He can go pound sand. Serial killers get no sympathy, no amnesty.

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They're trying to get ahead of the coming tsunami with people like this and Oster. It won't work. It is far, far too little and far, far too late.

There are 10,000 people tuned in on the Veritas "Pfertility" TwitterSpace.

The tsunami will sweep them away.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

More and more I am considering these steps back as part of an overall strategy, a tactic. If we take them individually, we shall never understand the larger picture. For example, in the last two days I have posted an anti-mask article and a pro ivermectin article on Facebook. Just 5 weeks ago I got a 30-day involuntary vacation from Zuckerberg's platform for a much milder posting. And this time ... silence. And I doubt that the man who poured 9.4 million dollars into my state to steal an election there has had a Damascus experience. And this apparent retreat is happening with the same lockstep ubiquitousness and with the same harmonizing tone as characterized the suppression of our rights just a few months ago. I recall reading somewhere in William Sargant's "Battle for the Mind" that an alternation between terror and cessation of the terror (accompanied by softness and professions of understanding the victim's plight) were tactics employed by master manipulators in brain-washing, in breaking the will to resist. Whatever the truth may be, we cannot underestimate the cunning and preparation of these people. The world may never before have seen such an orchestration. I am sure some of you can take this much farther.

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I love you, Dr. Paul! You pull no punches, and this guy deserves quite a whopper!

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An eye for an eye. A gene modification, for another. Hold them down, and have millions of us jab them and vent them. What should we use? Is Moderna still the deadliest?

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Yes, clearly most doctors are stupid and/or corrupt. They should have known from first principles learned at medical school that the mRNA experiment and the lockdown experiment could never work. The costs were far too high and the benefits far too low and they could never provide an exit from the pandemic. And that's before we even begin to talk about the violation of human rights and basic medical principles like bodily autonomy and informed consent. These doctors that proved to be too stupid to understand this for themselves, do not merit the title or position of Doctor.

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AMEN! Dr. Alexander!!!

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Mr Trump better get his ass in gear or he too will be labeled as a killer of humanity. I will not vote for a person with vax blood on their hands. He has a short window of opportunity to reverse course.

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Hey Kevin, if you're honest, it's sackcloth and ashes time. Go big and viral and condemn all that you supported, get others to turn from the vax. I can see a lowered legal penalty. They can't hang all the perps anyhow.

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Bass didn't sound sorry to me, just annoyed that his compadres ran us off before we got jabbed. He still thinks it's dangerous for so many of us to be unjabbed. Screw him.

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If they want forgiveness let them go to God, receive his grace and then hand themselves over to the authorities for prosecution,

For this is not a matter of private sin between individuals, to be forgiven by the offended party with that being the end of the story.

This is a matter of PUBLIC CRIME for which there is no mercy offered. See Romans chapter 13. Even if i as a christian had to forgive any who harmed me in the plandemic, that is well and good, but they would still be liable for public prosecution and sentencing if it were PUBLIC CRIME they had committed.

MY interpretation on this matter, as regards who should be prosecuted is as follows. I suspect some may disagree. In this i would exclude my friends , all staunchly pro vaxx, as they had no legal authority to coerce others and i suffered no loss for ignoring them

IMO they are victims and defrauded fools, a con man's marks

But if my GP had coerced anyone to being vaxxed against their will i would hold him guilty and demand his trial etc.

In other words, anyone, IMO who had authority and used it to coerce in the name of public health is a criminal to be prosecuted.

those who did not have such authority , even if they supported those who did, are not criminals, just fools

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He is not asking to hug and go forward, IMO. I hear him clearly stating what he has figured out that was obvious to most of us early. He is certainly way ahead of 99% of medical school graduates from the last 50 years! I hear a sincere wish for his colleagues and anyone in medicine, not paid or frightened into submission, to critically dig their head out of the KOOLAID sand and come together in a rehabilitation of tyrannical medicine turned to shit.

He makes no statement about not believing there are guilty people to punish for the genocidal devastation they have wrought.

I think it was brave to speak out, but of course we will continue to have doubts about anyone that is published by fake news.

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#Never forgive, never forget, never again.

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They can all kiss my grits! That’s not how it works a*****e, just because you got caught. I don’t give a rat’s ass how apologetic any of them get. My dad should still be here but now is on my mantle. He was the biggest fan of CNN, never turning it off. Fauci could’ve told him it would save lives if he jumped off a cliff and what Fauci recommended, my dad obeyed. As did so many others, amongst all the other ways the integrity-less ones took out or helped to take out or cause harm to.

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I actually got an account with Newsweek so that I could post this comment:

"No amnesty, Kevin. It is not at all courageous to see which way the wind is blowing and to say what actual brave doctors and scientists have been saying since the rollout of the gene therapy jab. Too little, too late. Go to jail for the part you played in these crimes against humanity. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200."

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Sorry just doesn't seem to cut it. Especially given how far in he was. I smell fear now above arrogance

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