"No Deal!"


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The murderers need to be disciplined like any other murderer

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Justice: necessary. Because this was not about physicians 'being mistaken'. Let's remember that every physician is taught how to calculate the positive predictive value of a test. As soon as the govt. began mass testing of healthy persons, every MD in the country ought to have known this was a scam.

Very glad to see Newsweek publishing something other than pablum. Let's see if they will publish an editorial by Dr. Alexander.

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Excellent response to Kevin Bass. (I can’t refer to him as a Dr. or any of his complicit colleagues).

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No forgiveness. They have to pay for the lives lost and those in pain.

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We need help in chinada!!

In British Columbia: they passed a bill 36

1. you can vax by force a health care worker

2. take their property for misinformation;

3. put them in jail for 2 years.

4. fine them 200k;

when mayors tried to have this repealed the Ministry of HEALTH (sic) said they needed the mandates and (this legislation by implication) for SAFETY.

this draconian Bill needs everyone's shame and attention Bill 36. It catches all types of health sector workers.

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I'm with you, "sorry" doesn't cut it!

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VA will deny medical care to veterans if they are not wearing a mask.

VA still pushing covid death shots and boosters.

VA: Giving veterans one more chance to die for their country.

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Did you notice how in that Newsweek article nearly everything about the disaster of the past few years was on the table....with one extremely notable omission.

Unbelievably, he actually claims that "distrust of vaccines" (linking to some BS confounded study) resulting in under-vaccination was one of the causes of the huge excess in mortality!

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Bottom line, If an MD prescribed the Covid vaccine for healthy children then they should do jail time. No exceptions and no excuses.

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True contrition offers a sincere, heartfelt and guilt admitting apology. Plus a willingness to listen to the impact of the wrongdoing on the aggrieved.

What’s also needed is the humbleness of spirit to willingly submit to the Rule of Law. Seeing he was part of a mass weaponized Crime Against Humanity, the punishment must correlate to the offense. A piece of writing ultimately holds little real value to the world’s Victims.

Words alone will not suffice. An untold number of innocent Human Beings are left injured or dead. Justice demands more than he appears ready to give.

But it will eventually catch up to him and his kind. He can write as many essays as he wants, though he and the rest of them still must pay.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

I lost my job in August 2021 for refusing to wear a mask. As Solzhenitsyn said, "Live not by lies" and as a Christian, I am called to walk in truth. Not to mention, I refused to promote or encourage something I knew was harming people, *especially* children! (The job loss was no big deal ... a couple months later, I got a better job. Father God looks out for His own.)

My direct supervisor at that job had been advised by her doctor repeatedly not to get the Covid shots because her health conditions made them too risky for her. But when the company made a "vaccination" policy, and she went to that same doctor to get a medical exemption, he refused to sign it. The bastard was worried about his own sorry ass if she were to get Covid and die. But he didn't give a damn if the shot killed her, as long as he kept his job. Diabolical POS.

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NO DEAL!! Forgive and forget? Never again! Isn't that what the jews say? Well, I'm a white, unvaxxed woman who is so angry that I want to take people and smack the stupid out of them!! But because I feel sorry for humanity because they were bamboozled and bullied into this death shot, I want to help wake people up, not beat the crap outta them!! I'm afraid tho that it's not going to be a choice. Whomever took this poison has engaged in a lethal game of Russian roulette and with the law of "eventuality", eventually they're going to bite the bullet. May God have mercy on their souls and show some mercy to the perps who foisted this upon us. This is "their" plan; unfortunately, I'm not allowed to speak "their" name lest I am an -ist of some sort. But you know who you are and you will be judged. I only hope I'm alive to see it🙏🏼 Thank you for your reportage; you are one of the heroes🤩

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Yes. I wholeheartedly agree. This post is a perfect example of why I love Dr. Alexander. Perfectly said with all its raw emotion, not "prettied up" and stripped of its impact.

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These articles are sanctioned by TPTB and they are testing the waters. If you read the comments under the article, many commenters believe he is wrong and has no facts.

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You are right, Alex. This guy is trying to seek amnesty instead of accountability.

What was wrong, however, his sole admission, is that “expert” judgement failed.

Unfortunately, it’s the system that failed. As you put it, the incentives, the lies, the bullying, the censorship. The coercion.

The problem is that it is not one sector or one group but many groups intertwined. Several systems (not just medical) have colluded to trample over decentralized individual freedom and promote centralized obedience, each taking a cut of the pie (medical/hospital machinery, political authorities, regulatory beaurocracy, academic institutions, big Pharma, silicon valley billionaires, media fearmongers, intelligence deep state)

The practical problem now is that so many parties are compromised that full accountability through courts, while ideal, means dire consequences for hoards of people in power in the public but also private sectors. They will band together and resist and claim error, bad luck, etc.

At least if The top heads rolling would of course help to reset incentives for the bad behavior.

But I would ask: is the judiciary system robust enough to deliver this ? The most recent example does not bode well. In the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 big banks had to pay fines or close doors. But CEOs of big banks left with golden parachutes. If courts do not hold people in Power personally and individually accountable and decide to just fine big Pharma, that “justice” becomes a cost of doing business.

If examples are to be made of those who pushed society into the current crisis there needs to be real people, not corporations, feeling the penalties. Let’s hope that happens but it will not be easy.

Thailand is an interesting case to follow. There the “elite” of the monarchy was a victim of unnecessary vaccine injury. They did not take a saline solution. Let’s see if as they realize that they have been had they throw the weight of power and justice against the perpetrators, in their jurisdiction. Let’s see if main stream media in the USA allow that story to offer a benchmark for US courts. Or if they keep people in The dark.

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