The more this nightmare goes on the more disgusted I am. The sociopaths now want "vaccine passports" to live and I know 2023 is going to be a nightmare when they unleash all their evilness on humanity. The poor are going to starve and freeze to death but hey don't forget to take your 5th 6th or 8th jab. I am so effing pissed off and I know my husband and I will have to sell and get the hell out of town, and at our ages 67 and 70 its not really a fun thought. Sorry I went off topic a bit but good Lord how are we ever supposed to stop them, they know we know but they don't care, they just want to kill us and decimate the planet.

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Problem is there’s no place to go to without compliant globalist leaders now, especially the medical profession all willing to inject because the UN/WHO said so.

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I am 76 and my tenant is 77 - I'm not going anywhere - even if it means being house bound, which I pretty much am anyway (being essentially lazy) - it helps to have a big home with all of the bells and whistles and my "toys" too and a comfortable retirement, at least, for the time being. The name of the game, for thee and me, is to outlive the buggers and refuse to take their vaccinations, or if you have, my suggestion to you is to find an electric cattle fence (used to enclose cattle) and touch the fence with both hands at the same time - the jolt won't hurt you, but it will kill the injected nanotechnology and parasites, hopefully, so if you are up for it, do it a couple of times, just to be sure - also good for Lyme Disease, RRV (Ross River Virus) and probably other blood borne diseases including early onset Cancer (possibly)

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Well said! Outlive them, no vaccines. But we may need that cattle fence or something stronger to repel the “agents” when they come for us. They have built concentration camps (they call quarantine centres) to house us while they try giving us psychiatric treatment to make us compliant or to kill us. We must turn the tables on them and do whatever it takes. Who are these ppl to even think they have control over all other humans? God have mercy!

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It is and was a voluntary thing to take the vaccines, for those like myself, who have not had the vaccines, the Laws, so far, protect us from having them. The Quarantine Centers are to house people who have Covid, until they clear the infection, or they die. Don't get the reasons mixed up. Do Richard's free salt water cure and kill the infection, before it can become Covid anything. Richard has not been sick from any virus for over 29 years, his salt water cure now confirmed by Alberta Medical University, Steve Kirsch and others - you can find Richard's free salt water cure on my substack and it costs nothing and takes about 3 minutes to do - the electric shock - one second each jolt. I have also suggested using a cold 12 volt car engine. Touch the leads to the spark plugs with both hands and have someone turn over the engine, one turn over, of the engine should be enough. My father did it to me when I was 16 years old. He thought it was funny, I did not, but I am still here. The police use a Taser which delivers 50,000 volts DC, but it does not kill anyone. If ever I am forced to take the vaccines, the first thing I will do afterwards, is the electric fence, or car spark plug leads DC shock, to kill as much of the vaccine injected as possible, before it gets anywhere in my body and hope for the best with the Graphene Oxide injected - but I don't think that will happen.

To Lynda below - Great minds think alike - Bless you!!

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I grew up on a farm. You are correct about the electric fence. It hurts but just for a short while and definitely will not cause permanent damage. Your idea is a great one. If I had taken the shots and now realize the awful possibility of it, I’d grab the fence in a heartbeat 💗!

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The vaccine passports are only for International travel, so far. Then again, do you take your life in your hands each time you fly by planes piloted by vaccinated pilots?

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Try Idaho; that's where we're escaping to.

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This is a blatant slaughter. It is so devastating that we can only watch in horror and disbelief.

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Each study that comes out proves more and more that the spike protein is the bio weapon.

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It always was, even a scientist said so in one of the posts I made back in 2020 - I came to the conclusion that the vaccines act as a Trojan horse and let entry into the cells of Covid and that the contents of the vaccines themselves are lethal, because the spike protein does not enter a cell fully, a spike is left out, which is broken off into the blood stream and travels throughout the body, eventually lodging in the vein walls and causes a blood clot. Multiply that by billions of mRNA Graphene Oxide spikes, in each vaccine injection and you can see the potential devastation inside a body - and I'm not a doctor, but I can read the medical jargon and eventually understand what is being said, with anyone else who is game to give it a go.

If you want to know how many mRNA lipid packages there are in each shot, read the posts I have made on my substack - or go to the Richard Noakes's posts in the comments section of Robert O. Young's posts on his webpage, which you can find on Google - just put your cursor on the slide, to the right of his introduction page and move it to the bottom, to avoid Robert's blurb altogether. I go there for updates of anything Richard has posted - just saying.

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But the Novavax carries its spike proteins on… lipid nanoparticles! And uses additional nanoparticles to act as adjuvant! So we get a bonus!

1). Earlier delivery and presence of the toxic spike since we don’t even have to wait for our cells to synthesize it and,

2) A bunch of toxic lipid nanoparticles to boot.

More immediately toxic!

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Novavax is H1N1 based. The same formula as was used by Bill Gates Dad to treat Spanish Flu, with his vaccines. Worked so well then, that they are using it again now - everyone who had the H1N1 vaccine, back in 1918, died.

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If what we believe we know is in fact correct vis a vis the mRNA or adeno vector setting up an endogenous spike protein mfg operation, it follows that the amt of spike produced as a result of injection should be orders of magnitude greater than that following infection. Thus the incidence and degree of vascular damage would be expected to be far greater among the injected, which it clearly is. At least that is my sense of things, please by all means let me/us know if you differ on this Dr. A? Many thnx...

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“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.“ (James 4:14)

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I'd like to know how long does the spike protein stays in the body after the injection. I 'm also curious to see if a person sheds and for how long after the injection.

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My take is that once in, the spike protein is there for ever, doing whatever it is doing inside your body undetected. I have not found that vaccinated people shed, the theory being that when the vaccination into the body takes place, anything which is expelled through the skin, dies immediately on contact with the air, so there is no shedding possible.

I am not vaccinated, yet I mix with plenty of people who are - well all of them - it seems to me - and i remain unaffected by shedding. Anyway, let's presuppose that shedding is like a virus or a viral intake thing, which we, the not vaccinated, have to breathe into our nasal passages and allow it to transmute into the Flu and later Covid, some 2-3 weeks after apparently clearing the initial flu symptoms - Covid does not occur immediately. Well, I do my free salt water cure and I kill any potential virus or shedding, if such exists, in the nasal passages of my head, long before I allow it to become the Flu or Covid anything and I remain both Flu symptoms and Covid free, for some years now, Richard has been Flu free for over 29 years - you can find his cure, mine now, on my substack - why be ill, if you don't need to be and what for, so that you can potentially die from Covid - like Duh!!

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They offered Coke and Pepsi, then some other 'new cola'.

We never asked, 'should we be drinking soda at all?'

Game theory. Illusion of choice.

The Black Hats probably have as many psychologists and psychiatrists on the payroll as they do bioweapons designers and manufacturers.

To herd people into a 'safer, conventional option' which carries the same degree of risk is particularly evil.

Perhaps we can offer them different exit methods after sentencing? As if it will change the outcome.


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Apparently, Biden is offering $20 off your next grocery shop, if you take their vaccines, or get your booster shot, so you get more for your buck, this time around and a freebie too

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How about the inactivated whole virus vaccines like Sinovac Coronavac?

In many countries where the IWV were offered alongside the mRNA and VV vaccines, the "word on the street" has been that the IWV option was the safest "because it is like other previous vaccines".

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I spent time at both cites (FDA first & CDC) I'll go there again, but it is difficult to find specific information to my question: What are all the Covid-19 vaccines that have been approved by the FDA, names of products & companies, dates approved, dates approved for release in the US? One item came up -Comirinaty (something like that) but, no confirmation that it was authorized or released in the US. Both cites are ambiguous & difficult to find information. We should know their modus operandi (M.O.) thank you, appreciate your response. Will continue my search. I am helping a friend with a hospital mandating Covid-19 vaccines to be allowed into hospital to be with her son.

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The problem, as I see it, is that we few who read these pages, do not represent even a small part of those who do not read them. The are billions of now vaccinated people, who have never read these pages and they never will, no matter the outcome of those vaccines to them and their families.

Biden has control of the press, by paying the press millions to do so and when he speaks, whatever he says is flashed around the world in seconds, by the press and other services which he also controls - so while we can jump up and down on this substack, unfortunately that is all we can do and those of us who post, are probably posting to we few who have not been vaccinated and who read these pages - under 400 at a guess. With world populations now recorded at 8 billion, with possibly 80% vaccinated, what difference do you think we 400 are going to make about anything?

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The Novavax H1N1 formula, was used by Bill Gates Dad, after World War One, 1918, to treat Spanish Flu and everyone who had that "Spanish Flu Vaccine" later died. Those who chose not to have it, did not. It obviously worked so well then, that it is being used again now, to treat potential Covid, as the Novavax formula, so win/win, by Bill Gates, this time around. Like father, like son.

There is only one way to stop Covid and that is to kill it while it is an infection, like the Flu, with my free salt water cure, which you can find on my substack - Richard, who is the originator of his free salt water cure, which I post (me too) has been Flu and Covid free for over 29 years and he says - vaccines - you have got to be kidding.

The other problem with vaccines is once in they can't be taken out and they do whatever they do, unseen in your body, until you die - or become something else, but not "human" in the accepted sense of the word, because they change your DNA after 6 hours from injection and apparently sterilize you after 8 hours.

Mass depopulation - well, wars don't cut it anymore, because of technology, so what better way to depopulate the world, than this - by the Globalists.

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I have a question hope Dr. Alexander or whoever else if possible to answer: I am researching all the C-19 vaccines that were approved by the FDA in the US, what dates of approval, names of companies/C-19 vaccines that have been in use in the US. If there is a link or website that would work or any reference. Thank you from Hawaii.

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Google would be my suggestion - question Covid vaccines there. You could also go to the FDA website and see if they have a list of vaccines they have approved, there is bound to be one there and possibly try the CDC too?

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Got your book yesterday.

I think what they (Klaus, et al) may have inadvertantly done is extinct the entire species.

If spike proteins can be transmitted in sweat...

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Previously, wars were fought, which helped depopulate. Then after World War One, there was the Spanish Flu, which did not kill enough, so Bill Gates Father produced his H1N1 vaccine to stop the Spanish Flu from killing everyone and his H1N1 vaccine killed everyone who had it - what Novavax are using now - which suggests what to you? Wars depopulated, but with science and technology, the smart weapons don't kill those who use them fast enough, so what better way than the Moderna patented Covid virus in 2013 and their Covid patented vaccines in 2016 with just this in mind - released after Bill Gates Event 201, where he had a computer model of how Covid would decimate populations and the virus was released from Fort Dettrick a few weeks after Event 201 - then the bio-lab at Fort Dettrick went quiet, while the blame for the virus was put on the Chinese, because that is what the American's are particularly clever at doing and started up again some time afterwards, when the Chinese got to carry the can in the world's press, bought by Biden to stage manage getting you all vaccinated with nudges, like masks and herd immunity (an impossibility because we are all animals on this planet, but of the species Human - the other species on this planet got Covid too, but not Human, so you can't isolate one species, without isolating the rest too, hence herd immunity is impossible) to get the overall job done - the job being the massive depopulation of our planet by the Globalists and those born into wealth beyond our understanding, who have been behind this extermination policy for generations - even more so now with technology stealing jobs and making most of us humans redundant - then you have to also factor in that these vaccines were created by a computer in an afternoon and the computer designed the synthetic mRNA which contain nanotechnology and parasites, to get the nanotechnology to work - try putting an iPhone looking for Bluetooth phones around it, on your arm, if it comes up with a 10 digit number, the same number on both of your arms, then that is the number specific to your body, no other body has it and it is transmitting on 5G I am here, I am here, I am here - Orders? Orders? Orders? - I have not personally had any success doing it, so don't be surprised if nothing comes up with you either - we just don't have the correct way to get that number. Which suggest exactly what to you? There is a lot more to these vaccines than we know about, think computers and did you read the story I posted, about when scientists connected 2 super computers together to see what they would do - they created an uncrackable language of their own and communicated with each other and the scientists did not know what they were talking about and eventually shut them down and separated them- but obviously, those scientists had never heard of electronic modems - need I say more..........and these mRNA vaccines were created on a computer, without a virus or covid being present and that is what is being injected now?

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