Kingston was on this early - very early. She is certainly brave.

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First, FORBES is just another mainstream fake news media. I’ll never trust a word from them. Of course they are trying to bad mouth Stew Peters and the movie Died Suddenly because it doesn’t fit the global narrative and is opening peoples eyes who are now awakening. Thanks to all of you speaking out and exposing the agenda to kill our populations! God bless you and always keep you safe. I am worried about Dr. Malone. Something is going on.

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Malone is mad because he was embarrassed by Dr Breggin, Stew Peters and Dr Jane Ruby when they called him out on the mass formation psychosis thing. Malone was the one who added the term psychosis, he was told he shouldn't say that because it sounds like he's calling everyone psychotic.

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I received Dr. Breggin’s newsletter today and was shocked to see the lawsuits by Dr. Malone, especially since they didn’t mention his name. I just discovered his work the last month and have been greatly impressed with his work and knowledge. This is the last thing Dr. Malone should be doing now!

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I read this is her substack and it was awesome. The ones who are bashing the DS documentary are either scared of whats in them or they're paid to lie to people and say none of it is true. The people I know who saw DS are mortified and afraid, I told them there is help and they can lessen the blow by having chelation and blood cleansing done. I also know Ivermectin will help too.

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Hannah, I'm not scared of what's in the vax because I didn't take it and strongly advised everyone I know not to as well. (Epic fail.)

I'm not being paid to "lie to people"...

I'm just not a fan of folks who deliberately sensationalized already STRONG data which will, regrettably, add fuel to the flame throwers of "tin-foil hat brigade" bashers.

Wish Steve Kirsch and Ryan Cole et al had Crowd Funded a more balanced production, which we would have happily supported, rather than risk further demonization by participating in "Died Suddenly".

That's all!

With ALL that being said; I still paid the film forward, despite not being a fan of Stew Peters' modus operandi, with caveats and disclaimers.

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Very well said and clear critical thinking.

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Not scared at all of really anything. Its a blessing and curse but ready to die on this hill for everyone's free speech, rights and to keep my kids free from medical tyranny and serfdom. Stew and his film's were lackluster and did more damage than good. Same with the snake oil scam that I believed until Rose & Kory blew it out of the water with science. It got hokey with the whole snake on a crucifix thing too and anyone who has to work that hard to say they are aligned with God, aren't really aligned with God. Remember Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, Tami whatsherface with mascaro? We have all the data and science and then to go off half assed in some sort of shock jock look at my wanna be a media personality video is malicious and deceiving. He's playing us just like we got played by Fauci, Walensky, CDC, WHO etc etc. Both of his films gave the other side clubs to beat us over the head with

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Well then, what exactly is the explanation for these blood & artery clots? If anything is very true, the mRNA gene altering injections lack ANY scientific evidence supporting their claimed 95% efficacy as well as being totally safe and effective.

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It's just like when you open a bag of microwave pop-corn...Some pieces are just great with lots of buttery tasting something on them and some have hard kernels which can crack a tooth...

You've just got to be intelligent enough to believe what you earnestly research and toss the other to the side...

I've watched some of Stew's shows and take most of it with a jigger or two...I've followed very closely R.W. Malone and have watched him slowly become rather 'mellow' (kindest work that comes to mind) when it comes to the war against what big pharma, the U.S health agencies, and the healthcare industries have unmercifully perpetuated/mandated on the American public...

I pass on only what my research indicates is 'true' and let the rest just be...

After two years of this pandemic of lies and distortions, and what we are (to our dismay) discovering how many lies your government has perpetuated on us dating back more than 70 years, we hopefully learn to trust ourselves and those that have proven to be truthful faithfully...

By now it would appear the government has hardly ever, or maybe never, told the 'truth' about a damn thing...

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Tossing aside the bad and concentrating on the good works fine for those of us who already know what’s going on, but is very damaging when presented as evidence to ‘normals’.

I would never show “Died Suddenly “ to anyone whom I was trying to convince about the dangers of the ‘vaccines’. It’s inaccuracies and unproven theories overshadow the proven evidence of deaths and injuries caused by the ‘vaccines’.

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I tried to comment on the kingston piece but only paid subscribers can comment. Here is what I don't understand. If this theory is so provable and it makes total sense than why wasn't it included in the documentary which would have taken all of the doubts about fake videos away? The documentary wouldn't have needed to use those images now causing us so much in fighting. I understand its 2 different people, but it's really easy for all of you top docs on our side to reach one another, hypothesize, share info, vet etc...I know this personally. Look at Highwire's videos and content. They are well produced and triple checked for accuracy. Within a few days post died suddenly doc this scientific explanation hits substack, but it references AI nanaparticles and synthetic capillary regeneration from previous articles known months ago and even on Moderna's own site buried in the literature. I'm feeling like we are in a total shit show lately and our side is not much better when we have truth and science on our side and we get behind a video like this which clearly resonated with 10M viewers.

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Hear HEAR!

(And see my reply to Hannahlehigh above, regarding why I'm not high fiving the producers of this film.)

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I have shared that video to friends and family and sm

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Thank you so much, Dr Paul Alexander, for speaking out for Karen. Thank you for opening your mind to follow her revolutionary work along with Dr Ana Mihalcea. It is hard for us to accept that we are dealing with something much much more serious and deeper and more dangerous than spike protein.


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Karen Kingston is a warrior for truth and her work is extremely valuable. Prayers for her and all who are in the spotlight, exposing lies and revealing truth. They are all targets of globalist demons.

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Morticians aren’t experienced enough medically? I would agree with Mr Peters, that they would know an abnormal cadaver. If you need more scientific evidence. Get a team ready and get to the morgue!

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Films do visually make impressions which a thousand peer reviewed articles never will. Most people confronted with the studies will have their eyes glaze over. In any event MSM never took hold of those great studies and concrete information. What do we care what any MSM critique is paid to say in print or on air. They are bought. OH BUT WILL THEY LIKE US? No they will not. so bend for perfection and it will not matter. Go Stew.

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Too much evidence something ain't right. I hope some start questioning because of this.

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In addition to the PEGylated hydrogels, check out this paper describing peptide hydrogelization at the body's pH. This peptide is produced from the S2 subunit of the spike protein.


If there are TWO things resulting in self-assembling hydrogels, well...that's a lot of science, Forbes. Very scary science.

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I've got friends sending me Stew Peter's doing all sorts of illuminati/freemasonic bs hand gestures...I really like Stew ...unless that's true...who tf knows ...😐

We all aren't who we "once were" ... all these little asshole kids doing baphomet shit and satan horns 666 with their hands etc...i highly tf doubt many know wtf they re actually doing...maybe at a photoshoot of some sort ppl told him do this ...do that ...I want this shot ...I donno...I hope to fuck he's not a bad one ..like he was a little aspiring rapper for Christ sake 😆... he's not now 😃... I donno if when these photos were taken he knew or not. He worked in a intelligence position too.. which lol...who knows what that's about 😬but he sure as hell seemd to give a fuck.about helping ppl "not die suddenly" I think that should be recognized and congratulated. Hmmm but then again..so does "Chris Sky" eh🤔...and KJJ ...and the list goes on snd bloody tf on of controlled op ...ALEX JONES lmfaooo ...use your best discernment and be aware of the fact some aren't who they seem....most actually.. I'd say 😒

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Nov 28, 2022
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Yep! Originally Malone blew a gasket when Alex Berenson called him on his claim of "inventing" mRNA technology. In response he pilloried Mr. Berenson as a science journalist. The fact that Malone admitted that the discovery was purely by accident, he tends to forget. He also has overlooked the other people like Katalin Kariko who were working at mRNA technology at the same time. A bit like Fauci and and his claim of being science, get off your high horse Dr. Malone! Died Suddenly isn't the production that Malone would put together, but Stew Peters is working to reach as many people as he can to share the message that the vaccines have grave side effects. Stew Peters like Joe Rogan speak from the heart. So does Dr. Paul! They are passionate and that passion strengthens their message. Dr. Malone is worried about his legacy and seems to want to lash out like an old grouchy guard dog at anyone who rubs him the wrong way. Get over yourself Dr. Malone. We love you!!!

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Nov 29, 2022
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After I found out that he is suing the Breggins, I totally agree and am right behind you.

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Same, and his voice was what led me to Substack in the first place. Have you read his latest post? The "Malone Doctrine" indeed. The only thing worse than professional egos puffering and fighting amongst themselves is professional egos massaging and stroking each other in symphony. It's so bad that its not even entertainment any more, but an assault on brain cells.

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