Ashamed, my flag flies inverted until the wokeasses are turfed. I hold no hate, of course, just disgust for those failing to represent the people and especially the neglected Veterans of Canada.

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The VA is still offering covid shots to US veterans.

At no time did they ever address the adverse events being reported to VAERS.

Now the big push is take a covid shot + a flu shot + RSV shot.

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Government kills.

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Sadly They continue to bury the harms and double down on the genocide

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It is as if everyone is brainwashed...they are acting as members of a cult.

When I try to bring it up, their eyes glaze over and it is like their brains shut down.

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What exactly is this going on in them, I wonder? We have working minds and a will to speak the truth, among other things that an intact spirit demands.

It’s like they’re in a pre-death state.

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I suspect it might be some sort of neurological or cognitive loss because they took the covid death shots.

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You are exactly right. They seem semi-dead.

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100% Mass psychosis has taken hold 🥲

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95%. It ain't over yet, 3% of the American colonists had the balls to fight the most powerful military in the world.

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no thanks

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How do you think I feel? I resent and fight back against the constant pressure by medical providers to get these death shots.

But someone who may be suffering from PTSD or traumatic brain injury, may not have the proper decision making ability to decline because of their health problems.

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I agree Kathleen. I switched doctors because she only pushed vaccines on me.

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Totally totally. It is criminal what they did to us while we were speaking and living truth

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Trump tried to tell America and the world that hydroxychloroquine was an effective readily available treatment for Covid in March 2020. Instead the evil villains behind the scamdemic villainized HCQ and shut it down as an effective treatment. So instead, we endured lockdowns, business shut downs, school closings, excessive unnecessary testing, mask wearing, deadly hospital protocols, and eventually a life altering unnecessary injection. Hydroxychloroquine worked from the get-go. See attached Substack below.


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And so did ivermectin but in order to get their EUA approval for their experimental jab, they had to shut down any other option

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You are 100% correct

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A lie is a lie is a lie is a lie! Obama started this on steroids when first stolen election occurred or maybe I should say, he was placed in power and not by the American voters mind you! With that said, I stopped watching a single news channel at the end of his first term. The MSM couldn’t get the weather right and we’re supposed to believe anything they say? Nope, I didn’t and that’s that on that. The fact is if you tell a lie over and over people will start to believe it. Most people know this. The point is this is exactly what’s happening over and over and over, again and again. So what’s the use, do your own research and triangulate each story. “The ends justifies the means”, this is the main reason we hear these “political morons” speak and say the things they are actually guilty of! Although in their minds, it’s OK, they have a mission, to rid the world of “NAZIS” is it not? So they call and threaten and kill anyone who tries to be on the right side of history. They know this but “the ends justify the means”! Haven’t we all noticed how media outlets, newspapers, online all over everywhere the same talking points are echoing across the globe, I wonder why that is? Ummm maybe because these ideologues believe they know better? Or perhaps it’s because they’re always right even when they lie? IMO, all of the above! This won’t stop until they’re stopped and how’s that going to happen? I have no idea but I will say this, more and more people are waking up, better late than never I guess but what’s really happening is they have been multiple steps ahead of anyone who believes in patriotism, freedom and independence! We are their enemy and we must stop this cancerous mutation around the world! Somehow someway someone has to get on our side who was on their side and exposed the truth. All it takes is one person.!


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Wow, so well put. I have one explaination for this whole circus: WEF. Swchabb is behind the curtains pulling the puppet strings, especially Troodoo.s and Freeland.s. I'm an old girl and remember Troodoo father. No good seed could come out of this communist.

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The words that made my blood run cold were "Do we tolerate these people?" Trudeau said this referring to Canadians hesitant to get the jab. My question is: what is your plan, Justin, if you don't 'tolerate' them? Kill them? Put them in concentration camps?

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That gave me chills. On another interview he gave recently, he dropped casully: "yes we know the vaccine have injured certain people" and continued about the "nobody forced anyone into vaccines"... I was appalled that no journalist asked details about the "vax injured", how many and what solutions he had...

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DJT 2024

25 IN 25

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He needs to step down or be fired. Period

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Cut him from ear to ear, keep up the pressure ,, protesting they hate we will reign supreme

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The Canadian parliament is full of cryptoNazis. All who gave the standing ovations to the Canadian former Ukranian Waffen SS Galicia Division death squad member need to metaphorically fall on their swords.

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Trudeau is a sociopath and puppet of UK and USA zionist corporations. He is a nazi himself and is one of the West. agents for fascism .

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Update- (just wait for it) a member of Trudeau’s Liberal Party Caucus just recently brought a soldier veteran from the Ukraine onto the floor of our House of Commons and all the MLA’s had to stand and clap to honour this old vet.... as they give a speech (I think Ukraines president is there - and they talk about the vet fighting against Russia back in the day- this guy is really old)-turns out he was a fricking Nazi!!!! It didn’t even dawn on people that that could be a possibility until they mention him fighting Russia but even then they are like uh what?

Hmmm but I “guess” no one knew??? The Conservative Party after looked him up and their is info out their - yup he was a Nazi, and he has allegedly written somewhere “ he was so proud of his time as a Nazi soldier..he killed so many etc”

And of course the alleged (allegations) of Chryst-a Fre-lands, grandpa being a Nazi come to some people’s minds. (Do we wonder if maybe she new?).

And Trudeau calls others Nazis but it’s his party who just did this??? Also they are eroding our freedom of speech her in Canada between the the rules trying to frighten me into not saying anything or saying they will censor what you can see of mine or they will let me see from others it is so weird a time in the world right now. And I think some Canadians are waking up, I just hope it’s enough of them (although I wonder about election fraud up here too.)

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Tradau is a MAGGOT like McGowan dan maggot Andrews , needs taking out ... Freedom movement is alive. And we'll.. more more pressure to screw them into submission ..The WHO WILL DIE LIKE TRADAU SCUM FUCKER LOVE FROM AUSTRALIA 🦘

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Just read a great idea from Jon Rapaport. Kennedy should campaign from the Vaxx bus that is touring America and hearing stories of vaxx injuries. A month of speeches from the bus would really shake up the electorate.

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Let’s be one hundred percent accurate; the only socialist fascist (aka Nazi) clearly on show in Canada is Trudeau himself. Calling everyone he doesn’t like “Nazi” is the known psychological response of “projection.” Which involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings about themselves!

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Prayer may be the only way out of this tyrannical mess!

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Well give them a metaphorical taste of what is in store.

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Well yes . . . they tend to mirror what they are . . . .

What follows is a classic example.

Here are two posts I published yesterday and today.

25 SEP 2023 - Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation to a NAZI - 2 videos - The RCAF Officer Who Brought Hitler’s Waffen SS to Canada >> https://www.togetherwelive.ca/blog/2023/09/24/the-rcaf-officer-who-brought-hitlers-waffen-ss-to-canada/

And TODAY >> what happened is appalling . . . . and please do not tell me that the Canadian Intelligence Services didn't know . . . . I will venture it was >> just following orders.

No one will ever find out.

Today, the speaker of the House of Commons resigned (although he was tricked) >> 26 SEP 2023 - Canadian Speaker of Parliament resigned after mistakenly honouring a Nazi veteran in the House of Commons >> https://www.togetherwelive.ca/blog/2023/09/26/canadian-speaker-of-parliament-esigned-after-mistakenly-honouring-a-nazi-veteran-in-the-house-of-commons/

Now, we have a situation. . . let's say (hypothetically speaking) the Prime Minister was to step down. Who is the logical choice? it's the Deputy Prime Minister C. Freeland, right?

But now with a NAZI scandal (they got caught) - she would most likely not be considered. Why? well . . . because >> Ukrainian Canadians Expose Chrystia Freeland’s Nazi Heritage.pdf >> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MX4JZ7ej5iQAUFoyZygo7RM_1MQNWoO1/view?usp=drive_link

Her Grand-father last name “Chomiak” took refuge in Canada – A wanted Nazi War Criminal who Poland searched for up until 1980s . . . and who probably came to Canada through the same channel as this Nazi war criminal - Both were wanted by the Polish Government. Now they will seek extradition for this war criminal.

The old fool thought no one would have found out. If he had learned anything in life such as integrity and honesty, he would have refused to be honoured in Parliament.

Rejoice in this knowledge.

Be well within.

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Right on the money Doc. It appears another convoy is on the way to convince the P.M. that it was not a mistake the first time. Trudeau is due for a proper manly haircut. Thanks again Doc.

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