That this is happening right now, after 3 years and all the evidence we have which makes nonsense of such crazy blame-the-unvaccinated allegations...this is completely, 100% insane.

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They are 100% crazy and evil. That's all.

Just plain EVIL.

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No, the article was from Sept. 10, 2021. Still insane. and still NO JUSTICE.

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That's some help, though still unforgivable...one of those things we need to not forget.

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"not forget" just equals "forget"... The universe ignores the word "not"

Let's change it to "DEMAND JUSTICE" We need justice for the MURDERS by bioweapon being pushed. Karen Kingston just a big win in CA Supreme Court. We need ten thousand Karen Kingstons and Tom Renz submitting court cases and demanding justice

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Okay. I still would never see him as a doctor.

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Um... The date byline was February 28, 2023... 🤔

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The date of the article quoting Dr. Case? Or the date of the article quoting the other article quoting Dr. Case?

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I donno... The one at the top I guess.. 🙄

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

According to the article he said this to a coworker on September 10, 2021. A year and a half ago. The article was published on February 28 of this year.

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I wish people wouldn't do things like that. I thought this story was brand new...

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As soon as I heard them saying its a pandemic of thr unvaccinated, i knew the jabs were sppreading=a pandemic of the jabbed.

Like when the government says "your vote counts."

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I just watched an interview with Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav; her 5-part video series on the Holocaust are very revealing and historically accurate in ways most of us were never taught; she describes today's crisis as living in another Holocaust but this time on a global scale; and just as in Nazi Germany, doctors were enlisted to enforce Hitler's dictates and tyrannical rule, including calling for the ultimate elimination of all those who dissent or dare to question the narrative of lies and deception; the type of hatred and evil Dr Case represents is only the beginning and most certainly in reaction to fear of losing the propaganda war as it has become more difficult to keep the facts and the truth hidden.

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Similarly, today we watched 2 movies on YT on the life and courageous antiHitler stance of Deitrich Bonhoeffer. Martyrs are far greater even in death, than the evil perps who lose all power after using death to eliminate opposition.

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Corrie ten Boom was almost gassed for helping save Jews in Holland. Her father Caspar ten Boom was offered to be let off the hook (since they never managed to find the secret closet) since he was over 80 if he promised to follow the orders of the occupying Germans. He told them "My house shall always be a refuge to those in need." Because of this he died of illness shortly afterward in a camp. Betsy ten Boom (Caspar's daughter and Corrie's sister) died of illness shortly before Corrie was released. Completely due to a bureaucratic glitch. She was supposed to die the next week because she was over fifty.

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The Hiding Place, a great movie. It has aged very well.

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What proof exists that the Nazis practiced genocide or deliberately killed 6 million Jews?

None. The only evidence is the contradictory testimony of individual survivors and no survivor claims actually to have witnessed any gassing. There was no hard evidence whatsoever. No mounds of ashes. No piles of clothes. No crematory capable of doing the job. No human soap. No lampshades made out of human skin, no record, no demographic statistics. On the other hand, there exists extensive evidence of a forensic demographic, analytical documentary, anecdotal and comparative nature, which clearly proves the impossibility of such a figure as 6 million jewish dead, an exaggeration of possibly 1,000%.

Dr. Case is jewish. ALL of the degeneracy and corruption in The West is jewish. Convid was jewish. 9/11 was jewish. You are believing the lies of 1945, as offered by the USSR, run by jewish Bolsheviks.

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

The embedded photographers documented the evidence. The Nazi doctors kept journals of their experiments. Please stop believing nonsense. The Holocaust happened. Some Jews are wonderful people. Some Jews are evil people. The same can be said for every group of people, including yours.

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You are asking me to disprove, something that did not happen.

The men and women (e.g. Ursula Haverbeck, 90, in German prison for explaining holocaust fallacies she lived next to) who have solidly refuted this hoax, have been imprisoned or de-platformed. That alone should tell you the people promulgating it have something to hide. It is illegal to question in 18 nations, no such illegality for any other such event in human history. Hmmm.

If you really want to remove some of the tarnish "historians" have thrown on WW II, this is a great, highly erudite, and accurate book from David Irving. he was destroyed for his efforts:


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Even Anne Frank's relative said it was a hollywood production.

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The entire Holocaust narrative reads like a cheap Hollywood movie, under the intense scrutiny of trained investigators. Which is why, the ADL and B'nai Brith, each terrorist organizations, took control. of it, and made questioning it illegal in 18 nations, and career limiting elsewhere. This narrative has allowed jews to capture control of the planet, and for those of you not fond of the direction the planet now spins, and our clearly ever more eccentric trajectory, I would say, help fix it. Accept you were wrong, which as we know, they can not do!

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Has your government lied to you? Ever? Pearl Harbor was a lie. Patton was killed for wanting to expose the truth of WWII, and so was James Forrestal.

Your government just lied to you about convid, ostensibly a much tougher lie to pull off than the Holocaust, in 1945.

You believe what you want, or your genetics dictates. The group we are discussing is running The West off a cliff, and has been expelled more often than any other in human history. There is a reason for it.

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No one is here to debate the Holocaust, a flat Earth, nor a fake moon landing.

There's a large community of like-minded people on Gab. You'll enjoy much more satisfying interaction over there.

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Is that true of Gab? I'm signed up but not there very often. I don't remember seeing Jew-haters there. This guy Anti-Communist is just a cancer on this Substack.

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Gab is a truly ALL free speech platform. Users are allowed to say anything they want. I'm a comments reader on my platforms. Rarely do I see anti-Jew original posts on Gab; but, they do occasionally creep into the comments, and most are quite vile. If you routinely delve into "conspiracy" type topics like I do, they are hard to avoid. I don't use Gab much anymore because reading them makes me mad.

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

I block them on Gab. No better than the far-left trolls who frequently pop up. We can't block Anti-Communist but we can refuse to respond to his comments.

He reminds me of Nickabrick the dwarf in Prince Caspian who hated Miraz more than he loved Aslan. I need to go back to C.S. Lewis's fiction again.

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What's really sad is that many of the Jew-haters are actually bright people. I keep thinking that underneath it all, they are damaged people who have need of a target that can't or won't fight back, or doesn't even exist.

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The Bible has many references to a flat earth. Also, an astronaut (pretend space program, stated live that earth is a vast flat land.

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And you're full of racist BULLSHIT!

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Pretty erudite and fact filled refutation! How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

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And how are you so sure that you have any evidence that it didn’t exist. Show the proof. 🤡

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The proof is, there has never been a single NSDAP document discovered that called for a systemic removal of the jews. There is no ASH/bone near any of the camps, and crematory ovens of that era could not possibly have cremated millions in a decade, let alone 4 years. The "gas chamber" doors were delousing rooms, with WOODEN doors! Several experts in the construction of US gas chambers for prisons, have reviewed the evidence and instantly said these were not viable.

About 176,000 died, primarily from typhus and in 1945, starvation as supply lines broke down.

jews, like some other groups, are masters of victimhood.

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Sooo, your most convincing piece of evidence is--a complete lack of evidence. Thank you for sharing.

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Careful of those remarks "Anti Communisti" - In The Democratic People's Republic of Canuckistan under Justine Castreau such comments can now result in two years' imprisonment for hate speech..🤔💩

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Was reading a 2018 DailySchmail article from 2018. A UK woman was charged with a "hate crime incident" because she honked her horn, at a black guy! I shit you not! Fuck Trudeau. I fear nothing. Brave men die once, cowards, every day! Hail victory Brother.

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There's a photo embellished with cartoonist's balloons floating around the Internet: Pierre Trudeau and Fidel Castro having a chat: Fidel saying to Pierre "He's your kid!" and Pierre saying to Fidel "NO! - He's YOUR kid!"

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

I had a friend that became deathly ill after her second Moderna jab in 2021. She went ahead and got boosted in July 2022 and to this day she suffers from hives. She parrots her allergist. "My adverse reactions are the result of a robust and well tuned immune system."

Proof positive you cannot fix stupid.

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I have no stupid friends. I now have no jabbed friends, ending 30+ year friendships. Why? See my 1st point. Moreover, given their shameful compliance, and inability to form independent opinions, I hope they die.

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Please note that I wrote "I had a friend..."

I naively thought that I could remain friends with the jabbed. Now I know the jabbed are full blown insane...

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You're first point was pure BS and so is this one!

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Tony, you are extremely inarticulate, so it comes as little surprise you easily buy governmental and institutional lies and resist truth. I suspect you are Hasbara or Talpiot, typing your staccato outrage in a sweaty, Tel Aviv dungeon.

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This sort of thinking and language repels even those who agree with you. Try to express yourself better.

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"It's easier to fool someone, than tomconvince them they have been fooled."

Mark Twain

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Steveo, aye brother. I do believe there is a demarcation though. In my experience (purely anecdotal, although some extent research confirms this hypothesis) there are certain definable groups truly resistant to truth. Given my enmity of The Left, unsurprisingly I name them first! They just seem unable to apologize, or to say, I was wrong. Women as well. My wife has perhaps said she was sorry once in 20 years! And then, politicians/leaders in general. I understand as a CEO or President, an apology can ruin your chances in an election, as you are worshiped by many as infallible. But, to me, a politician who admits they were wrong, is exactly who I want to make policy decisions.

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I wonder how this idiot feels today. He made his claims in September 2021.

OOPSIE . . . what a fool today with all the evidence now for all to see.

Perhaps in 2023 he is now running on ego and arrogance? Another *stupid* educated human.

We the People will not forget - especially those he oppressed - NAZI indeed.

His words now immortalized - a hateful little creature indeed.

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May not be alive any longer. Like the health, fitness, bodybuilder Doug Brignole, who was adamant about taking the rat juice and posted that if be dies, than he was wrong. Officially they're saying he doed of convid, which means he died from the rat juice either way. It didn't save him from dying from covid, worthless, and we all know the real reason he died...suddenly.

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His brain is broken, they can’t see the truth

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No, it's the "messaging" rna. They are receiving the messaging loud and clear.

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Him first.

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Hold on. First lets rack umm all up throw them in a room with water from Palestine. Give them the full vax menu. Zip tie them and have them view the Holy Scripture.

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& put Alexander scourby reading the kjv on a loop!

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Dr Paul - they do not know the love of God. They are the truly sick in the deepest sense. Pity them if they do not see the error of their beliefs & ways. 💔

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OMG, what an arrogant bastard. Just remember, sometimes a soldier falls on his own sword

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He's violent, crazy and evil. A dangerous monster.

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We all know there’s a group of people in the Medical Profession, just like some in Law Enforcement, who’re capable and willing to commit crimes against those entrusted to their care.

This Doctor may be one such person with suspicious injuries and deaths of his Patients. He should be investigated immediately.

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Soros and all the rest ELITE. You think Bidumb is our POTUS? I'd like to buy a vowel please. Old McDonald had a farm E I E I ........Obama. Behind the bloody curtain.

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He joked about being in his basement in his sweatpants talking in a microphone. & everyone laughed,” just joking “. Someone is aiding the puppet president!

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Yes, the loose jointed BHO is a marionette in the hands of his controllers.

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Not a second too soon please.

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What a stupid answer , I guess another shill paid up doctor , is he really an MD ??

To make a statement like that , I guess he didn’t bother researching results or why they wanted to put a 75 yr moratorium on the tests results? Mmmmm

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His license should be pulled. He's insane

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I hope people quit seeing him. He might murder his own patients.

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I wish I could say I am speechless, shocked and or horrified, however I am not. What I am stunned by is the facts that if this so called doctor and politician indeed made those statements has he been reported to the Dept. of Homeland Security as a possible domestic terrorist? If not why. He is threatening Americans he took an oath to , Do no harm as well as took an oath to uphold the Constitution. I don’t care what political party he affiliated with I don’t care what his color, gender, ethnicity nor what pronouns he prefers. I do care that he is threatening Americans and abusing his power as a doctor and politician. The DOJ and the DHS continue to weaponize their power it’s time we call upon them to enforce the same rules they pontificate about. Someone correct me if I am wrong and if I am correct who will join me in inundating the DHS with complaints concerns about this doctor. Is mental illness a new SE of the bioweapons because it sure seems to be a Plandemic cursing thru the population of mental disorders.

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Do any of his patients know he fantasizes about killing a third or half the population? He's unfit to practice if anyone is.

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i will join u...writing a letter or?

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Let me look into it I think we should flood the dept of homeland security with calls the say you can leave reports anonymously yeah right we are surveilled all the time

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Dr. Case was borne 76 years too late. He would have fit right in as a commander of a concentration camp in Adolf's Germany. These fanatical people are alive even today.

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They’re thriving

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

This is so disgusting. honestly, if I ever encountered the guy talking to me like that I would punch him right in the face! And the censorship has run amuck! Anyone speaking the way this doctor did is front page news. I did a google search on the guy and you will barely find one negative remark and little reference to his outrageous behaviour. Hoffberger, nothing but praise. This is the influence the democrats have on big media giants. This type of behaviour has to be brought before the courts where justice can prevail!

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Obama repealed the Smith Mundt Act of?1948 .

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the actual Darwin award winners are all these stupid dems constantly boosting up. I hope they keep doing it and kill themselves off. Global IQ will skyrocket.

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This madman genocidal criminal will be among the first to feel the snap of his neck.

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If he doesn't die of sudden heart failure. Common thing now.

It's a bizarre medical mystery to guys like Case.

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It's hard to believe there are some very mentally sick people in the world. I have no other words for them. But there is also karma. No doubt it will catch up with them one day.

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Everyone must be aware to not take any medication from Parma right now, I watched the big summit in Europe. That was a six hour summit all day today, and they spilled it, they said that these maggots are now putting the poison in penicillin, and God knows what else. And he also said that this poison that’s going in is much stronger than just the job poison. I have the short screen record from the summit, but I cannot post on here I don’t think.

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Yes... The USA MMR vaxx for kids is already mRNA - do doctors know this? Do parents know this? And, they're planning for this spring's flu vaxx to be mRNA, and working on making EVERY vaxx mRNA... And - as if that's not enough - they're also making ALL ANIMAL VAXXES MRNA... Yes - more attacks on our food supply. Watch the 2nd embedded video - it's all in there - https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/44-year-old-thai-princess-bajrakitiyabha-in-coma-after-pfizer-covid-shots-thailand-to-nullify-contract-with-pfizer/

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Apparently they are working on putting this crap in things like lettuce, and other vegitables. At this point, given how far they have gone to get this crap into everyone, it would not surprise me at all. I mean, why wouldn't they just put it in any type of food product that they could?

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Avoid GMO veggies and any food products from a company owned by Bill Gates.

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Yes, they're working on getting it into lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. Two companies - one in Canada, and the other in Kentucky? - have succeeded in getting soil bacteria to take up the mRNA, and are still GMO'ing the crops to take it up from the soil bacteria. Also, Billy Boy Gates is working on GMO'ing mosquitoes so they inject "vaccines" when they bite. I've also read about efforts to make "vaccines" airborne. The insanity is off the charts!

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A bunch of gmo mosquitoes were released in Florida. They had the public meetings during lockdown so nobody could protest in person. Snuck it through.

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This is terrible news for all of us if true indeed. But how can they put the mRNA in drugs? From what we know they can only put it in injections.

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I hear they are putting it in food 🤬

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

There is talk of that between Bill Gates and national leaders. So far that is just talk.

My guess is it will come in the foods owned by members of the WEF.

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Yes, they're working on getting it into lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. Two companies - one in Canada, and the other in Kentucky? - have succeeded in getting soil bacteria to take up the mRNA, and are still GMO'ing the crops to take it up from the soil bacteria. Also, Billy Boy Gates is working on GMO'ing mosquitoes so they inject "vaccines" when they bite. I've also read about efforts to make "vaccines" airborne. The insanity is off the charts!

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it's a lie. when the contents are viewed they don't find ANY genetic material... gust GO and metal fragments and biofilm. mRna is SUPER EXPENSIVE so doubt it was used much

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But all those things should not be there! Nanotechnology is widespread and my opinion very dangerous.

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How do the self spreading vaccines used in animals work? I’m sure they are doing that now with humans.

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Make an attempt to post it.

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Would love to see what you are referring to.

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Not sure what you’re asking. This isn’t MY post,

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I might have got it wrong. Did you say you watched a six hour European summit and they said not to trust the medicines being shipped to us? That was what I was hoping to find a link to view.

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Ahhhhh there you are. Here’s the link. https://rumble.com/v2b8pps-mwgfd-gene-based-vaccines.-the-pharmaceutical-crime-of-the-century.html Some of it is drawn out but you can FF. Yes one doctor mentioned that they are putting the poison in penicillin now.

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