that category.

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The world shall be ours. Satan delivers a gift to the Godly. Satan himself is a servant of God.

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I'm not certain he could be referred to as a 'servant' at this point in time as he had his opportunity to be that and squandered it. Forever and eternally lost surrendering his place as the highest of the angels.

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What I mean, is that Lucifer cannot escape his destiny as a servant and agent of God's plan. We have Free Will and can make choices, and be judged for them. Satan serves as a vehicle for evil choices.

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O.T. I have read arguments that Bro. Bugnolo is a fake; that he isn't on any Vatican records of being a religious brother. Are you aware of any of these? Thank you.

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I have read such things... I'm inclined to think the church wouldn't let him get away with it.. then again I think of people like "Brother Nathaniel"...


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Oh, so you had to have proof of vaxxine. Well, he's been bought and paid for. Communist!

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I hope he's okay he and his wife both seem to serious health concerns yet are unable to face the most likely cause.

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I heard that some are being compensated for their silence. Not sure if that’s true, but it wouldn’t be surprising.

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NFL has given Damar Hamlin millions of reasons to keep silent.

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and the "damar" walkin around after he died has no tattoos on his neck

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Well him and his wife got what they deserved. I want to have the sympathy for him, but to tell others they can't see him in concert unless they inject themselves with poison, then my sympathy went out the window. How many kids got this poison just to see him? How many of those kids were injured from it too?.

On another note, there are a lot of people who didn't want the jab and got it to put food on their table. Those people who got injured from the jab when they felt they didn't have a choice so much. I have sympathy for. Justin and his wife are financially fine. They aren't worried about money and can afford the best medical treatments for themselves.

Once the person who was forced into the jab to put food on their table gets injured, then they lose their job and can't afford medical treatment. So now they are injured with no income. Does Justin pay their bills at all? Has any of these big mouth celebrities or for that matter any doctors etc.. that pushed this poison pay anyone elses bills when a person gets injured? Once they see the light did they set up any funds for the people they influenced? '

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

Another example of this is Martha Stewart. She is 81 years old, muliple mansions, worth a billion dollars yet she sold her soul to big pharma, just recently recorded a commerical pushing the booster. Her target audience is on the older side, which would mean extreme harm if they took any more boosters. Why... for money, money she will never need or spend in her lifetime. Incrediablly shallow and despicable.

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and she looks like a plastic mannequin

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Those people don't realize that they cannot take all that money with them when they die.

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Medical science experts from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford testifying before Congress: “The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.”


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I suspect that both Justin Bieber and Damar Hamlin have suspicions that the COVID vaccine caused their health issues, but are in too deep with the wrong crowd to ever admit it publicly.

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Money shouts, the truth whispers.

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Normies are about to be redpilled all at once. They'll "get" it, and you'll want to be away from them when they do


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"We're all out of Red Pills... Brace yourselves: All we have left are Red Suppositories"

-- Morpheus

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Those help with mental constipation. Right?

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It may help get rid of "shit for brains".

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...It's already doing that... 🤔

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Keep in mind, these Hollywood stars reaching fame at a young age are victims as well. I do believe he was made...created and most likely abused mentally or physically or both. Not rational is my point. I only say this because, for example, look at Brittney Spears, I think she too was (is) a victim. They go off their rocker to survive their world. Now this only applies to child stars, musicians. Not all celebrities.

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A lot of those Disney kids have mental problems.

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Dr. Alexander,

I really appreciate your outspokenness very much. And all the research and articles, as well as your impressive career and love of humanity. This is my opinion-I think it would be more advantageous and would positively affect more people if you did not call people stupid….Do I believe he got the vaccine? Yes. Do I know it’s a vax injury? Yes…and his wife’s stroke-same….are they being threatened to stay silent about this? ABSOLUTELY! The whole industry is repulsive. Justin nor Hailey are stupid. They believed what doctors were telling them. Do they know better now? Yes, I bet they do….and I REALLY wish more injured celebrities would speak out…maybe he’ll muster up some courage to buck the system.

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they are DUMB AS ROCKS

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Ramsay Hunt syndrome (type of shingles) yep side-effect of vax ...

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

It's a proper indictment of the parlous state of the world's collective mental health, where only allegedly "famous people" serve as testimony to a certain state of affairs/validation of the existence of something.

All the same, inferences/propositions are still summarily dismissed by the real unstoppable viruses who run the show.

However, only once you get it into your skull - that your life/death (from whatever unfortunate cause) doesn't mean shit to the world, and you put the addiction of "look, look, mommy/daddy, Bieber got messed up by the poison, it's therefore real poison" down, then maybe you can liberate your mind, and get on with what's still left of your precious and fleeting life, where you only live for yourself and whomever else you may care for.

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Meanwhile, here's the joker that just said your American sons and daughters need to die for the corrupt country throwing its citizens under the bus by taking US bribes to break peace treaties


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Zelensky is a greedy little bitch.

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What is amazing, but probably shouldn’t be, is the Teflon strength of the Cognitive Dissonance Bubble of the Vaxxed. “My electric car means I am a Planet Savior. I am a healthy Citizen. I give my followers Value in my Social Media. Safe and Effective. Shock and Awe.”

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Cripes... Ain't that the truth... 🙄💩

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In June 2022 I wrote about Justin Beiber being blind to God:


I wrote in that article:

"God doesn't care about money. He cares about the truth. I believe God wants Justin to speak out against the covid-19 vaccines. Just like Eric Clapton and Van Morrison did. God gives people free will to heed his call or ignore his call.

Do not be blind to God and his will for your life, even if you lose everything on Earth doing God's call, you will gain much more in heaven.

Take your blinders off Justin and see God."

Nine months later, Justin still has decided not to take his blinders off. Seems God is going to keep on pushing him with his paralysis and loss of income/fame until Justin admits to the truth - the Covid19 vaccines caused his paralysis and are dangerous and must be stopped.

Sure Justin might be getting paid off to keep his mouth shut, but in the end if he doesn't listen to God, he will lose everything on earth. This is Justin's Dark Night of the Soul.

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

The Daily Mail reported earlier today that Bieber was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome, a complication of shingles, in June 2022.


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Yes, he’d had terrible facial paralysis from it a few weeks ago. It looked like Bell’s Palsy to me and then I read it was Ramsey Hunt. So rare…how many odd disorders will we see before people wake up??

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Daphne: I can't identify the actor(?) in your profile photo. Can you help?

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Hi Kathleen, thank you for asking! It is my dad, an actor named John Ireland, playing reporter Jack Burden in 1949’s “All the King’s Men”. I use that photo to honor his memory, and all the substack writers who, like his character in the film, try to shine a light on the truth. 🙏🏻

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Hi, Daphne, what a lovely tribute to your father! I remember him from old movies. Handsome man, good actor. Such a lovely sentiment you shared. K

(Sorry I didn't recognize him from your photo. I'm reading on a cell phone.)

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Oh thank you, Kathleen! What a lovely thing to say, and I am so happy that you asked about him earlier! I don’t blame you for not recognizing him in that tiny picture 😉 (I have more fun pics of him on Instagram if you’re curious, it’s my name… first.last)

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Thank you, I will have a look at your Instagram.

It might be nice for you to know that when I mentioned your father to my husband, he clearly remembered him and started rattling off his movies and television shows. Apparently his work made a lasting impression.

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Hi Dr. Paul, they were coerced by our asshole Trudope and they should sue his ass off. I am wondering if they switched to a all meat diet would that clear the spike protein???

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So the jab has done something useful again. It's spared people from the consequences of their dumb decision to want to go and listen to Bieber's crappy Muzak.

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