Ka-BOOM! ABC WASHINGTON POST: BIDEN POLL DISASTER; TRUMP aka '45' LEADS 52%-42%; I told you idiots out there, 45 will be the next POTUS unless they imprison him or assassinate him; they will try both
IMO; BIDEN INC. has invaded America, yes, Biden & his leftist socialists have launched MASS invasion of America to flip Texas etc.; this is why we need Trump to hopefully save this great nation!
President Joe Biden's job approval rating is 19 points underwater, his ratings for handling the economy and immigration are at career lows. A record number of Americans say they've become worse off under his presidency, three-quarters say he's too old for another term and Donald Trump is looking better in retrospect -- all severe challenges for Biden in his reelection campaign ahead.
Forty-four percent of Americans in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll say they've gotten worse off financially under Biden's presidency, the most for any president in ABC/Post polls since 1986. Just 37% approve of his job performance, while 56% disapprove. Still fewer approve of Biden's performance on the economy, 30%.
On handling immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border, Biden's rating is even lower, with 23% approval. In terms of intensity of sentiment, 20% strongly approve of his work overall, while 45% strongly disapprove. And the 74% who say he's too old for a second term is up 6 percentage points since May. Views that Trump is too old also are up, but to 50% in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates.
I am sorry to tell you Dominion Changer machines decide the leaders including POTUS, not the people. You must know this. It is called Election fraud and the US is the King of it and implements it in other countries. This is largely why we are in the mess we are. Courtesy of Soros, Zuckerbucks etc.
--It is not those that vote who count, it is those who count the vote. --
Get rid of the riggers and do paper ballots with proper oversight and you might have a real election.
Amazing isn’t it? NOT! This entire administration was installed and Mr. “Is that Ice Cream or Poop dripping down my leg” Biden aka, Obama and company have now proven how corrupt and incompetent as well as how much they “HATE AMERICA”! If those useful idiots don’t wake up, not only will America be destroyed, but so wi they! Have they no clue? Can they not see what is so obviously clear what is happening? One main difference I’ve learned about conservatives and WACKADOS is this, conservatives will seek the truth and admit when wrong vs WACKADOS are never wrong, will never admit they’re wrong and are always right! What a way to live! How can anyone be so ignorant about the truth? “CHOP” as it’s called I believe, a product of the WACKADOS “PEACEFUL PROTEST’S” is a hell beyond hellholes! Seattle has become the dumping grounds for all UTOPIAN, PEACEFUL PROTESTORS! and what a dump it is! Is that what Americans want? I believe the if half of this country had a slight clue, we would see true peaceful protests, we would see more peaceful uprisings and we might, just might be able to turn this soon to be, once shinning light of the world known as America the beautiful, around! There are ways to stop the madness but half of America believes things are going great because MSM says so, or Joy “please stuff a sock in her mouth and cement it shut” Reid, says so! This is the problem and the truth is the solution! It’s no surprise that Biden has been “ROBBING” America and Americans tax dollars since he became president 47 years ago! (Oops, he said that not me). The truth is, Biden’s more guilty than a bank robbery! After all, he’s been helping himself since first elected to congress 470,000 years ago! (Oops, he believes that too)! You get my point, I pray America wakes up, not just to the fraud by this current President and the years he’s helped himself and sold out America for millions upon millions of dollars, but more importantly, the massacre / genocide now being carried out! There’s a litany of corruption, a myriad of devastation and a complete particular group of people who are responsible for all this! The “SHINING LIGHT FOR THE WORLD” America, is still alive but we do need a tourniquet to stop the severe bleeding and bring America back to life!