I am knowing that this Covid Crap is a bioweapon, commonsense tells my soul that. In my extreme distress I asked the divine father what is the energy of these vaccines .....I shut my eyes and sat patiently and was given the vision of a shiny scaled serpent and I realised in that moment it was reptilian energy and that there was no love in this medicine. I have an autoimmune disease GPA that causes clots and bleeding and I felt it wasn’t safe to take this poison. Mandates and no available medical exemption prevented me from working as a midwife and so I now rely on my husband for food etc ......it’s all been a very difficult pill to swallow....my hate for Bill Gates, Fauci and all their puppeteers goes deep to my core .....my desire to see these evil POS destroyed is overwhelming.....I will fight to the death to have the truth about all of this exposed.

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Thank you Dr. Paul Alexander for getting behind Karen Kingston's work. She brings receipts. mRNA technologies and the lipid nanoparticle concoctions either aline or together are Bioweapons as called out in all the patents she has exposed throughout her Substack. And of course since Pfizer wasn't restricted to consistency of 50% of the ingredients at any time. So millions might not even have mRNA in them as discovered, except by contract ALL VIALS delivered MUST BE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE BY CONTRACT WITH THE US GOVERNMENT. I believe I've captured this correctly.

Keep focus on Kingston's work. It will help us break up this cabal.

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023

And this is one reason why one of my nicknames for the covid vaccine is 'Satan's shot'. Humans trying to play god.

I was and remain horrified.

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Everything Dr. Malone says in this brief clip With Glenn Beck is accurate; it is a precise, even clinical description of what trans-humanism portends. There is nothing in his words that either endorses or condemns trans-humanism. Well, maybe that is not quite accurate: he does, in his typical low-key manner, hint at condemning it when he speaks of opening a door "ethically." To call it "his" (Yes, I know the history) technology is like blaming the Wright brothers for the German bombing of London. I can understand how some people are beside themselves because he is not more forceful, not getting up on a soapbox in strident condemnation. Let us allow others, individually, to direct their attention and their words to aspects of these matters that interest them. It is not necessary that everybody sing the tenor line in this music.

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I've asked the question before.

If the dna of the recipient of these alleged "gene editing nanotechnologies" does in fact alter their dna, in theory, they are patentable, are they not?

It would lend some credence to the WEF claim that "You will own nothing and be happy". As YOU will be owned by someone else. Probably some Corporation, I imagine.

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Bravo. As an RN and a Science Major, finally someone tells people that the emperor, the father of MRNA vaccine technology has no clothes. I've been saying this for 2 years now and am amazed at how many people let him slide through the slippery gates of pseudo truth almost on a daily basis.

He's a likeable guy but is culpable. It is comparable to Oppenheimer and the atomic bomb. The device was never meant to prevent war.

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"Dr. Malone explains how the mRNA (RNA) ‘vaccines’ are the ‘ethical entry’ point to trans-humanism."

Not exactly; and here we get into the nuance (but semantically critical nuance) of language. He says, "...opening that space ethically and otherwise." That is indeed what the WEF types are doing. The enemy believes he is doing the right thing, that his actions are ethical. I'm guessing no one on this thread would agree with the WEF's rationale for "ethically opening that space," but that is part of their thinking. To say so is not to endorse it. It is understandable, even reasonable, that we who sense the end of human history should be beside ourselves with fear, with paranoia to the point of seeing enemies everywhere. And I am even of the belief that we have not been sufficiently paranoid in the past; that's a big part of the reason for our current situation. But not everyone who refuses to wear the same uniform is an enemy. I know I'm repeating myself, so I'll stop here.

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And prior to this Malone called Kingston a conspiracy theorist yet now he finally admits it.

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Karen Kingston is a fantastic person, digging in on the facts and reporting them. Well worth following her.

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This was another amazing article by Karen Kingston. She shows that Malone is big into transhumanism, along with many others. I actually read it yesterday, & shared with many.

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Please stop, Paul. Just stop.

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Karen’s work is solid!

Karen highlighted another solid researcher, Dr. Ana Mihalcea in her substack. Both researchers connect the dots nicely to understand nanotechnology!

The OUTSTANDING substack of Dr. Ana Mihalcea today, also highly recommended by Karen Kingston was titled…


Ana has hit the ball out of the park on this one!

P.S. Americans are NOT standing tall yet IN UNITY to do anything that matters! Aren’t ALL our enemies, a small number compared to The People unified on every Treasonous front against us? Gloves should have been off long ago!

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When Malone is quoted as saying that editing humans' mRNA is "not a conspiracy" because the WEF talks about mRNA shots as the "entry point" for transhumanism, I think he has lost all perspective. He seems to believe it's not a "conspiracy" because we found out about it -- a couple decades too late.

Maybe he's been experimenting on himself all this time and has LOST his own humanity.

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thank you dr. paul. you always have a good read. i have called it a bioweapon from the beginning and never a vaccine. i am still on the fence when it comes to dr. malone. i really want to believe he is with us and not against us. i have found that i am confused though as we have been lied to so much who knows what anymore. i have always thought of you as the truth teller and never felt that you have lied once since the beginning and i thank god for giving us you. god bless you.

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If virus theory is completely bogus, as it's looking more and more, then we may as well call the mRNA intervention a 'vaccine'. Because ALL vaccines are a bio-weapon. This is genocide. They must be stopped.

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