
The U.K. is burning. People have had enough of the Left appeasing Islamofascism. The Left targets the white population. Totally tone deaf. Starmer has only been in power for a few weeks.

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That's a very useful link. Thank you . 😃

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Great to see America's mother country and our cousins stand up for their country. They must before it's too late and islam takes over.

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That's terrible,but what about your boy Donald the Father of Warp Speed that has injured millions and killed millions? He's still proud of it too,what about the January 6th supporters of Donald who were left to rot in Jail who weren't violent,he was still president and he has billions why didn't he help his supporters? He's ok with killing innocent defenseless voiceless precious babies too,but that's your savior right? Give me a break,stop the golden calf idolatry,this fake left right paradimn,where both President Fauci Vice President Trump and Democrats and Republicans unconstitutionally locked Americans down, destroyed small businesses,forced slave muzzles on free Americans and kids,shut down church, expression, assembly,free speech, medicine then rushed warped poison,pushed fear,lies,propaganda,record $ printing,sickening, and trump is excused and Republicans and Democrats. Don't be deceived folks by this circus, political theatre,2 sides of the same coin,tag team wrestling match,2 wings on the same dragon. There is no hope in an elephant or donkey but in the Lord Jesus Christ TITUS 2:13 He is faithful and true Politicians are not,there's no hope in the sespool called DC. Out of 330 million Americans the best we can do is Harris or Trump,that tells you all u need to know about where America is and it's sinking Titanic. God has been kicked out of every arena in our nation and we are in this mess, because of it. Jesus Christ is Savior not Government. Cursed is the man who trusts in man Jeremiah 17 5..The wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God Psalm 9:17. Blessed is the nation who's God is the Lord. It's better to trust in the Lord than princes or kings Psalm 118:6-9. We ought to obey God Rather than Men Acts 5:29. John 3:16 John 14:6 Blessings

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If she wins you’d better be in a red state with a Governor that has balls the size of Mars. And right now I see no such Governor.

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we all would need be...if she wins it will be a brutal 4 years.

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I am. Florida.

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Don't even go there. We then will NEVER have another Republican president. Our

country would go Communist/Marxist for sure.

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We're in TN. 🙏

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most folk who congregate around a candidate do so for money and job and fame...most do not care...

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This is just more evidence of the stupidity of Birthright Citizenship. KH was born in Oakland California and raised in Canada to two people who were not US citizens. She, like Obama, is not a natural born US citizen and should not become POTUS. We have no idea where exactly her loyalty resides. But one thing we do know is that it is NOT with the USA.

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Only bad people vote for evil. If the demons win, hell will be unleashed on all good people. Be prepared. Be ready.

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Remember reading somewhere that migrants were found on military base. Does anyone know what happened to them?

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Aug 3Edited

Remember many of the illegals are pregnant when they are flown here by BIA (Biden Illegal Airlines). Who pays for their hospital bill? We do. The baby formula? We do.

Harris will open up Chain Migration even more allowing any relative to come here. Elderly who've never put a penny into our economy will come here and draw a check and healthcare, food stamps. Often receiving more than Elderly American citizens who struggle and at least most put into the system and have legitimate rights to be here.

Harris and liberals believe foreigners have a right to come here.

Don't forget illegals especially Muslim have more babies per family than Americans. I worked with many before. Some ARE hard workers but we can't take anymore. I remember 1 young Hispanic woman w/ three kids not married. She was new employee at the factory, a Hispanic male (illegal from Honduras he told us) ask her how she afford the nice Toyota (big vehicle like Tahoe), she said tax refund. Come to find out she lived with the father but not married so they drew more govt benefits . Now multiple her by 20 million and think what the long term costs are and how culture here changes.

My little KY town has so many illegals and refugees we have an International Festial every year on the town Square. Somhow many are able to open restaurants and businesses yet come here with nothing? We pay for it. Govt will grants especially to refugees to start businesses. They are taking over.

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This is the same plan slime minister turdo has.

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If you all do not stand up for yourselves then it will happen.

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Time to play 'Wack A Mole ' folks !

Remember to get some popcorn and a six pack !

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Kabuki Theatre!

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Aug 3
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yes...45 can pull it off if he listens to people other than the nuts in his inner core...they guided him wrong in 2020...

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some of the xxxx are around again.

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Aug 3
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Refuse to comply with a lockdown no matter what.

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