Far fewer were involved in the Bolshevik Revolution that overthrew the Czars and formed the communist Soviet Union, plunging millions into starvation and darkness.
Trevor Loudon has also written books recently that reveal there are 130 current Congressmen and Senators who have ties to communist and Marxist organizations. I personally have seen some of his shows and read some of his work and it is very informative. He has been studying and writing on this subject for over thirty years and details how our government has been involved. I highly recommend checking out his work.
Far fewer were involved in the Bolshevik Revolution that overthrew the Czars and formed the communist Soviet Union, plunging millions into starvation and darkness.
Let's name names here. F doxxing.
Trevor Loudon has also written books recently that reveal there are 130 current Congressmen and Senators who have ties to communist and Marxist organizations. I personally have seen some of his shows and read some of his work and it is very informative. He has been studying and writing on this subject for over thirty years and details how our government has been involved. I highly recommend checking out his work.
I listen to Bannon on GETTER live daily 9-11 am CT. replays are available on your podcast app. See also www.Warroom.com
That is GETTR app