past the time to continue to tolerate this "mRNA vaccine experiment.” We were promised that the COVID-19 shots were going stop the spread of the ‘virus’ and end the pandemic. We were lied to. DECEIVED
Nobody in my family that took the shot, which are many, wants to discuss it. No one believes me about the things I tell them about how harmful it was, and all the major side effects that that entails. I think they're in denial because no one around us has been harmed or killed, except for a co-worker of my brother-in-law, but they'll never admit it was due to hospital protocols like Remdesivir and being put on a ventilator. I'm done talking to them about it, and they'll find out one way or another one day. My sister got CVD even after being jabbed twice, and she told my mom she got it, but wouldn't admit to me that she got sick. That, to me, tells me she knows it didn't work and didn't want me to know about it. A bunch of F*ing sheep is what they are. Me, my husband and three of my kids didn't get it, my two oldest did, but my youngest 3 did not. I thank God my 24 year old listened to me, because him and his fiancé didn't take it and they just had a healthy baby boy, my first grandchild, and he is perfect!!! Thank you Jesus. God's wisdom and discernment is what kept me from taking it. When this whole thing first started I just kept hearing (not audibly) in my head, "don't take the poison, don't believe the lies." So I knew I just had to go with that, and sure enough it proved to be correct. God has never led me down the wrong path, He has saved me so many times over my lifetime, this was no different. I will always follow His promptings, He is for me, so who can be against me?? Blessings.
No. Most people are sheep. The few people who do speak out are not organized or don't know how to influence the masses. No offense to the people who do speak out but someone has to say it.
Thanks Dr Paul, and of course much gratitude to Karen Kingston. This is an excellent article to save for whenever someone is interested in looking at the info. Unfortunately most of my contacts believe the magic talking box over their friends and acquaintances that are sincerely trying to warn them. On a good note, my elderly parents stopped after the third and so did most of their friends. Sadly the damage has been done. We must continue to keep talking and documenting this for the future.
“Do people care enough about each other to speak out about the catastrophic vaccines?” Many of us do and have spoken out from the beginning, but there are too many who are so brainwashed that are still taking them and believe all the lies. My husband’s whole side of the family ignored our warnings and still take the boosters no matter what we told them and proved to them. The same goes with all the friends he grew up with and they are sick constantly. Have had covid regularly and have taken all the jabs and boosters. The one called us the other day when my husband got a chest cold and said, “did you take a covid test for shit and giggles?” Hell no!!! They really are that ignorant. He’s been one we’ve spoken to the most. No they do not care enough about the truth. I have more luck with complete strangers than people we know. I also have cousins who are brain washed and keep taking them. When one of their kids drop dead that never should have been given these, its all on them. I really don’t think these type of people will ever wake up. When have we ever seen the huge deaths and injuries from people under 50???? And then there are the children dropping dead and who were never at risk to begin with. Apparently God gave those of us willing to use his discernment the ability to see the deception and corruption, and the courage to speak out. Then you have the sheep who believe everything on TV and in the fake news media!! I have stepped away from these people. Three years of trying to wake them up with the truth is enough.
Your point about God, or Christ, is valid but best understood by studying the Bible. Check this out, a simple concept that runs ALL THROUGH the Bible: constant rebellion against Christ regardless EVEN when Christ used strong arms. The entire Moses group of Books shows the rebellion; Joshua same. Each prophet, same, all the way up to Christ in man form, except with Christ, the Roman and Jewish governments conspired to kill him. But same rebellion after Christ used constant miracles of strength.
Point being: those of Christ read the Bible and learn the above, at some level. Do you see? :)
Carnicom began the nano sorting way back when chem trails were launched by the Pentagon during the 90s. He just kept a low profile and plug-chugged and recorded evidence. Meanwhile we watched our blue skies turn white and, omg, try to point that fact out to anyone off-handedly and response is either a vacant 'what?' or mild denial.
Everyday people live with delusions. OK, we have an upcoming problem based upon all the recent mRNA bioweapon injuries and deaths. Delusional perception is neuroses or worse. At the neurotic level, masses at the cultural level survive on the street day-to-day. So....
So...con't, I'm very concerned about tough-love-reality-check upon the lowest common denominator. Watching the wife's avoidance of sorting the reality of our government's attack upon us via DoD controlled Pharmas not sure of outcomes. Even trying to imagine her dealing with no TV or no 'native plants' is difficult to predict behaviors based upon new paradigm perceptions.
Look at the above point and multiply by billions of people. This may not be easy.
Nobody in my family that took the shot, which are many, wants to discuss it. No one believes me about the things I tell them about how harmful it was, and all the major side effects that that entails. I think they're in denial because no one around us has been harmed or killed, except for a co-worker of my brother-in-law, but they'll never admit it was due to hospital protocols like Remdesivir and being put on a ventilator. I'm done talking to them about it, and they'll find out one way or another one day. My sister got CVD even after being jabbed twice, and she told my mom she got it, but wouldn't admit to me that she got sick. That, to me, tells me she knows it didn't work and didn't want me to know about it. A bunch of F*ing sheep is what they are. Me, my husband and three of my kids didn't get it, my two oldest did, but my youngest 3 did not. I thank God my 24 year old listened to me, because him and his fiancé didn't take it and they just had a healthy baby boy, my first grandchild, and he is perfect!!! Thank you Jesus. God's wisdom and discernment is what kept me from taking it. When this whole thing first started I just kept hearing (not audibly) in my head, "don't take the poison, don't believe the lies." So I knew I just had to go with that, and sure enough it proved to be correct. God has never led me down the wrong path, He has saved me so many times over my lifetime, this was no different. I will always follow His promptings, He is for me, so who can be against me?? Blessings.
No. Most people are sheep. The few people who do speak out are not organized or don't know how to influence the masses. No offense to the people who do speak out but someone has to say it.
I agree , but this data don’t lie and the public will see the data eventually. Truth always prevails when bad intent is involved..
Karma .
Either in this life or the next. Haha.
Thanks Dr Paul, and of course much gratitude to Karen Kingston. This is an excellent article to save for whenever someone is interested in looking at the info. Unfortunately most of my contacts believe the magic talking box over their friends and acquaintances that are sincerely trying to warn them. On a good note, my elderly parents stopped after the third and so did most of their friends. Sadly the damage has been done. We must continue to keep talking and documenting this for the future.
“Do people care enough about each other to speak out about the catastrophic vaccines?” Many of us do and have spoken out from the beginning, but there are too many who are so brainwashed that are still taking them and believe all the lies. My husband’s whole side of the family ignored our warnings and still take the boosters no matter what we told them and proved to them. The same goes with all the friends he grew up with and they are sick constantly. Have had covid regularly and have taken all the jabs and boosters. The one called us the other day when my husband got a chest cold and said, “did you take a covid test for shit and giggles?” Hell no!!! They really are that ignorant. He’s been one we’ve spoken to the most. No they do not care enough about the truth. I have more luck with complete strangers than people we know. I also have cousins who are brain washed and keep taking them. When one of their kids drop dead that never should have been given these, its all on them. I really don’t think these type of people will ever wake up. When have we ever seen the huge deaths and injuries from people under 50???? And then there are the children dropping dead and who were never at risk to begin with. Apparently God gave those of us willing to use his discernment the ability to see the deception and corruption, and the courage to speak out. Then you have the sheep who believe everything on TV and in the fake news media!! I have stepped away from these people. Three years of trying to wake them up with the truth is enough.
Your point about God, or Christ, is valid but best understood by studying the Bible. Check this out, a simple concept that runs ALL THROUGH the Bible: constant rebellion against Christ regardless EVEN when Christ used strong arms. The entire Moses group of Books shows the rebellion; Joshua same. Each prophet, same, all the way up to Christ in man form, except with Christ, the Roman and Jewish governments conspired to kill him. But same rebellion after Christ used constant miracles of strength.
Point being: those of Christ read the Bible and learn the above, at some level. Do you see? :)
Excellent summary data... shared with non believers. Difficult to argue facts. I am sure to get some pushback but Truth is what it is.
Many under a delusion
With getting information & knowledge one must have discernment & wisdom
Proverbs 4
2 Thess. 2:11-12 is what I think about with all these deceived people.
Thessalonians 2: 2/8-15
Carnicom began the nano sorting way back when chem trails were launched by the Pentagon during the 90s. He just kept a low profile and plug-chugged and recorded evidence. Meanwhile we watched our blue skies turn white and, omg, try to point that fact out to anyone off-handedly and response is either a vacant 'what?' or mild denial.
Everyday people live with delusions. OK, we have an upcoming problem based upon all the recent mRNA bioweapon injuries and deaths. Delusional perception is neuroses or worse. At the neurotic level, masses at the cultural level survive on the street day-to-day. So....
So...con't, I'm very concerned about tough-love-reality-check upon the lowest common denominator. Watching the wife's avoidance of sorting the reality of our government's attack upon us via DoD controlled Pharmas not sure of outcomes. Even trying to imagine her dealing with no TV or no 'native plants' is difficult to predict behaviors based upon new paradigm perceptions.
Look at the above point and multiply by billions of people. This may not be easy.
bravo karen tks for post