All 110% true. And still big pharma and its ghoulish attack on humanity marches on. It's as if murder is no longer wrong.

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Government murder has never been wrong because it is always might.

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Who is going to stop these thugs?!! They've power over the cabal?

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You must have missed "We the People" in American history.

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It escaped me -- you must have missed the scared masses falling for the script.

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Americans were expected by the founders to be their own government instead of abdicating to politicians and bureaucrats, as they have. We have no one but ourselves to blame for the mess.

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Indeed. Media via mind-numbing methods control the sheeple and they lockstep along w/eyes glazed over. "Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious." - George Orwell. How many feel they're upstanding citizens by marching along -- most people I know. I've never known so many dolts.

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The truth will always win, remember the criminals have been at this scam for 40 yrs, and it runs deep, it will take time to cut out all the rot.

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The one thing we learn from history is that we do not learn from history. It's sad humanoids are so predictable and don't question everything -- want the gov to take care of them.

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Please view all this video to understand the who and the why;


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TrialSite News, Vaccine Injury Series

Rochelle tells the experience of both her mother and grandmother after getting vaccinated.


November 1, 2022

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: In the first half of the video Rochelle recounts that both her grandmother and mother suffered severe adverse events after their second injections. Her grandmother lost her ability to speak and died shortly thereafter, and her mother, previously active and healthy, suffered severe "10 out of 10" pain all over her body and lost her ability to walk, among other symptoms. I was unable to find the name of the interviewer. Does anyone know?



ROCHELLE: First of all, my mother actually shared this on her FaceBook page and every time she tried to talk about it on FaceBook she always, I don't remember exactly what people were saying to her but she got some really nasty comments from people calling her like a Trump supporter and an anti-vaxxer and anti-science, and, you know, and she just felt very bullied. And so she finally just got fed up with it and she made this post on FaceBook saying, like, here's what happened, like, I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, like, I'm a retired registered nurse who is married to a pulmonologist and a critical care physician. So both of them have like degrees in science and our whole family is in medicine. My brother is also a doctor, and I have a background in biology. So she just, you know, made this post about how she does not deserve the criticism that she's getting and that this vaccine injury that she got is very real and that you know it's just not OK for people to be bullying. And she received some support for that, so some people were nice to her. But I think she's gotten kind of like mixed responses from people.

I also tried to share her story on social media. So I went to TikTok and I went to Instagram and I talked about what happened to my mother and my grandmother. And what happened is that there was this [makes air quotes with fingers] medical professional, I think he was a nurse who had a really big platform with like hundreds of thousands of followers. And so he responded to one of the videos I made and he called me a liar and he made fun of me, he mocked me, he ridiculed me, and then he sent all of his followers to come harass my page. So at the time I was using my name for my Instagram account because I felt like I had nothing to hide. Unfortunately, when he sent his hundreds of thousands of followers to harass my page, what happened is that they looked up my name on the Internet and they found that my father, who is a associate professor at a pretty well-known medical university college, they found out that I was related him and they actually started to call his place of work and threaten him with, um, they were trying to get him fired from his job, they were trying to get him, like, his medical license removed, they were like calling his supervisors. And then they tried to like find my personal information and they were like sending our family threats. It was just like a big nightmare. It was like, you know, all I did was just share the truthful story of what happened to my family. And I have absolutely no reason to lie about this. It's not comfortable to be harassed in this way. And so this is like not the type of attention that I'm craving.

And I do feel the urge and the desire to talk about what happened because I feel that so many people are very afraid to talk about it. I've just, I've seen the cruelty and the horrible reactions that friends and family members have had. And I've had a vaccine injury in the past and I've been harassed for speaking about it as well.

So it's just been unbelievable. To me it's kind of showed me this different side of human nature that I didn't really see before. And it's been a little bit eye-opening.

INTERVIEWER: Mind-blowing and infuriating to hear this. And I know that you're not alone. I have seen this time and again. You know, and it's sick, and these kinds of people that are going out there trying to destroy you, your family, your father's work because what? Because you're going to tell about your experience? Disgusting! Every one of those people are, that engage in this, are animals. Hands-down.

ROCHELLE: I agree. Yeah, I agree. I mean, to me it's just the heartlessness of going out of your way to harass someone who just told the most tragic, like, horrifying story about their family and then you're just going to make the assumption, without even having any proof that they're lying, you're going to make the assumption that they're lying about this. And you know, like, people were asking me like, prove that your grandmother died! And so I posted on my TikTok like pictures of her funeral. And they're like, that's not proof of anything, like, show her death certificate! And it's just like, just the assumption that I would be, for whatever reason, making up stories about this.

And it's also unbelievable because I'm not even telling anybody else what to do with their body, like, I'm not going in there, telling these people online to not get the vaccine. I'm not telling them that that they can't get it. I'm just telling them what happened to my family. And that's all I'm saying. And for them to viciously attack me like that is just, I think that shows a lot about the nature of, um, I don't know, I was looking to this mass formation psychosis thing* and I just think there's a lot of really crazy cult-like brainwashing going on that, you know, we, I think we could, I think that we could study similar cults and we can understand what's going on right now by studying the history of various different cults that have risen to popularity.

INTERVIEWER: Basically in my opinion you're being treated as less than human. And I think that's where this is going.

ROCHELLE: Yeah. And I actually have something to add to that which is that I've had my Facebook account that I had for 10 years permanently deleted because of what I talked about with the vaccine injuries, I talked about Trump and covid. So I talked about that stuff. They [?] deleted. I lost, I had like a thousand friends on there, and a bunch of pictures, like I lost all of that stuff. Permanently.


ROCHELLE: Which sucks because you know I mean—


ROCHELLE: I don't really like FaceBook all that much but it's nice to have a data base of memories.

I had my Instragram account that I've had for 5 years, hundreds of pictures on it, a bunch of friends, connections, deleted permanently because I talked about my mom's vaccine injury.


ROCHELLE: I had my TikTok account deleted because when I was responding to this nurse who was bullying me and accusing me of lying, a bunch of people reported my account for [makes air quotes with fingers] false information and then my account was deleted.


RICHELLE: So I've had three social media accounts permanently deleted. And it's felt like they're trying to just wipe my existence off the face of the planet. So it's like not only did this tragic thing happen to my family but they're trying to erase me now. They're trying to make me invisible. They're trying to take away my connection to the outside worlds because, you know, during these lockdowns we've been so isolated and disconnected from other people and so social media has been—


ROCHELLE: — one of the main things connecting us, and they stole that from me by the this censorship, by deleting everything. And so I got really upset about that.

And also I have family members, um, so I'm part Jewish also. Jewish, American, European, and Afghan. And so I've had my grandmother's entire family was murdered in Auschwitz in—


ROCHELLE: Yeah, in the Holocaust. And same with my partner, his, a lot of his grandparents' family members were murdered in the Holocaust. Even here in Hungary, a lot of them were murdered, where I am right now. And so it's like, you know, we come from this background where these horrible things have happened in previous generations and then there's a lot of generational trauma that you have to try to heal from. And then you see the same kind of thing happening again. And it's just really, it's just very disappointing because you feel like humanity has just not learned the lessons that we needed to learn. And things are just repeating themselves because people are not noticing what's happening.


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From the censored and shadow-banned April 20, 2022 press conference in which Minnesota Representative Glenn Gruenhagen Introduces HF2348 - A resolution to create a COVID-19 vaccine bill of rights.



PATTI CARROLL*: Next up I'd like to introduce Mark Bishofsky. Mark was a talented and respected frontline care worker who witnessed workplace practices that ended up changing his life. Thanks for being here, Mark.


MARK BISHOFSKY: Thank you, Patti. So yeah I've written up some stuff to say but I do want to add also that I am myself vaccine injured. I was injured by a tetanus vaccine in 2014 and I deal with the symptoms of that daily, and long story short, I'm lucky to be alive. One of my children was injured by an MMR vaccine and we deal with that, my wife and I deal with that every single day.

And I think we need to also acknowledge that to just blindly trust these pharmaceutical companies is an exercise in some kind of craziness because you need not look any further than the drugs Bextra,* Vioxx** or Johnson & Johnson's baby powder.*** Pfizer was fined 2.3 billion dollars in 2007, it's the largest fine ever handed out by the Department of Justice, for lying, bribing, and manipulating data. And we also need to acknowledge that sometimes the FDA, the CDC and these big pharmaceutical companies can be seen as maybe one entity if not just a revolving door. So to just, to just trust them and their data is not something I am going to do.

So yeah again I've been a respiratory therapist for 23 years. I have an advanced skill set, I've worked with all age groups and all critical care settings, including medical transport. I loved my job. I loved taking care of patients and collaborating with doctors to figure out how to best take care of these patients.

But that all ended with the covid pandemic.

It used to be OK to ask questions in the hospital. But it is no longer OK to do that. I worked through the pandemic up until October of last year and what I witnessed was mind-boggling.

Early intubation, the use of remdesivir. Even after the World Health Organization recommended not using remdesivir, in the lack of effort to try anything other than the failed, deadly protocol made absolutely no sense to me. I tried to get Ivermectin for my patients that were asking for it as an alternative treatment, but it was never given. I asked for hydroxychloroquine. I tried to give to give my patients something as safe and effective and inexpensive as just Vitamin D, completely harmless to try, but they wouldn't give it.

I even presented research showing that these interventions were effective.

I pushed to get my patients noninvasive ventilation rather than having them be intubated. I held the hands and tried to advocate for patients who were not allowed to have family members by their side to advocate for them. I held some of those hands until those patients took their very last breath because I refused to let them die alone.

I worked through the pandemic before there was a vaccine, and I did that without proper protective equipment. And I did it because I wanted to help people.

Once there was a vaccine, I was no longer good enough. I could have submitted for a religious exemption but I decided I could no longer be a part of the system that was leaving its patients to die without proper care, without attempting anything other than the failed protocol.

Ivermectin is not horse paste. Ivermectin is a Nobel prize-winning human drug. And to ignore it, to ignore an inexpensive, potentially effective, low-risk medication, but to use a medication like remdesivir which is extremely expensive and probably dangerous, just blows my mind.

The doctors I used to work with, I had an impeccable relationship with them. But once I started to question anything, they would no longer talk to me. I was ostracized. The mood in the hospital became very dark, not just with me but with everyone.

The medical system is no longer what it used to be. I gave up a career that I loved. And I am not the only one. And if anybody is wondering why there is a shortage of healthcare workers, look no further than vaccine mandates. Hospitals are short-staffed during a pandemic because of a silly mandate for a vaccine that is proving to be much less effective than advertised.

The last point I want to bring up is something that I noticed in August of 2021. For the last 10 years working at the hospital I was working at, July and August were always very, very slow. This was the time of the year where you would kick back, take a vacation, take a deep breath after going through the busy season. But in 2021, July and August were extremely busy. In fact we were taking patients in a suburban hospital all the way from Bemidji** because every single hospital in the metro was full this past July and August. And it was not covid. There were almost zero cases of covid. What changed? What changed last year that made these hospitals full all the time now? What could it have possibly have been? To ask myself and to want to ask these doctors, could this be a vaccine injury? These clots, this bleeding? You could not do it. You absolutely could not debate science in these hospitals anymore. That is what I experienced. And if I would have asked those questions I would have been ostracized even worse.

And I will leave you with this. I resigned in September. In my last day of work I asked the doctor what his thoughts were, regarding giving young men the vaccine who are at a higher risk of getting myocarditis from the vaccine than they are for even being hospitalized from covid. And he said to me, I don't have the bandwidth. He would not engage me on that question. But within two hours, I was walked out of the hospital by my director and by security and they wouldn't even tell me why. In the end they told me I was going rogue.

So to ask a doctor what his thoughts are about the vaccine in these young men getting myocarditis is going rogue.

What is happening in this country and in this world is insane. And people, please, need to wake up.

Thank you.



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*Patti Carroll is Executive Director of the Vaccine Safety Council, Minnesota.

*Bextra was a drug sold by Pfizer for which in 2009 the US Department of Justice imposed a 2.3 billion dollar fine, the largest settlement for healthcare fraud. The details are on the U.S. department of Justice website at this link:


**Vioxx was a painkiller that for many people resulted in fatal or serious heart damage. A thorough timeline of the Vioxx story can be found at this link:

https://www.npr.org/2007/11/10/5470430/timeline-the-rise-and-fall-of-vioxx. Of note, in 2007 when Merck's 4.85 billion dollar settlement was the largest settlement ever.

***Johnson & Johnson's baby powder contained asbestos, a known carcinogen.

See also the US Department of Justice Press Release November 4, 2013, "Johnson & Johnson to Pay More Than $2.2 Billion to Resolve Criminal and Civil Investigations"


**Bemidji is a town in Minnesota approximately 220 miles northwest of Minneapolis.

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TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Unfortunately when the speaker came to the microphone to introduce herself, the microphone was at some distance, so I could not catch her name nor the first words of her testimony.


NEIL'S WIDOW: [?] married for about 11 1/2 years when he passed away June 29h at at Citrus Memorial Hospital, Inverness, Florida. Unfortunately he was a victim, a hospital hostage if you want to call it that.

But first of all I would like to thank Nicole, Rachel, Laurie, and Amy for inviting me here today. And I most definitely want to thank my friend Kathleen Holbrook for putting me together with these wonderful people at Truth for Heath.* And I want to thank you all for being there for us.

My husband Neil was my soulmate and my road trip buddy. He was from New York. I'm a Florida cracker. I was born in Coral Gables, so New Yorkers was for me, oh, no, it's a Yankee! But I loved my Yankee. And he had shoulder surgery that was supposed to happen the day after he went into the hospital. Why he didn't make it was because no one would listen when we kept trying to tell them, look at his shoulder. He had a diseased shoulder from years and years of construction in New York, and he needed surgery.

Well, they kept delaying and delaying because of covid, so we were never really able to get it set up. He was due to have the surgery June 7th. Upon being admitted to the hospital, they always tested for covid. He was not in there for covid. He was in there for shortness of breath caused by bacterial pneumonia, which all of us had seen [?] is the bacterial pneumonia.

They even had a test that was done of his sputum that took 8 days before the infectious disease doctor, after talking with me, and then asked me, Well, what kind of bacteria did he have? I said, I'm not the doctor, you are! The test results are right there, they've been there since the 10th of June!

Finally on the 15th is when they started him on the correct medication to take care of the situation, but by that point it was a little bit too late because the infection was so bad that he had bloody sputum and the hospital totally ignored him for that and just kept telling us, oh, he has covid pneumonia. He has crystalled lungs. That's what they it, isn't it? Dr. Guffanti? [turns around to Dr. Stephen Guffanti, who is seated behind her on the stage]

DR. STEPHEN GUFFANTI: They call it lots of things.

NEIL'S WIDOW: Yes lots of things. I fought with those doctors tooth and nail to tell them it was not covid. In fact to the point, I was sneaking in Ivermectin horse paste and giving it to my husband while he was in the hospital. That's not what he had, he didn't have covid because he had covid the year before. We were on all the protocols of vitamin D3, high vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, everything imaginable that we were following with American Front Line Doctors I had him on. And they kept telling me, it's covid, it's covid.

Well it wasn't covid because I finally ended up at the end having an autopsy done which is the the best thing I could have done because I wouldn't have had a leg to stand on. And I still don't have a correct autopsy. Why? Because the hospital keeps telling me they can't find his records! We're now three and half months to waiting for Citrus Memorial to send me the records! Because my autopsy, my forensic investigator can't finish the report. But what he does have so far is that his lungs were so degraded by the lack of the correct medication, and also the hospital leaving him in his room, making him fend for himself when he couldn't even get up because his shoulder, they wouldn't even look at it, in pain, swollen, which caused his bacteria, they didn't want to admit.

So he ends up unfortunately passing away, after the nursing home decided they didn't want him there anymore because they get tired of trying to figure out what his oxygen levels are supposed to be. He had white blood cell count as Dr. Guffani mentioned, constantly 18 and higher every single day and I was told, Oh, it's OK, that's from the steroids.

I'm not stupid by any means. But you have to be careful in these hospitals because if you raise any questions or any kind of situation that they would feel that you're coming after them, they immediately send in security because I watched it happen to an older male that was in there with his wife. He raising Cain, they didn't like it and they had security come in and they walked him all the way to his car and watched him drive away and would not let him come back in. So I didn't want that to happen to me because I wanted to be in there with my husband. Because he needed me. Just like all of our family members needed us. And I was one of the fortunate ones that was able to stay with him up until the day he died.

Again I want to thank everybody for coming here and for helping to get the word out. We need to do this so much. And I'm going to be in The Villages.** I'll be there. Thank you everyone. And God bless.



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*Truth for Health Foundation


**The Villages is a retirement community in central Florida.

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Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19,

October 13, 2022



CHRISTINE OLIVERA: Hello my name is Christine Olivera. I just found out about this a couple days ago, so I just kind of briefly wrote something. I didn't go into great details like some [?]. But my husband's name was Wayne. We were married just under 45 years.

We met in England, he was in the military. I got married at 18, he was 21. We had two kids, we have four grandchildren. He beat cancer twice! Naturally. And he was a pretty healthy guy. He had had blood work and everything about four months before he got sick. And when we moved here to Florida he wanted to a part-time job so he went to work at Universal. And he loved it. Kids loved him.

Around the beginning of August he got sick. We didn't even test for covid because we didn't really believe it existed. I mean, SARS-2 is real but covid I don't believe is real. So we didn't even test. But he had a cold, it turned into a cough, and he was sick for a couple weeks at home. And I could tell he was getting worse and worse and wasn't getting better. His doctor only gave him a Z-Pack. Great, that worked. Um, and so on August 14th, I said, you have to go to the hospital.

So he knew about Remdevisir. And he was terrified, absolutely terrified to go to the hospital. So I said well look, we'll write up a letter saying that you refuse it, you don't want it, don't give it. And so I wrote it up. He signed it, I signed it. I called the ambulance.

I actually went in another ambulance to make sure that we didn't get separated. So I had to pay 700 dollars now for an ambulance I didn't need.

But the ER accepted the letter, said that he wouldn't get the Remdesivir, but his O2 stats were very low, they put him on a BiPAP machine, which his stats went up to 98 percent on. The BiPAP machine. So I thought he was good. I thought well, he's not going to get the Remdesivir. His oxygen levels are up.

I left him there. I never talked to him or saw him again. Dead or alive. Never saw him again.

And I think that's the hardest thing of all of this, is we take them to the hospital to save their lives. And we never get to see them again. You know, we can't hold their hand, hug them, kiss them, love them. It's like, they're just they're stolen and killed.

And so here I am, he's not going to get the Remdesivir. So they admitted him to ICU. I got a call the next morning from the nurse practitioner, she said he agreed to the full ICU protocol and the Remdesivir.

And I said, Oh my God, you're a liar! He would never have agreed to that. I said, you better not give it to him.

They said, he already got it.

He already got it! And I was so mad. I said, don't you dare give him another dose, or I'm bringing over the army, you know?

And so she said, I'll discontinue it since it's really not going to help him much anyway. You know?

That night I got the call that they needed to vent him. He was struggling. And I couldn't talk to him. So I just thought, they had to do it. You know? So they vented him.

The very next morning they called and said he needed dialysis. His kidneys had shut down.

And I was like, Oh my God. This is it. He's not going to make it.

Well then the next couple days they turned the vent too high, both of his lungs collapsed. He had to have chest tubes in both lungs.

I'm sorry. What happened after that? Um, Lungs collapsed. I mean just everything that you can imagine went wrong.

Then they said they couldn't keep him, he was two different drips to try and keep his blood pressure up. They had to reventilate him. Finally I said, if his heart stops, let him go.

And very joyfully they let him go within a couple hours. I think they turned the drips off when I said that. And he just passed. And I never saw him. I never saw him again.

But I got his medical records. And not only did they do all that but they broke his jaw twice, ventilating him. They never told me. His jaw was broken twice.

I worked in hospitals my whole life. As a [?] secretary, someone who processes all the doctors orders. I worked in ERs, ICUs, trauma units, I've never seen the state of health care that it is right now.

There's something very, very bad going on. Very, very bad.

And you know what, we can stand here and tell our stories, but the doctors need to fight to stop the protocols and to let them be doctors again.

You know, doctors aren't doing this, protocols are.

But you know what, I went to my nurse practitioner a few days ago because she wouldn't refill my script unless she saw me, we talked about this. And I said to her— she's like, you don't have any idea the trauma that the nurses are going through because they saw so many people die.

I said, did they never once, for one minute stop to think that maybe they're the ones giving the meds that kill the patients?

[loud clapping]

The doctor is ordering it, but they're the ones giving it. They can say no. They have a right to say no, they won't give a drug that they know will hurt a patient.

So everybody just needs to stop this killing spree and stand up for what they took an oath for. You know?

And I just, I don't know. But anyway. So instead of planning our 50th anniversary trip this year I'm planning a memorial service for my husband's family and friends to come up in December.

So thank you.



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The problem is that we forgot what we should have remembered to live in the times that remembrance could have prevented.

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