IMO; BIDEN INC. has invaded America, yes, Biden & his leftist socialists have launched MASS invasion of America to flip Texas etc.; this is why we need Trump to hopefully save this great nation!
I am sorry to tell you Dominion Changer machines decide the leaders including POTUS, not the people. You must know this. It is called Election fraud and the US is the King of it and implements it in other countries. This is largely why we are in the mess we are. Courtesy of Soros, Zuckerbucks etc.
--It is not those that vote who count, it is those who count the vote. --
Get rid of the riggers and do paper ballots with proper oversight and you might have a real election.
Without a doubt! There is no way in hell Americans are that stupid! (Oops my mistake) yes they are!There’s certainly enough stupid people in America to fill a small continent, but the majority knows they’d rather have a roof over their heads than live on the streets! Though elections will never fix that problem either. With that said, I’m not saying those who vote are educated voters, not at all, heck I work with three of them and they can’t tell the difference between a dog or a cat in an election, they only vote because mama or papa told them to vote for so and so! But even with that kind of incompetence, dominion voting machines and there corrupt software apps and company fixers, which by the way are entwined, have been stealing elections for years! We the voting people have been sold a country of lies when it comes to “safe and secure” elections and now, “safe and effective” JABS! It won’t end! (As long as humans are alive), are one and the same! Both are lies and both are run by corrupt politicians and corrupt people and corrupt governments! So until we stick our finger in the “purple paint” proving we voted and even with that I’m sure they will find a way to cut off fingers, stolen elections will continue! After all it’s not about you or me or anyone else but those in POWER! Ain’t that the truth?!
Amerika, helped Stalin win WW II, and his jewish Politburo. Afterwards, 1/3rd of the world was under Communist/Bolshevik/Marxian jewish sway. And, our jewish press and money supply celebrated in the 1945 American papers. Goyim danced. Israel was born. The CCP selected as the next golden egg to be laid.
Yes, but we have leverage that force the DOD's to stand down all hackers. Psychological leverage among voters for the hackers is needed prior to the hack. The fake pandemic was the their PLANNED key for the 2020 rigged hack. No one voted for Knight of Malta Pedo; math crunchers sorted close to 200,000,000 Americans vote for our Trump. At this point the Bilderberg NWO traitors no options as critical mass mind levels have increased in numbers, continuously, since Squatter of the White Crack House was weaseled into the DC trash heap.
Trump is our ONLY OPTION.
The Republic MUST STAND.... all Americans must hold the line.
Amazing isn’t it? NOT! This entire administration was installed and Mr. “Is that Ice Cream or Poop dripping down my leg” Biden aka, Obama and company have now proven how corrupt and incompetent as well as how much they “HATE AMERICA”! If those useful idiots don’t wake up, not only will America be destroyed, but so wi they! Have they no clue? Can they not see what is so obviously clear what is happening? One main difference I’ve learned about conservatives and WACKADOS is this, conservatives will seek the truth and admit when wrong vs WACKADOS are never wrong, will never admit they’re wrong and are always right! What a way to live! How can anyone be so ignorant about the truth? “CHOP” as it’s called I believe, a product of the WACKADOS “PEACEFUL PROTEST’S” is a hell beyond hellholes! Seattle has become the dumping grounds for all UTOPIAN, PEACEFUL PROTESTORS! and what a dump it is! Is that what Americans want? I believe the if half of this country had a slight clue, we would see true peaceful protests, we would see more peaceful uprisings and we might, just might be able to turn this soon to be, once shinning light of the world known as America the beautiful, around! There are ways to stop the madness but half of America believes things are going great because MSM says so, or Joy “please stuff a sock in her mouth and cement it shut” Reid, says so! This is the problem and the truth is the solution! It’s no surprise that Biden has been “ROBBING” America and Americans tax dollars since he became president 47 years ago! (Oops, he said that not me). The truth is, Biden’s more guilty than a bank robbery! After all, he’s been helping himself since first elected to congress 470,000 years ago! (Oops, he believes that too)! You get my point, I pray America wakes up, not just to the fraud by this current President and the years he’s helped himself and sold out America for millions upon millions of dollars, but more importantly, the massacre / genocide now being carried out! There’s a litany of corruption, a myriad of devastation and a complete particular group of people who are responsible for all this! The “SHINING LIGHT FOR THE WORLD” America, is still alive but we do need a tourniquet to stop the severe bleeding and bring America back to life!
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Trump will not be allowed to run in 2024 and The Dummy has already been elected for 2024 because of the Chinese and dead people voting early.
The immigration invasion strategy is common across western countries now…Australia, EU, etc are all suffering similar immigration invasions. Fires, food shortages, cutting energy, invasion, etc all the same across Western society…
Resident Hidin’ is vacant in all ways possible but Trump is no savior. Say that he wins, then everyone does nothing. Wouldn’t that be a win for the Deep State?
The Donald Trump of today is not the same Trump of 2016. I watched the interview where he actually bashed the 15 week abortion law in Florida, why would he do that? Plus he sure talks nice about the Democrats now, like they told him he saved a hundred million lives with the bioweapon injections. I do believe they will kill him or imprison him but I don't believe he will ever make it to 2024. Besides everything he's doing is only to enrich himself thru his supporters, I don't think he really gives a shit about them, as an example, what has he done for the J6ers, nothing. They rot away year after year for a man who turned his back on them. Back in 2016 I loved Trump, I thought he was awesome, but he is not that man anymore, he's changed and not for the better.
People don't stop and think why should they support someone who is going to convicted of multiple felonies, even if most of what he is charged with is exaggerated.
Trump thinks he can say anything and get away with it. There is no chance he could earn a single person to support him, who didn't support him in 2020.
He thinks all he has to do is spread lies about DeSantis, and with all the other candidates dividing up the vote, he will win.
Then if he is the nominee (as Dems hope), and he loses for Republican Party for the 4th straight time, he will blame the rigged election again.
As DeSantis explained, it was Trump who signed off on the election reform that allowed mail in ballot harvesting. Trump has himself to blame. He was a TERRIBLE administrator.
If people want to learn the truth about Trump vs DeSantis, just go to the Twitter account of Bill Mitchell, who was also a Trump promoter in 2016 and 2020.
@Mitchellvii. He is the best and he is totally independent of the DeSantis campaign.
If Trump has an ounce of decency, he would have long ago become a King Maker, and endorsed Ron DeSanitis, who is the only person sure to beat the eventual Democrat and also Pardon Trump. It would be Trump's best way to avoid prison.
as far as i am concerned, if the electors vote for him, he is President no matter where he is on that day.... and they had better release him from jail / prison if that happens....
And no one wants Biden to be the Democrat nominee.
It should be obvious that the Media pollsters all want Trump to be the nominee so that the Dems can win. The poll has over 30% of blacks and the majority of Hispanics voting for Vote.
There is a single person who didn't vote for Trump in 2020 who would vote for him now.
There is absolutely no reason to support someone who is going to be a convicted felon before the Nov election. Another poll showed that 50% of REPUBLICANS would not support a convicted felon.
This poll like others is a SHAM, helped because obviously no one wants Biden to run for POTUS.
They should poll Trump vs Gavin Newsom or just a generic Dem.
If the Dems fear losing, they will replace Biden with someone like CA Gov Gavin Newsom.
Wise up people.
Trump is an AWFUL selfiish human being. That is NOT an opinion. Trump is the biggest RINO.
There are now multiple witnesses to Trump insulting a disable Vet once again.
Not just John McCain or a disabled reported who he mocked.
READ IT FOR YOURSELVES. Even Trump supports are saying they would not support Trump if this was true:
The people of Iowa will ignore the polls and select Ron DeSantis to be our next POTUS.
Trump is being propped up by Conservative pundits who privately revile against Trump.
That includes
Trump will soon run out of funds and 85% of donations are going to legal expenses.
Trump never gave a penny to the convicted of Jan 6. He couldn't care less about them.
Truth Social and Trump are the biggest LYING machine. Lies are supported with facts. They are not opinion.
DeSantis is loaded with $ and waiting for Trump to implode in January, before all the Republcians who want a winner in the White House. Trump is a 3 time loser and will be a convicted FELON.
Heads exploded when Trump won in 2016. And, they NEVER STOPPED hounding him but NOTHING WORKED to unseat him.
So Fauci PREDICTED A PANDEMIC during Trump’s presidency. Wow! Lo and behold Fauci can see the future! So the Black Swan of panic COINCIDENTALLY took flight 9mos before an easy reelection.
But, it ALMOST FAILED. So they shut everything down and frantically engaged, as Biden put it: "The most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
And just as miraculously as they installed a pandemic, Biden was installed as president. Perhaps Biden is the REAL virus? The clueless lemmings within our borders cheered Trump’s ouster.
Fast forward to now, after the depths they stooped to get rid of Trump does anyone really think they’ll let him waltz back into the White House?
America as her Founders set her up is dead. And a healthy chunk of her dumb assed citizens are either oblivious or directly support her destruction. Trump is doomed and so are we.
I am sorry to tell you Dominion Changer machines decide the leaders including POTUS, not the people. You must know this. It is called Election fraud and the US is the King of it and implements it in other countries. This is largely why we are in the mess we are. Courtesy of Soros, Zuckerbucks etc.
--It is not those that vote who count, it is those who count the vote. --
Get rid of the riggers and do paper ballots with proper oversight and you might have a real election.
Without a doubt! There is no way in hell Americans are that stupid! (Oops my mistake) yes they are!There’s certainly enough stupid people in America to fill a small continent, but the majority knows they’d rather have a roof over their heads than live on the streets! Though elections will never fix that problem either. With that said, I’m not saying those who vote are educated voters, not at all, heck I work with three of them and they can’t tell the difference between a dog or a cat in an election, they only vote because mama or papa told them to vote for so and so! But even with that kind of incompetence, dominion voting machines and there corrupt software apps and company fixers, which by the way are entwined, have been stealing elections for years! We the voting people have been sold a country of lies when it comes to “safe and secure” elections and now, “safe and effective” JABS! It won’t end! (As long as humans are alive), are one and the same! Both are lies and both are run by corrupt politicians and corrupt people and corrupt governments! So until we stick our finger in the “purple paint” proving we voted and even with that I’m sure they will find a way to cut off fingers, stolen elections will continue! After all it’s not about you or me or anyone else but those in POWER! Ain’t that the truth?!
Amerika, helped Stalin win WW II, and his jewish Politburo. Afterwards, 1/3rd of the world was under Communist/Bolshevik/Marxian jewish sway. And, our jewish press and money supply celebrated in the 1945 American papers. Goyim danced. Israel was born. The CCP selected as the next golden egg to be laid.
You are spot on! Thank you for stating this so well.
The traitors to America are still planning to take Trump out with their boy DeSantis. Don't write them off yet.
Yes, but we have leverage that force the DOD's to stand down all hackers. Psychological leverage among voters for the hackers is needed prior to the hack. The fake pandemic was the their PLANNED key for the 2020 rigged hack. No one voted for Knight of Malta Pedo; math crunchers sorted close to 200,000,000 Americans vote for our Trump. At this point the Bilderberg NWO traitors no options as critical mass mind levels have increased in numbers, continuously, since Squatter of the White Crack House was weaseled into the DC trash heap.
Trump is our ONLY OPTION.
The Republic MUST STAND.... all Americans must hold the line.
It's way beyond the machines. The hack is mail in votes via the ERIC database. Dirty voter rolls.
That is the system Brandon was bragging about during his "campaign". The cure is CLEAN voter rolls with a proven ID.
Amazing isn’t it? NOT! This entire administration was installed and Mr. “Is that Ice Cream or Poop dripping down my leg” Biden aka, Obama and company have now proven how corrupt and incompetent as well as how much they “HATE AMERICA”! If those useful idiots don’t wake up, not only will America be destroyed, but so wi they! Have they no clue? Can they not see what is so obviously clear what is happening? One main difference I’ve learned about conservatives and WACKADOS is this, conservatives will seek the truth and admit when wrong vs WACKADOS are never wrong, will never admit they’re wrong and are always right! What a way to live! How can anyone be so ignorant about the truth? “CHOP” as it’s called I believe, a product of the WACKADOS “PEACEFUL PROTEST’S” is a hell beyond hellholes! Seattle has become the dumping grounds for all UTOPIAN, PEACEFUL PROTESTORS! and what a dump it is! Is that what Americans want? I believe the if half of this country had a slight clue, we would see true peaceful protests, we would see more peaceful uprisings and we might, just might be able to turn this soon to be, once shinning light of the world known as America the beautiful, around! There are ways to stop the madness but half of America believes things are going great because MSM says so, or Joy “please stuff a sock in her mouth and cement it shut” Reid, says so! This is the problem and the truth is the solution! It’s no surprise that Biden has been “ROBBING” America and Americans tax dollars since he became president 47 years ago! (Oops, he said that not me). The truth is, Biden’s more guilty than a bank robbery! After all, he’s been helping himself since first elected to congress 470,000 years ago! (Oops, he believes that too)! You get my point, I pray America wakes up, not just to the fraud by this current President and the years he’s helped himself and sold out America for millions upon millions of dollars, but more importantly, the massacre / genocide now being carried out! There’s a litany of corruption, a myriad of devastation and a complete particular group of people who are responsible for all this! The “SHINING LIGHT FOR THE WORLD” America, is still alive but we do need a tourniquet to stop the severe bleeding and bring America back to life!
It may be too late...they are using this now on the citizens. Lots of testing grounds in Africa and other countries also. 🙏
The MKU brainwashed- add psychotropics and non-stop propaganda to that & wa la.
I'm sure you mean "voila," widely mispronounced as something like your "wa la."
Trump-hating, DeSantis and Democrat-loving Gerald Williams is being rather quiet about this poll.
: )
It’s the ex-Valley Girl in me, it was correctly stated as wala.
Say " NOPE "
..... everyone gets one vote,
- everyone proves his/her identity.
Easy. Simple. Mandate it - you're good at "mandates" , yes?
And it all happens in person, on the very same day.
.....and , sorry (well, NOT) - citizens only.
Yes. Citizens only.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Trump will not be allowed to run in 2024 and The Dummy has already been elected for 2024 because of the Chinese and dead people voting early.
Drumpf's children are all married to jews. So are Biden's.
"Build a wall."
"Lock her up!"
"Release the JFK files."
"I love Israel, all of my major donors are jewish."
Let us not talk falsely now, the hour's getting late...
No need to murder Trump and make him a martyr when you can just rig the votes in a few key counties and steal an election.
Just who in the hell are the 37%? Asking for a friend.
The immigration invasion strategy is common across western countries now…Australia, EU, etc are all suffering similar immigration invasions. Fires, food shortages, cutting energy, invasion, etc all the same across Western society…
It's the globalists' playbook.
In the U.S., brought to you by the Democrats. By their counterparts elsewhere.
Resident Hidin’ is vacant in all ways possible but Trump is no savior. Say that he wins, then everyone does nothing. Wouldn’t that be a win for the Deep State?
Perhaps google Heritage Project 2025.
(Love the "Resident Hidin' " quip.)
The Elites and Globalist fear a MAGA uprising or Trump would already be history.
The Donald Trump of today is not the same Trump of 2016. I watched the interview where he actually bashed the 15 week abortion law in Florida, why would he do that? Plus he sure talks nice about the Democrats now, like they told him he saved a hundred million lives with the bioweapon injections. I do believe they will kill him or imprison him but I don't believe he will ever make it to 2024. Besides everything he's doing is only to enrich himself thru his supporters, I don't think he really gives a shit about them, as an example, what has he done for the J6ers, nothing. They rot away year after year for a man who turned his back on them. Back in 2016 I loved Trump, I thought he was awesome, but he is not that man anymore, he's changed and not for the better.
Ding Ding Ding, we have a rational person.
People don't stop and think why should they support someone who is going to convicted of multiple felonies, even if most of what he is charged with is exaggerated.
Trump thinks he can say anything and get away with it. There is no chance he could earn a single person to support him, who didn't support him in 2020.
He thinks all he has to do is spread lies about DeSantis, and with all the other candidates dividing up the vote, he will win.
Then if he is the nominee (as Dems hope), and he loses for Republican Party for the 4th straight time, he will blame the rigged election again.
As DeSantis explained, it was Trump who signed off on the election reform that allowed mail in ballot harvesting. Trump has himself to blame. He was a TERRIBLE administrator.
If people want to learn the truth about Trump vs DeSantis, just go to the Twitter account of Bill Mitchell, who was also a Trump promoter in 2016 and 2020.
@Mitchellvii. He is the best and he is totally independent of the DeSantis campaign.
If Trump has an ounce of decency, he would have long ago become a King Maker, and endorsed Ron DeSanitis, who is the only person sure to beat the eventual Democrat and also Pardon Trump. It would be Trump's best way to avoid prison.
as far as i am concerned, if the electors vote for him, he is President no matter where he is on that day.... and they had better release him from jail / prison if that happens....
Trump is the most hated politician in America.
And no one wants Biden to be the Democrat nominee.
It should be obvious that the Media pollsters all want Trump to be the nominee so that the Dems can win. The poll has over 30% of blacks and the majority of Hispanics voting for Vote.
There is a single person who didn't vote for Trump in 2020 who would vote for him now.
There is absolutely no reason to support someone who is going to be a convicted felon before the Nov election. Another poll showed that 50% of REPUBLICANS would not support a convicted felon.
This poll like others is a SHAM, helped because obviously no one wants Biden to run for POTUS.
They should poll Trump vs Gavin Newsom or just a generic Dem.
If the Dems fear losing, they will replace Biden with someone like CA Gov Gavin Newsom.
Wise up people.
Trump is an AWFUL selfiish human being. That is NOT an opinion. Trump is the biggest RINO.
There are now multiple witnesses to Trump insulting a disable Vet once again.
Not just John McCain or a disabled reported who he mocked.
READ IT FOR YOURSELVES. Even Trump supports are saying they would not support Trump if this was true:
The people of Iowa will ignore the polls and select Ron DeSantis to be our next POTUS.
Trump is being propped up by Conservative pundits who privately revile against Trump.
That includes
Trump will soon run out of funds and 85% of donations are going to legal expenses.
Trump never gave a penny to the convicted of Jan 6. He couldn't care less about them.
Truth Social and Trump are the biggest LYING machine. Lies are supported with facts. They are not opinion.
DeSantis is loaded with $ and waiting for Trump to implode in January, before all the Republcians who want a winner in the White House. Trump is a 3 time loser and will be a convicted FELON.
Heads exploded when Trump won in 2016. And, they NEVER STOPPED hounding him but NOTHING WORKED to unseat him.
So Fauci PREDICTED A PANDEMIC during Trump’s presidency. Wow! Lo and behold Fauci can see the future! So the Black Swan of panic COINCIDENTALLY took flight 9mos before an easy reelection.
But, it ALMOST FAILED. So they shut everything down and frantically engaged, as Biden put it: "The most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
And just as miraculously as they installed a pandemic, Biden was installed as president. Perhaps Biden is the REAL virus? The clueless lemmings within our borders cheered Trump’s ouster.
Fast forward to now, after the depths they stooped to get rid of Trump does anyone really think they’ll let him waltz back into the White House?
America as her Founders set her up is dead. And a healthy chunk of her dumb assed citizens are either oblivious or directly support her destruction. Trump is doomed and so are we.
God help us all.
Dems are going to remove the human hemorrhoid - stand by for big Mike.
The Ultimate Goal Of A Leftist Lunatic
Is To Become Their Own Victim.
- Of Course That They Start There
- - Doesn't Spoil The Journey.