Ka BOOM: SCOTUS strikes down bump stock ban, 6-3 vote: 'In a loss for the Biden administration, the Supreme Court ruled Friday that a federal ban on bump stocks, gun accessories that allow
semiautomatic rifles to fire more quickly, is unlawful.' 'the court held that an almost 100-year-old law aimed at banning machine guns cannot legitimately be interpreted to include bump stocks.'
Supreme Court rules ban on gun bump stocks is unlawful (msn.com)
‘Writing for the majority, Justice Clarence Thomas said that a firearm equipped with the accessory does not meet the definition of "machinegun" under federal law.’
Good, but what the criminal ATF does is make up more "rules and regulations" concerning guns of any kind, as part of an ongoing attempt at restricting or removing our 2nd Amendment rights. They get people to comply, before the regulation is struck down by the SC, but they have already damaged our freedoms.
NO law of any kind regarding arms is constitutional.
Do not comply. Abolish the ATF TOO.
This is important ruling protecting the 2nd amendment to avoid the slippery slope toward tyranny against an unarmed public.