Worth noting the Lee county in Florida has just passed a "Ban the jab" resolution 👍👍. We just need to keep pushing in our local areas. More local action = faster disclosure = national impact = saving many lives, but especially the children 💯


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I am sure Mike Pence would say, "That's not my concern."

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Seems we "conspiracy theorists" are racking up a lot of wins. Give the plebs 3-5 years......some will figure it out. Others are hopelessly and perpetually lost, believing every bit of tripe that spews from their TV's.

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Excellent. But we need a strong "hook" to get MSM to cover this. Or maybe sneak something in subtly.

I think more skepticism about the shots has spread among the public, but we're still in a world of "officially safe and effective." Trump's recent statements saying he'll reverse vax mandates and rehire those fired to refused the jabs are a start. But IMHO they don't go far enough.

Maybe mainstream media will be so upset at Brevard's actions that they will start to cover it.

That could be an opening for the truth to be heard.

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NEVER should have been injected into ANY life form!

I'll take this as a victory but this news is almost three years too late for many.

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" One win at a time ..." Tom Renz

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Let us hope for the Domino effect!!

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Fantastic! Thank you for posting.

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Not so fast, y'all...After reading the following, 'winning the battle but losing the war' springs to mind...' Florida Residents Are Being Bombarded With…by TIM TRUTH

Sarasota and Manatee counties in Florida USA are absolutely bombarding their residents with copious amounts of neuropoisons with the stated objective of exterminating mosquitoes. They fail to mention that the poisons are very toxic to bees, humans, aquatic life, etc etc https://timtruth.substack.com/p/florida-residents-are-being-bombarded

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I read today where in the United Kingdom they approved Pfizer & Moderna (heavily funded by Gates Foundation) new vaccine SKYCovian vaccine. When will the madness end? You know the USA and WHO will jump on board. Not taking any of this poison.

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Better late than never, or I hope. This appears NOT to be government related.

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Nobody should ever take another pharmaceutical jab again. How can you trust them after all the lies Here in Canada there recommending jabs in the fall Trudeau can shove them up his ass as far as he can push them never again

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Go hard ,never comply to the scum criminals,we in Australia are keeping up the pressure ,people are so stupid if they believe the CONVID. LOVE to all freedom fighters world wide .

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This was ‘obvious’ from the beginning 3 years ago, especially after Fauci announced the Plandemic in 2017.

This was right after a big planning summit to take down trump. I think it was held in Arizona. Meanwhile, did the depopulation target get achieved yet? The body count will keep rising. Entire generations have been cursed by this wicked plan.

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Unfortunately, the evidence they cite to support their conclusion will destroy any credibility we have for outing the virus and jabs as bioweapons. There is credible evidence but they are not citing it. Bloody disaster. Watch from 37:40 https://rumble.com/v30k644-rfk-jr-supporting-evidence-for-ethnic-disparities-in-covid-outcomes.html

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Thanks for the link. I’m in Lehigh Acres, Lee county.

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