Kill the unvaccinated, shoot them all dead! This is the view of democrats? Well, a top Florida Doctor (Democrat) Called for Unvaccinated To Be Shot to Death in Executions, so says Dr. Daniel B. Case
This is the madness we face, this is life under the Biden administration with its mandate madness! This Florida doctor is a stark raving lunatic madman, Dr. Daniel B. Case, wants Nazi-style executions
“So I asked him ‘Really Dr. Case?? You really saying this stuff??!’ Then he said ‘When you guys get fired then we’ll have a party and Darwinism will do it’s [sic] work.’ Then I said ‘that’s [sic] sounds kind of Fascist of you to say such a thing! Are you a Fascist??’ Then he said ‘see that’s why they should take you guys to the firing line.’”
That this is happening right now, after 3 years and all the evidence we have which makes nonsense of such crazy blame-the-unvaccinated allegations...this is completely, 100% insane.
I just watched an interview with Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav; her 5-part video series on the Holocaust are very revealing and historically accurate in ways most of us were never taught; she describes today's crisis as living in another Holocaust but this time on a global scale; and just as in Nazi Germany, doctors were enlisted to enforce Hitler's dictates and tyrannical rule, including calling for the ultimate elimination of all those who dissent or dare to question the narrative of lies and deception; the type of hatred and evil Dr Case represents is only the beginning and most certainly in reaction to fear of losing the propaganda war as it has become more difficult to keep the facts and the truth hidden.