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This is so important.

"The ‘lipids’ in the mRNA injections are electronically charged synthetic molecules (not natural) and can host electromagnetic fields. They are electronic devices."

Why would they need a device to host electromagnetic fields inserted into humans? We have to think like 'they' do. If the plan is to mutate humans into cyborgs - then humans need to become better 'receptors' to certain frequency based broadcasts. Because they constantly broadcast (you can't hear it, but you're picking it up) and that's central to why the mind-control has been so effective.

Why would humans go along with an experimental jab never before tested on humans and trust clearly untrustworthy entities - governments and pharma? Because they are mind-controlled into it, entrained via sophisticated frequency-technology; receiving prompts and acting accordingly. They get your "consent" this way.

Sounds sci-fi, I know.

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It’s a long standing technology developed for television using certain modalities of frequencies seen in partial sleep states.

I copied the patents which I recall were Samsung but expect similar ones were used in other TV manufacturers. I recall it was from the 1970’s.

Sorry I can’t find where I copied it as my files are a total unorganized mess.

It’s why when watching tv viewers become relaxed in a state similarly used in hypnosis training.

So you’re correct. Entrainment.

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This is very interesting. In early pandemic days I watched Fox News for probably six months. Later, I thought that the scrolling banners and death toll graphics were hypnotic. I live in the Midwest, in a rural far north county. Almost daily I looked at the ‘death’ and ‘case counts’ in this region on the state’s website. There was no pandemic here. Everyone dying was in their 80s. The facts broke the spell of the fear. The ‘death toll’ reflected the elderly dying at the same rate as the prior five years I suspect that the moving backgrounds on shows like Tucker are a form of hypnosis. While he is speaking, your eyes and attention are drawn to the moving background of red white and blue graphics. These are my own unscientific hunches.

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Yes, long standing. I remember CAF discussing how advanced it had gotten in the 1980's - so advanced she got rid of her TV. We can imagine how far they've come.

Sci-fi comment referred to the willingness of this cult, to literally install the necessary platforms into our bodies under false pretext, for the next phase.


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May have sounded sci-fi years ago when I was younger and asleep lol. Now that I’m older and awake and considered a conspiracy theorist, I’m a believer lol. Read too much about mind control and brainwashing techniques to think otherwise.

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I guess because I didn’t fall for the lies and instead did my homework means that their methods didn’t get to me for some reason. The only reason I come with is I’m a study of history and economics and throughout history forms of this genocide happened all be it in different forms but this evil is and has always been out there. I will not be told what to do EVER.

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5G and later technologies will be utilized to kill and control hosts of this demonic synthetic biotechnology.

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That is what I have heard all along. I also read somewhere that #cofefve was not an error in a Trump tweet.

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Someone commented in a reply that she saw an advertisement on Comcast for a soon coming 10G platform...

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You ain't wrong...

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