False! She had malaria in July and fully recovered.. see her here in this vid with stew talk about it and warn us how to easily Rx it.
Can't u see a woman on the run and fearful!? She isn't unstable as many like mobsta boss Malone said to someone who asked if he had seen this vid of her in Mexico.. He slyly tweeted she does not look well. She needs to see a doctor. She is unstable" He blocked me when I called him out on that. Cuz let's make her look crazy, suicidal , to discredit her and if she gets 🪓how railway to say she took her life.. in that Mexican bud she says she is NOt suicida but knew what she signed up for and she mentioned she's a very good swimmer.. interesting bit of info eh in case they find her drowned !👌
Also she said she's been poisoned few times and HaS not Slept much no kidding she's gotta watch out for her neck.
Calling all moms of newbies , so u few like a zombie with night feedings, can u recall what u even had for bkfast!?
Give her some slack because there is no wayyy an unhinged crazed woman would recall all she does in this video.. listen again and see all the names n stuff she mentions
Sorry this old nurse ain't buyin she os unstable , at least not from this video
If u got other stuff to show , let's review that
But this bud alone is a cry for help and she is just exhausted n scared
Not malaria ..btw in video I post she said her son was with her in Mexico last time when she got malaria likely scuba diving and around much water n her son did not et malaria despite being bitten too..
Call out Malone on Twitter on this n see how in seconds flat he will block u too
Karen Kingston On Pfizer's Malaria Vaccine Plot: Pfizer Must Be PROSECUTED For Clot Shot Crimes
She said her entire family and team of researchers ( one was severely poisoned) have been threatened and harassed? I don't blame her or anyone who knows her who feels scared to death if they are forced to lie.
And her family has specifically asked that no one speculate, or comment at this time as they try to get her the help she needs to heal from this disease.
I can assure you Lugue is "talking " Ron and son saying Karen "needs help" and he is so concerned , ha, - no. likely this happened, he created the "pressure" by saying hit list and "chances" then subtlely or directly indicated to family she suffering a mental condition, and misunderstood his words, nope , i don't but it, turns the family to doubt, - CI playbook - they have done this 1000's upon 1000;s plus times , i understand these CI guys - So i emailed Luque - Ron indicated he counld n't talk to me for privacy reasons, , ok i get it, but did Karen give authority for Luque to talk with Ron , tell me - i have submitted DEMAND letter to my county and now "my" expert is being - i appears threatened (no i do not believe by Malone) but threatened nevertheless, so I have an INTEREST - prove to me Lugue didnt' say what Karen says - did he wink, or with a smile, uh, i believe Karen ability to discern things , did she not nail the nano tech with Pfizers own documents, yes she did. Did Malone know what these jabs would do 3 years ago and WAIT to say any thing , in my opinion yes, does he have any thing to do with threat to Karen, no, but once you people get poisoned and subtle or direct threat from professionals and you know what that feels like ( ) don' t got blaming a victim,
You clearly have a minority view. Time will tell whether you are right or wrong. IF you turn out to be right then a lot of people are going to be exposed as credulous, gullible whackjobs. And you will have the receipts.
She has malaria, so she is not herself.
False! She had malaria in July and fully recovered.. see her here in this vid with stew talk about it and warn us how to easily Rx it.
Can't u see a woman on the run and fearful!? She isn't unstable as many like mobsta boss Malone said to someone who asked if he had seen this vid of her in Mexico.. He slyly tweeted she does not look well. She needs to see a doctor. She is unstable" He blocked me when I called him out on that. Cuz let's make her look crazy, suicidal , to discredit her and if she gets 🪓how railway to say she took her life.. in that Mexican bud she says she is NOt suicida but knew what she signed up for and she mentioned she's a very good swimmer.. interesting bit of info eh in case they find her drowned !👌
Also she said she's been poisoned few times and HaS not Slept much no kidding she's gotta watch out for her neck.
Calling all moms of newbies , so u few like a zombie with night feedings, can u recall what u even had for bkfast!?
Give her some slack because there is no wayyy an unhinged crazed woman would recall all she does in this video.. listen again and see all the names n stuff she mentions
Sorry this old nurse ain't buyin she os unstable , at least not from this video
If u got other stuff to show , let's review that
But this bud alone is a cry for help and she is just exhausted n scared
Not malaria ..btw in video I post she said her son was with her in Mexico last time when she got malaria likely scuba diving and around much water n her son did not et malaria despite being bitten too..
Call out Malone on Twitter on this n see how in seconds flat he will block u too
Karen Kingston On Pfizer's Malaria Vaccine Plot: Pfizer Must Be PROSECUTED For Clot Shot Crimes
I agree!
she was poisoned- like Dr. Buttar said he was poisoned on CNN and now he is dead.
Dr. Carrie Madej was almost taken out from a small plane crash a couple of years ago. Also one of the 5 docs.
Dr. Larry Palenski from the 5 docs was also poisoned earlier this year.
Have you seen her son speak about her malaria after their trip?
How do you know it’s really her son? Did Karen ever introduce you to him? Or post videos of him?
She said her entire family and team of researchers ( one was severely poisoned) have been threatened and harassed? I don't blame her or anyone who knows her who feels scared to death if they are forced to lie.
Chloroquine gets rid of malaria. This is NOT a stupid woman.
And her family has specifically asked that no one speculate, or comment at this time as they try to get her the help she needs to heal from this disease.
the former FBI agent security guy is likely the one with the disease - not Karen
I can assure you Lugue is "talking " Ron and son saying Karen "needs help" and he is so concerned , ha, - no. likely this happened, he created the "pressure" by saying hit list and "chances" then subtlely or directly indicated to family she suffering a mental condition, and misunderstood his words, nope , i don't but it, turns the family to doubt, - CI playbook - they have done this 1000's upon 1000;s plus times , i understand these CI guys - So i emailed Luque - Ron indicated he counld n't talk to me for privacy reasons, , ok i get it, but did Karen give authority for Luque to talk with Ron , tell me - i have submitted DEMAND letter to my county and now "my" expert is being - i appears threatened (no i do not believe by Malone) but threatened nevertheless, so I have an INTEREST - prove to me Lugue didnt' say what Karen says - did he wink, or with a smile, uh, i believe Karen ability to discern things , did she not nail the nano tech with Pfizers own documents, yes she did. Did Malone know what these jabs would do 3 years ago and WAIT to say any thing , in my opinion yes, does he have any thing to do with threat to Karen, no, but once you people get poisoned and subtle or direct threat from professionals and you know what that feels like ( ) don' t got blaming a victim,
No- that is not true- that's what they want to pele to think- that she is crazy!
Who are you to tell others to “move along, nothing to see here”?
who said that?!
you implied
You clearly have a minority view. Time will tell whether you are right or wrong. IF you turn out to be right then a lot of people are going to be exposed as credulous, gullible whackjobs. And you will have the receipts.
She doesn’t have malaria