i’m not a political person and generally never took any interest in politics prior to the introduction of vaccine mandates … but seeing demented Joe Biden in action followed by word salad Kamala Harris is very hard to watch. i don’t wish either of these 2 cretins well … but i wish the Democrats actually provided the US with a real leader. imo Robert Kennedy Jr is the ONLY Democrat worth a vote on that side of the political isle. Trump has many character faults, but as US president he did way better in domestic and foreign policy than Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr combined. Trump’s biggest stain imo is operation Warp Speed … that led to massive damage to the US workforce and health in the general population … he gave the transhumanists free reign which only got worse under demented Joe.

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Yes, BUT do NOT fault our Trump on Warp, he's not political, like yourself. He had NO clue, other than Paul's and Caputo's solid points, based upon science, Trump has zero clue of the evil history of the bureaucrat deep state. He did NOT even understand the depth of CFR Imperial control over mainstream mass media mind controllers although he knew about fake polls and fake news and watched the fake mass media's constant lies, attacks and negative supports.. It wasn't about our Trump doing 'better' than all fake Presidents going back to JFK, excluding him and possibly excluded Nixon, which I have sorted yet, but Trump was the ONLY American in the WH since JFK, then have to go back to Lincoln, an American, but yet another patsy like JFK that got in the way of the Church of Rome.

Much more, but above is enough for now. But do NOT blame Trump for WARP. If it wasn't for Dominion-Leonardo, Trump would have corrected the Pharma insurrection long ago.

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i agree with pretty much everything you posted except that Trump was politically clueless.

he’s no idiot: called the Iraq invasion what it was … invasion and murder based on a LIE … so he’s not afraid to speak the truth! but even he realized that he can’t single-handedly take on the military and pharmaceutical complexes in 1 term … so he caved into the demands of demonic Fauci … and gave the go-ahead for Warp Speed thinking he’ll look good. we all know how Birx and Fauci (among many others, Pompeo included) backstabbed him as soon as the winds changed. i hope he gets back in the WH but based on what i see … he’s more likely to end up like JFK because the Club of Rome/Bildebergers/Elders of Zion/etc (whatever you want to call them) already control the finances of the WORLD (with the exception of BRICS) … changing this dynamic will require more than one patriotic and unapologetic leader (didn’t they oust Bolsonaro in Brazil too? … “unbelievably” lost the election against a neo-marxist). the only way to overcome this is to end all division and unite against this malignant tumour on this planet … only a united world can overcome this burden.

in all honesty, the fallout from these toxic covid shots will continue for years … they injected billions with them. the world population will definitely shrink … and we haven’t even seem the true power of AI yet … it’s not a surprise to see former AI proponents and developers start ringing the alarm now (too late already i’m afraid). we will become extinct by our own making if we don’t all unite. it’s inevitable! the global elites don’t need and don’t want us, we’re just useless eaters to them and they have the power to do it

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The thing is that while he might have placed people in positions to illustrate their corruption; it still goes on, widely unabated with no signs of that evil being stopped. I am of the belief that there is no end to this, other, than perhaps, "the end'.

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Jul 9, 2023
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Tell me about it

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It's not that nobodies listening karla, it's that most are aware and already taking actions in the sources of their foods and detox methods to offset as best as possible as the poisons are coming at us from every angle.

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thank you for the link, i went through it. even if what is stipulated is true, that’s a very dangerous game to play. one thing i know for sure: his games did not please the globalists and he was replaced

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Sorry after what he did to the Mom's for Liberty (nonpartisan group with gay people etc.), that he'd agreed to speak at after talking with Tiffany Justice on the phone, and then giving the interview shown he has lost tons of credibility from many who were on the fence regarding his candidacy.


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He's a candidate for the Dem nomination and was haemorrhaging votes as a result of his agreement to speak after the SPLC designation of Moms for Liberty as an unAmerican extremist white supremacy terrorist hate group. Dems were using it against him. It doesn't mean he supports the indoctrination of children. Most LGBTQ, especially those still in the closet, are actually RINOs like DeSantis, not Dems, but no Dem can get the nomination if they get painted as a neoNazi. RFK Jr doesn't support the indoctrination of children but when you are running for the Dem nomination to be president you have to make compromises in order to win. He's not running for president of a country like Russia where church and family are at the center of national life and the promotion of LGBTQ and pedophile propaganda to children is socially unacceptable and illegal. Quite the opposite. He's running for president of the US which is the world's leading gay and transgender and pro-pedophile nation.

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It showed in the inflection in his voice when heard in the interview bannon played. He still has to deal with the fallout for his actions regardless.

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thx for the link, this is the first i’ve heard of it.

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https://twitter.com/caroled63736910/status/1677776920270852096?s=46&t=lOxFHd1GWmiKpRMIn4DnIg have you seen this? Moms for Liberty is no victim. RFK Jr did the right thing.

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Sorry doesn't change anything. Leslie I understand where your'e coming from and your dedication to Israel, but there's a lot of information you're unaware of, and you for some reason don't thing Israel hasn't any corruption in it for some reason. One would have to ask if you're an Israeli firster?

We an at least admit the UNITED STATES is corrupted, and most are unaware of how much so that the American government hasn't been in affect since the end of the Mercenary conflict know as the Civil War, not the little bit of power the royals actually wield in the UK.

I'm not anti-communist, nor are many who question Israel on their corruption, and if you don't want to believe information that exits that's your choice to do so, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and your not wanting it to won't make it go away, nor change anyone's mind whose aware of it.

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I am very well aware of the corruption of the government in Israel. I am especially aware of it since they tried to kill their citizens and take away their rights just like every other government in the developed world. My problem is that I have been listening to how my PEOPLE ( not the Israeli government) are the problem in the world for my whole life. It’s been a double whammy for me to have to accept that MY country (the USA) & the country of my people, that was supposed to be ‘ A light unto the Nations,’ have BOTH on many levels failed. But you rarely hear about the horrors of the USA in comparison to the constant hate towards Israel. And when people say ‘Israel’ they usually mean Jews. And don’t for one moment think that I am not broken hearted that so many prominent horrible people are pointed out as being Jewish when in reality they are Jews in name only. I hate being associated with them in any way. Just remember that the Israeli people have suffered as much as any other country in the last 3 years & they have had to accept that the government that they send their most precious children to the IDF to fight & die for isn’t what they thought it was either. Why do you think you see so many demonstrations over there? Don’t ever accuse me of disloyalty to my country, although I have to say that I am not very proud of it of late. Before you judge someone about their anger, ask them about their pain.

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Leslie I agree with you, and have before the Phoenician's sitting in the City of London (square mile) gangster banksters posing as Jews, and in conjunction with the Vatican are the issue. I know many relate all Jews to the actions of these fraudsters. I also know not all Jews are aware of what you know, the same as all Americans know the corruption within our Government that is no longer the American government. I'll say I'm sorry, and that part of my comment was in reference to the other post of Dr. Paul's too in your defense of Israel regarding the JFK papers.

I'm truly sorry for the pain you feel, it's got to be hard. I also understand your hatred of Hitler and not going to even try to go into that topic with you, but won't buy into blanket assertions on the topic either. I will post a link to information I've posted on Celia Farbers article about Sovereignty regarding the American government, and if you can find the time you might be surprised as what you read. I just added one that's not in the thread and likely to be the first in line if you select newest. Peace and Blessings, and we all focus more on where the corruption emanates from rather than the people being persecuted by it.


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The fact that the Democrat Party didn't kick out Schiff after that stunt he pulled telling a completely made-up story to Congress about content of the phone call between Trump and Zelensky speaks volumes about their total lack of any integrity. The Democrat Party has gone completely and irredeemablly to the dark side!

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Where would Laughing Coyote be if not for Willie Brown? She would still be in her knees servicing another willy!

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Biden & Harris, Shits & Giggles

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On Point! Thank you

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Kamala Makes about as much sense as this Zoolander clip. Enjoy!


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No shame, no conscience, no honesty in any of them

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Kamala Devi Harris was anointed to the Vice Presidency to make Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. look good. And she does!

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I hadn't considered Quid Pro Joe appointed Kamala as insurance against his removal. There's more wit in that old geezer than I thought.

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I doubt Biden had any role in selecting empty-headed Kamala for his V.P. It was likely a Dem party back room deal designed to forestall the inevitable calls to impeach Biden or have him step down for cognitive incompetence.

And to tick the necessary boxes for black, woman, Asian, and Californian. (Stupidity was a "plus" in Kamala's case.)

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She’s also not an American

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The US government is the laughingstock of the world.

A lifelong-incompetent-now-demented, corrupt pathological liar for a president.

A lifelong-incompetent, corrupt and psychotic VP.

Up until last year, a corrupt, pathological liar as Speaker of the House.

A Biden regime that is in bed with globalists, pushing their operations while dismantling the US republic and Constitution.

An Obama regime that was the same.

A deep state swamp that is throughly corrupt and treasonous.

Is it too late to reverse course and take the US back onto a rational, Constitutional track that operates with some semblance of integrity and honor?

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I fully agree that w / Taylor Kathleen ^

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He chose well for a VP. The Republicans don't want to impeach Biden cause then you end up with Kamala

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Kam's a patsy. Jerry liked Kam due to her link to Willie Brown. Here's the deal with Voodoo. There are times when she has a tiny physical motion that she flashes a spike of beauty. Noticed that a couple of time when she was into the mask and about twice with no mask. Very odd for me as only one type of beauty I totally notice has to be at least tiny bit similar to the wife (not thinking lust, just 'pleasing to eye thing). That and the fact that she thinks in several languages oddly helps her in face to face interactions but not on camera. She'd never make it in Vatican Hollywood. :) If she was NOT linked to traitor Pedo, everyone would accept her. Her terrible stain is that damn 2020 rigged election, and her play-along-with the election crime is same as a rotten tat on her forehead.

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I have been highly impressed by Bobby Jr in many regards. However, being a climate fanatic AND being unwilling to tackle the Homo Cabal dilute his strength. Trump himself was extremely weak on the Homo issue, but he did a U turn. Tulsi did a U turn in the wrong direction. Perhaps Bobby will do a few U turns in the right direction.

However, unfortunately the sickness pervading Homo States of America is festering at every level of our society. In order to avoid the horrors certain to arise from Civil War II, we must arrange a civil divorce. They go their way (without hindrance from us), and we go our way. Homo States of America and America the Beautiful. A peaceful separation.

We will enforce our citizens' freedom from harm by deploying agents of American Mossad whenever necessary.

Also, the worst ten million of them (Fauci-Virus-Fascists) will most likely disappear if and when the reincarnated Attila Our Hun is old enough to lead his forces from Sea to Shining Sea.

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When selected as VP, she had her chance to rise to the occasion, but she blew it.

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