Thank you, Dr Alexander for speaking about the the horrific violence : Farm attacks and murders of Whites in South Africa are often accompanied by extreme violence, torture and rape and are being openly fuelled by black South African leaders, including Malema, in the country.

The statistics does not convey anything of the PTSD that the survivors of rape and bloody violence will have to live with for the rest of their lives.

There were 50 farm murders in 2023, yet journalists fail to notice.

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The journalists are paid not to notice,the people financing the genocide pay their salaries.

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Tracy, you are so right!!! Fortunately the Epoch in which Lucifer reigned, is coming to a close soon. Evil is destroying itself.

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You are absolutely right. How can anyone justify the killing any other person or group of people. South Africa is in fact no different to any other nation that the whites "colonized." The main difference in SA, was that the whites were by far the minority. To linger on the past only robs people of the future. People will always make mistakes, and history is full of them. They continue to be made as we speak, and most often, more-so by those who believe they have all the answers.

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very good post

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I just love the hypocrisy of the illegal migrants that throw around the word “colonized”. Societies have risen and fallen throughout the ages. People have gone to war, people have been enslaved (including white people) , and empires have collapsed. Funny how white people are being blamed. Yeah the west and Israel are responsible for some atrocities but people are waking up to the real players. The elites, the Vatican aka the Illuminati etc. they love this division. They live by the phrase “order out of chaos” If your any colour or ethnicity other than white European you can have a homeland but if your white your apparently a racist for saying the west and Europe were white predominantly Christian nations that are slowly being colonized by the very same people calling white people colonizers. Ridiculous

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boom, I like this...

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Whites were a majority unto their colonization of That Land’ and then Came into the land the people of the distant environs and The Boere Rued the Day that gold&diamonds were found in such abundance… Britain was Sure to Dominate . .

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If the People knew the extent of Evil of the (White) “Slave Trade” ! They’d Cringe to a Carboniferous Cinder’ !!!!!!!!!!!

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Dear Paul,

You really have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to South Africa; and neither does Musk.

I have lived in South Africa for 53 years, and like you, I have black ancestry.

I am at my law-desk now, so I will reply later in more detail.

Perhaps you should refrain from passing judgment until you know all the facts.

The killing of the rapists in KZN (you have no idea where this is in SA) is also not reported properly by the British tabloid media.

You pick and choose what suits your storyline - is that not just what the covidians did?

You're smarter than this.



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then give me, us the details...I am going by what I understand and what is there...so if you live there, educate us...or lived there...tell us. but remember, I came from the islands where I lived among whites and majority blacks...I see and lived the corruption and ill of the whites but also the harm of the blacks...put another way, blacks run governments in poorer nations and do much wrong...they get power then destroy it all...I do know the whites are a different criminal too....but blacks get power yet are corrupted...whites too...I hope my purity in speech does not offend you...in the islands the racism I have encountered and some quite bad, were blacks on me...commit as much racism and harm on blacks and whites than even racist whites. my point, there is this and was push to make blacks the victim of all wrong and no one asks for responsibility and accountability....puts all on slavery etc. and the like. I say bull shit...wrong...and I am not a covidian.

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Maybe you don’t know, all cozied up in a law office with your blinders on! Go on to the marble studded walls of justice or injustice...

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You have no idea of who I am, what I do, and what my views are.

Perhaps you are simply another white racist.

But then, I would be making an assumption as well.

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lets keep it decent...this is an emotional topic and I understand. but why can't we disagree yet not devolve into insults and disdain and hate etc. We can even disagree strongly but still walk away loving...that is our problem...so let us learn here, let us share...and educate and inform each other.

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Agreed! My apologies for not declaring decent speech, it is and always be unnecessary. Barry, you are right. I do not know you. My apologies.

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Apology accepted, Deborah.

All the best to you.


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Your 2nd sentence says volumes about what you believe & what your views are.

This is a fallen world, not the world God created in which God & mankind were in sync & there was no sin nor evil.

One day God will restore this fallen world back to what He intended for us.

Christians believe this. We live with the sure hope of that day.

Until then we do our best to stand against evil of all kinds especially that involving our littlest ones. We are to be salt & light in our dark world.

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Humm poor victim

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and I

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I/we love you Barry, whomever you are, you are brilliant so please engage, please share, help us understand...I am open...and let us share to educate, not strip each other down. we must be able to have ongoing discourse as difficult as it may be

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Hi Paul,

I answered the issue below, as a comment to one of your subscribers - a bloke called 'Hans Liedtke" - you can read it there.

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Thank you Paul. You're a sweet man with a big heart, that's why I support your endeavour, even though we might differ.

I will write something this weekend when I am rested up.

Happy Friday to you.



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If you find the time to pull yourself away from your law-desk, you should travel to other African countries.

I have. Over many years.

You might not be aware of how the citizens of other African countries perceive South Africa.

The many that I have met are quite clear. They never fear white South Africans, while being pretty much terrified of black on black violence.

If you do get to travel around Africa, be sure to avoid talking about Bafana Bafana. You'll be laughed out of town.

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Pray tell where you've travelled in Africa, Hans.

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Ok then...

Angola, Tunisia, Senegal, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Kenya, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Namibia and (even Cape Verde and Grande Comore)

I have worked in many of these countries multiple times and consider myself reasonably up to speed.

Until retirement (due to Convid vaccine requirements) I worked for international companies world wide. I base my comments not only on my observations, but this is a belief held by virtually every one of my colleagues/work associates.

Hope that answers your question.

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Yes, it does, thank you.

I've spent time mainly in the southern SADC countries: Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Zambia. A long time ago, I travelled to Cabo Verde and Kenya.

When last were you in South Africa?

South Africa is now finally finding its feet. It's been a long road.

What one's view is, as a South African, as regards the present and future, depends wholly on one's social status in the society and no longer on colour.

There are about 200,000 black families in the Johannesburg and greater metropolitan area who have a net asset value of USD 1M and more (i.e. high net worth individuals). Most of this is not linked to fraud and corruption, despite what white Afrikaners ("boers") may say.

The large majority of Afrikaner whites still hark back to the delusional glory days of Apartheid, when their cult motherland - in a way an Israel amongst blacks - ran the show. This is where the racism still pervades.

There is actually a white-Afrikaners-only enclave called "Orania" that has been set up in South Africa. The Govt has left these diehards to their own devices.

In the High Courts, there are certain Afrikaner lawyers who go forum shopping - meaning when the case is allocated to a black judge, the parties either settle, or try get the matter postponed or removed from the roll, so perhaps a white judge can hear the case. How shit like this still happens in 2024 is astounding.

The irony about Apartheid is Afrikaners themselves are mulatto - not one bit pure. Almost analagous to how Nazi Germany believed in delusional German racial purity. Every now and again, a lilly white Afrikaner couple pushes out a mulatto baby, which is quickly put up for adoption.

White Afrikaners complain about affirmative action - legislation effected to advance the economic interests of previously disadvantaged blacks. They simply cannot see that Apartheid was exactly that.

Sadly however, life has not changed much economically for the majority of the urban working class and poor black South Africans since the ANC govt was voted into power in 1994 in SA's first democratic elections.

A tiny majority of poor black people are even saying it was better under apartheid and worse under the ANC.

That's like saying Nazi Germany worked better than modern Germany.

Without going into any extensive details, Mzansi (SA) was not designed for 60M people; but only for 5M whites.

Yes, the ANC govt should've planned things better and not lined their own pockets, and yes they have not kept their eye on the ball.

A liberation party does not necessarily make good management.

But things are not all doom and gloom.

All the same, Mzansi suffers from a culture of black South Africans waiting for the govt to do something. Mandela made this promise. It is not economically feasible, yet there are basic social welfare programmes for indigent South Africans.

In Brazil the govt does nothing really for poor people. Nor in India, nor in China.

It's this mindset that's screwing up Mzansi, a defeatist attitude amongst the urban poor. Brazil, India and China have an entrepreneurial spirit. If you don't work and earn money there, you will starve to death.

Also sadly, Mzansi govt leaders are not voted in on merit, but on connections, tribal obligations and graft.

Even if you are black, and you criticise and call certain black South Africans out, like one black judge did recently in a high profile football player murder trial, you will be nailed like he got nailed and be forced to apologise.

Now Julius Malema is a big nothing in the scheme of things. His political party called the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) has about 15% of the electorate, mainly among young disillusioned black South Africans. However, the EFF are mired in scandal, money plunder and corruption. Malema is a populist. He says what his supporters want to hear. You can read about the hate speech case brought by an Afrikaner rights group called Afriforum against Malema for yourself (https://groundup.org.za/article/judge-rules-kill-boer---kill-farmer-not-hate-speech/).

As for farm murders, there was a famous one of a now dead Afrikaner nutter called Eugene Terblanche - you can see Louis Theroux interview him here and draw your own conclusions: https://youtu.be/JPbExwBJiwY?si=oK00mpAF5XGYzBzc

With guys like Eugene Terblanche, you need to ask the question about why farm murders are so brutal. The answer is the Afrikaner farmers treat their black staff like animals.

As for South African black on non-South African black violence is concerned, this is a phenomenon that has developed on account of job and resources scarcity, where SA blacks feel the non-South African black are taking food off their tables.

So, in conclusion, South Africa is very different to other African countries - espcecially the ones you have travelled to - because of its unique history.

And yes, Bafana Bafana - the national footbal team is not very good.

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I'd like to share some thoughts.

My last visit to SA was 6 years ago. I still have a brother and sister keeping me up to speed.

I have lived in Thailand for the last 18 years

I'm a bit busy at the moment will get back to you soon.

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No rush.

Take your time.


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Thank you for that mention of an appalling piece of history which is generally completely overlooked in public education and was not part of the stories of Boy Scout movement started by Lord Baden Powell out of his experience in the Boer Wars.

Perhaps it is of interest to the reader to view the James Corbett history of WW1 which had its roots in the machinations of Cecil Rhodes and company in exploiting southern Africa and turning the British population against Germany despite the Kaiser being a favourite nephew of Queen Victoria. https://corbettreport.com/wwi/ And yes, the exploitation and warmongering continue, just with new victims and new methods.

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Oh, no! Just read about the Second Boer War concentration camps.

What is the matter with humans? What- only the most vile evil heartless could partake!

Humans, Just STOP! So certain people continue to suffer as this 7 year old innocent child. Tears are flowing, uncontrollably, just thinking of how raw and nonstop this treatment of one human to another. With No relenting! May God have mercy on our souls!!

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I appreciate so much of what you write, Paul, but please, elon musk is a danger and a psy-op himself.

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IMO, there is something about him that does not add up...I dont know him, he may be better than I, you, us, but his money does not fascinate me...there are people who do real work and important work who remain faceless, unknown...its a putrid world we live in, the real people remain hidden. but I stand with him here...but am no fan

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Just knowing of his connections, what he's involved with (neurolink, tesla working with an mRNA tech company, etc), tesla being funded by the chinese and OUR money, the lies he's created (founder of paypal, founder of tesla, etc), raises many, many questions. He could be saying all the "right" things to get all of us on his side just like he did with Twitter but lied there too and did not uphold his end of that bargain to make it a free speech platform. As I mentioned when all were thrilled he was going to buy that company, I say the same thing now, learn about the man, his history, his behavior, and who funds him, then see whether he can be trusted. In my conclusion, the answer is no.

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It all makes sense. The same families that worked with Hitler to create the concept of white supremacy are now using it to potentially create more white genocide. Create a problem and offer a solution.

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You are on the right track the EFF are financed by the very same oppresser s they say they're fighting against,they have been paid to stir hatred against whites by the Rupert's ( an offshoot of the Roschild family),and the Oppenheimer's,it's basically an engineered land grab by the Synagogue of Satan.

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Our ENTIRE Gov expect a few patriots NEED TO GO!!!!!!!

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Apr 5
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I want to be enlightened always so help, do not dismiss...nothing I write or share is slight...it may 'miss' you...we have a democrat and RINO run US, a corrupt congress and senate that turns on this black white bullshit madness...

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Apr 5
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I agree with you...a game...led by academia...our demise has been originated on our schools and it begins now in primary, they destroy the minds of our children. our kids dont do STEM anymore, no, it research on DEI and social justice bullshit

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actually not ancillary...no no no...we have many of the major issues you refer to and I agree, when you drill down...involves this...yes, major issues but we had a black POTUS who stoked this and festered this...and enlarged this...so this pervades everything...

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What you consider to be of no consequence will be on your doorstep soon.

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If you don't think this is coming to your country soon,good luck 👍and continue to hide your head in the sand like an ostrich.

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Hudson, relax, we love you...lets engage. I ask all to be respectful.

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Really? Who are you? If you are human, where is your heart?

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